IBA ibaInCycle Owner's manual

  • Hello! I've reviewed the user manual for ibaInCycle and am ready to assist you with any questions you might have. This manual covers the monitoring and analysis of cyclical processes, including rotating components, using ibaInCycle's expert and auto-adapting modules. These modules provide visualization through cycle and circle views and secure know-how protection for your calculations. I can help you understand specific features, configurations, or anything else related to ibaInCycle.
  • What is ibaInCycle?
    What modules are included in ibaInCycle?
    What are InCycle profiles?
Monitoring and analyzing cyclical
or rotating processes
Issue 1.1
Measurement Systems for Industry and Energy
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The current version is available for download on our web site www.iba-ag.com.
Version Date Revision - Chapter / Page Author Version SW
1.1 01-2022 ibaAnalyzer-InCycle CR-st 7.3.4
Windows® is a brand and registered trademark of Microso Corporaon. Other product and
company names menoned in this manual can be labels or registered trademarks of the corre-
sponding owners.
1.1 3
ibaInCycle Content
1 About this manual .............................................................................................................6
1.1 Target group and previous knowledge ..................................................................... 6
1.2 Notaons .................................................................................................................. 6
1.3 Used symbols ............................................................................................. ...............7
2 Introducon ...................................................................................................................... 8
2.1 ibaInCycle (ibaPDA)................................................................................................... 8
2.2 ibaAnalyzer-InCycle ........................ ........................................................................... 8
2.3 ibaInCycle proles..................................................................................................... 9
3 System requirements ......................................................................................................10
3.1 Hardware ................................................................................................................ 10
3.2 Soware ................................................................................................................. 10
4 The ibaInCycle interface in ibaPDA .................................................................................. 11
4.1 Arranging and structuring ibaInCycle modules ....................................................... 11
4.2 Know-how protecon ............................................................................................. 13
4.2.1 Introducon ............................................................................................................ 13
4.2.2 Creang a protecon scheme ................................................................................. 14
4.2.3 Applicaon of a protecon scheme ....................................................................... 15
4.2.4 Removing the protecon ........................................................................................ 15
4.2.5 Imporng and exporng protected elements ........................................................ 16
4.2.6 Unlocking protected items ..................................................................................... 16
5 ibaInCycle in ibaAnalyzer ................................................................................................. 17
5.1 The InCycle view in ibaAnalyzer .............................................................................. 17
5.1.1 Conguraon area .................................................................................................. 18
5.1.2 Visualizaon area .................................................................................................... 18
5.1.3 Results area ............................................................................................................ 18
5.1.4 Playback area ............................................................................................ ..............19
6 The cycle view .................................................................................................................21
6.1 Open a cycle view in ibaPDA ....................... ............................................................ 21
6.2 Opening a cycle view in ibaAnalyzer ....................................................................... 22
6.3 Overview of the cycle view ..................................................................................... 23
4 1.1
Content ibaInCycle
6.4 Main window .......................................................................................................... 25
6.4.1 Waterfall ................................................................................................................. 25
6.4.2 Contour view .......................................................................................................... 27
6.4.3 Zoom ............................................................................................. .......................... 27
6.4.4 Legend .................................................................................................................... 28
6.5 Cycle slave graph and cycle slave table ....................... ............................................ 29
6.5.1 Cycle slave graph ....................................................................................................31
6.5.2 Cycle slave table .....................................................................................................34
6.6 Markers ............................................................................................. ...................... 36
6.6.1 Interacve marker .................................................................................................. 37
6.6.2 Congured marker ..................................................................................................40
6.7 Sengs of the cycle view ....................................................................................... 42
6.7.1 Visuals ............................................................................................. ........................ 46
6.7.2 Bands ...................................................................................................................... 47 Band curve ........................................................................................................... 49
6.7.3 Markers ............................................................................................. ...................... 50
6.7.4 Base axes ................................................................................................................ 50
6.7.5 Value axes ...............................................................................................................51
6.7.6 Time axis ................................................................................................................. 52
7 The circle view ................................................................................................................53
7.1 Open a circle view in ibaPDA .................................................................................. 53
7.2 Opening a circle view in ibaAnalyzer ...................................................................... 53
7.3 Overview of the circle view .................................................................................... 53
7.4 Markers ............................................................................................. ...................... 55
7.5 Conguraon .......................................................................................................... 56
7.6 Sengs of the circle view ....................................................................................... 57
8 The InCycle Expert module .............................................................................................. 60
8.1 The InCycle Expert prole ....................................................................................... 60
8.1.1 Create and manage proles in ibaPDA ................................................................... 60
8.1.2 Create and manage proles in ibaAnalyzer ............................................................ 62
8.2 Seng calculaon parameters ............................................................................... 66
8.2.1 Samples .................................................................................................................. 66
1.1 5
ibaInCycle Content
8.2.2 Sensor Units ............................................................................................................ 66
8.2.3 Averaging ................................................................................................................ 66
8.2.4 Trigger ..................................................................................................................... 67
8.2.5 Band ........................................................................................................................ 67
8.3 Conguring bands ............................................................................................. ...... 68
8.4 Results of the calculaons of the Expert module ...................................................68
8.4.1 Results in ibaPDA .................................................................................................... 68
8.4.2 Results in ibaAnalyzer ............................................................................................. 68
8.5 Creang an InCycle Expert module in ibaPDA ........................................................ 71
8.5.1 “General” tab ..........................................................................................................71
8.5.2 "Analog" tab ...........................................................................................................73
8.6 Conguraon of a calculaon prole in ibaAnalyzer .............................................. 75
9 TheInCycleAuto-Adapngmodule ................................................................................. 78
9.1 The Auto-Adapng prole ...................................................................................... 78
9.2 Create and manage proles in ibaPDA ................................................................... 78
9.3 Seng the teach-in phase ...................................................................................... 81
9.3.1 Limits ...................................................................................................................... 81
9.3.2 Averaging ................................................................................................................ 82
9.3.3 Events ..................................................................................................................... 82
9.4 Bands ...................................................................................................................... 83
9.5 Seng calculaon parameters ............................................................................... 83
9.6 Visualizaon and results of the Auto-Adapng module ......................................... 84
9.6.1 Characterisc values ............................................................................................... 84
9.6.2 Band results ............................................................................................................ 85
9.6.3 Visualizaon ............................................................................................................ 85
9.7 Creang an auto-adapng module in ibaPDA ........................................................ 86
9.7.1 “General” tab ..........................................................................................................86
9.7.2 "Analog" tab ...........................................................................................................90
9.7.3 “Digital" tab ............................................................................................................ 91
10 Support and contact ........................................................................................................92
6 1.1
About this manual ibaInCycle
1 About this manual
This documentaon describes the funcon and applicaon of the soware
1.1 Targetgroupandpreviousknowledge
This documentaon addresses qualied professionals, who are familiar with handling electrical
and electronic modules as well as communicaon and measurement technology. A person is
regarded as a professional if he/she is capable of assessing the work assigned to him/her and
recognizing possible risks on the basis of his/her specialist training, knowledge and experience
and knowledge of the standard regulaons.
In parcular, this documentaon is aimed at people who deal with the acquision and analysis
of vibraon measurement data. Since ibaInCycle is an integral part of ibaPDA, the following pre-
vious knowledge is required to congure ibaInCycle:
■ Windows operang system
■ Basic knowledge of ibaPDA
1.2 Notaons
In this manual, the following notaons are used:
Acon Notaon
Menu command Menu Logic diagram
Calling the menu command Step 1 – Step 2 – Step 3 – Step x
Select the menu Logic diagram - Add - New funcon
Keys <Key name>
Example: <Alt>; <F1>
Press the keys simultaneously <Key name> + <Key name>
Example: <Alt> + <Ctrl>
Buons <Key name>
Example: <OK>; <Cancel>
File names, paths "Filename", "Path"
Example: "Test.doc"
1.1 7
ibaInCycle About this manual
1.3 Used symbols
If safety instrucons or other notes are used in this manual, they mean:
of death or severe injury:
■ Observe the specied measures.
■ Observe the specied measures.
■ Observe the specied measures
A note species special requirements or acons to be observed.
Tip or example as a helpful note or insider p to make the work a lile bit easier.
Reference to addional documentaon or further reading.
8 1.1
Introducon ibaInCycle
2 Introducon
ibaInCycle monitors all types of cyclically repeang processes, including recurring sequences
and rotang components, such as rollers and gears.
Process signals from cyclical processes ideally exhibit similar behavior within a cycle. ibaInCycle
compares the “learned” or dened good process with the actual process signal and signals de-
viaons immediately, for example via alarm message or e-mail. In addion, a feedback in the
plant control can be implemented to automacally adjust the corresponding parameters.
Since ibaInCycle is seamlessly integrated in ibaPDA, the full ibaPDA connecvity is available to
acquire all possible process signals in a system and to use them to dene the states. ibaInCycle
provides dierent modules, which are congured in the I/O manager of ibaPDA:
■ The InCycle expert module oers a variety of individual conguraon opons for analyzing
the cycles.
■ The InCycle auto-adapng module automacally learns the behavior of the cycles in dierent
process condions and uses this as a reference to automacally idenfy deviaons.
2.1 ibaInCycle (ibaPDA)
ibaInCycle is an integrated technology module of the process data recording system ibaPDA.
ibaInCycle oers features to analyze and display cyclical processes, both for recurring process
steps as well as for rotang mechanics.
An ibaInCycle license makes it possible to use 4 InCycle modules. If more modules are needed,
an addional ibaInCycle license must be purchased for each 4 addional modules.
Order no. Product name Descripon
30.681215 ibaInCycle Analysis of cyclical processes, 4 modules
2.2 ibaAnalyzer-InCycle
The InCycle Expert view is available in ibaAnalyzer without addional license. With the
ibaAnalyzer-InCycle+ license, the results of the InCycle calculaons become available in
ibaAnalyzer as signals, can be exported to databases and used for further processing in reports
or with ibaDatCoordinator.
Order no. Product name Descripon
33.010411 ibaAnalyzer-InCycle+ Oine analysis of cyclic processes: Trending
and output of InCycle results in ibaAnalyzer
1.1 9
ibaInCycle Introducon
2.3 ibaInCycleproles
All InCycle proles with congurable calculaon rules use proles for the conguraon. These
proles can be used to reuse calculaon rules and exchanged between dierent systems or
ibaPDA and ibaAnalyzer. Proles without know-how protecon can be exported and imported
as a le in xml format.
The exported proles of the individual modules have the following le extensions:
■ InCycle-Expert: .inCycleProle
■ InCycle-Auto-Adapng: .inCycleTeachProle
10 1.1
System requirements ibaInCycle
3 System requirements
3.1 Hardware
■ PC, Mulcore CPU 2 GHz, 4 GB RAM, 100 GB HDD
3.2 Soware
■ ibaPDA, version 7.3.4 or higher
■ ibaAnalyzer, version 7.3.0 or higher
1.1 11
ibaInCycle The ibaInCycle interface in ibaPDA
4 The ibaInCycle interface in ibaPDA
4.1 ArrangingandstructuringibaInCyclemodules
Below the ibaInCycle interface in the I/O manager in ibaPDA, the user can establish a hierarchic
structure, e.g. in accordance with the plant structure, by means of directories. Such folders can
be created by right-clicking on the ibaInCycle interface or an exisng folder.
Fig. 1: Context menu of the ibaInCycle interface
If several folders were created on the same hierarchical level, they can be marked by mouse-
click and moved within the level by using the key combinaon <Ctrl>+<cursor up> or <cursor
down> or by drag & drop.
Fig. 2: Context menu of the ibaInCycle subdirectory
InCycle modules can be moved to directories by drag & drop. New modules can be directly add-
ed to a folder via the context menu, too. The folders can be renamed just as you like.
Fig. 3: Context menu of ibaInCycle subfolder, several subdirectories
Based on this hierarchic structure, ibaInCycle groups are automacally created in the "Groups"
secon in the I/O manager. These groups are locked and cannot be modied. You cannot add
signals to a locked group or its sub-group(s).
12 1.1
The ibaInCycle interface in ibaPDA ibaInCycle
Fig. 4: ibaInCycle interface structure and resulng group structure
1.1 13
ibaInCycle The ibaInCycle interface in ibaPDA
4.2 Know-howprotecon
4.2.1 Introducon
The know-how protecon area oers mechanisms for protecng intellectual property associat-
ed with certain calculaons and/or sengs in ibaPDA, which are considered as user know-how
worth protecng.
In principle, the know-how protecon can be applied to all module types which use proles,
such as
■ InSpectra and InCycle modules
■ Computaon module
■ Lookup table
■ Parameter set
■ Process condion
The following protecve funcons are realized:
■ Protecon against change
The protected elements cannot be changed without entering a password.
■ Read protecon
The conguraon of the protected elements is not displayed without entering a password.
■ Dongle protecon
The protected elements are only executed on systems that run with a previously registered
dongle. Several dongle numbers can be registered.
The protecon is realized via so-called protecon schemes that, once dened, can always be
applied again.
Fig. 5: Conguraon of the know-how protecon
14 1.1
The ibaInCycle interface in ibaPDA ibaInCycle
The basic procedure is as follows:
1. Generang a protecon scheme
2. Applying a protecon scheme to an element
4.2.2 Creangaproteconscheme
1. Open the I/O manager and highlight the branch Knowhow protecon in the interface tree
under the node General.
2. Click on the buon with the green plus symbol to add a new rule.
The "New scheme" dialog opens.
The parameters ID and version are automacally generated.
3. Now enter the other parameters and then click on <OK>.
The sengs and entries to be made for a protecon scheme are specically as follows:
Enter the name of the author here.
You can enter a note text here about the copyright of the elements protected by this scheme.
Enable this opon if the elements protected by this scheme are only to be executed on systems
with certain license numbers (dongle protecon). Then enter all respecve dongle or license
numbers in the eld below. You can easily enter the number of the respecve connected dongle
using the <Add connected dongle> buon. If you do not enable this opon, there is no execu-
on restricon of the protected elements with respect to the license number.
Enter a password that consists of at least 8 characters. Spaces are not permied. You will need
the password for the following acons:
1.1 15
ibaInCycle The ibaInCycle interface in ibaPDA
■ Viewing the conguraon of a protected element
■ Changing the conguraon of a protected element
■ Changing or removing the protecon scheme
What to do, if you don't know the password anymore?
The password of a protecon scheme is encrypted and saved in the I/O congu-
raon. Note the password and store it in a save place where you can nd it.
If you forgot the password you won't be able to open or edit protected proles
for ibaInSpectra or ibaInCycle, for instance. Because you cannot reset the pass-
word by yourself, the only way to x it is to save the I/O conguraon of your
system and send the conguraon to the iba support desk. You may as well take
the project le or simply generate a support le over the Help menu and send it
to the iba support desk, conjoined with the request for reseng the protecon
scheme passwords.
iba can only remove the passwords but is not able to retrieve them. iba erases
the passwords from the conguraon and send it back to you. Then you can load
this conguraon into your system. Finally, you can dene a new password.
4.2.3 Applicaonofaproteconscheme
An element can always only be protected by one protecon scheme, but a protecon scheme
can be applied to several elements.
If you have elements in your ibaPDA conguraon worth protecng, such as InSpectra proles,
then these elements are shown in the table below in the dialog.
In order to protect one or more elements, rst highlight the desired scheme in the list of the
protecon schemes (top le).
Then highlight the relevant lines at the boom by seng a check mark in the selecon box and
click on the buon <Protect>.
Then enter the password for the respecve protecon scheme and click <OK>.
4.2.4 Removingtheprotecon
In order to remove the protecon for one or more elements, highlight the corresponding lines
in the table below in the dialog by seng a check mark in the selecon box. Then click on the
buon <Unprotect>.
Then enter the password for the respecve protecon scheme and click <OK>.
If you want to remove the protecon for several elements at the same me that are protected
with dierent schemes, then you have to enter the passwords for all respecve schemes in the
password dialog.
16 1.1
The ibaInCycle interface in ibaPDA ibaInCycle
4.2.5 Imporngandexporngprotectedelements
When elements are protected, they can be exported and imported. The conguraon of the
elements is encrypted in the export les (*.proteconScheme). You therefore have an easy way
of spreading protected know-how to dierent ibaPDA systems.
For an export, highlight the desired element and click <Export scheme>. Then select the desired
storage path, enter a le name and close the dialog by pressing <Save>.
If you have highlighted several elements for export, then a prompt dialog appears asking wheth-
er all highlighted elements should be saved in the export le or whether you want to select
more rst.
If you want to import a protected element le, click on <Import scheme>, select the desired le
(*.proteconScheme) and close the dialog by pressing <Open>.
4.2.6 Unlockingprotecteditems
If you want to access protected items in the applicaon, then you must rst unlock the respec-
ve item by entering the password for the protecve rule.
If, for example, you want to view the conguraon of the protected InSpectra proles, then you
must rst enter the password in the “Congure proles” dialog and click on <Unlock>.
The access remains protected unl the I/O manager is closed again.
Fig. 6: ibaInSpectra example: The password must be entered in order to view protected proles.
1.1 17
ibaInCycle ibaInCycle in ibaAnalyzer
5 ibaInCycle in ibaAnalyzer
ibaInCycle is integrated in ibaAnalyzer with the InCycle Expert view. Here you can create proles
and test calculaons oine.
With the ibaAnalyzer-InCycle+ license, the results of the InCycle calculaons become available in
ibaAnalyzer as signals, can be exported to databases and used for further processing in reports
or with ibaDatCoordinator.
5.1 The InCycle view in ibaAnalyzer
ibaAnalyzer-InCycle oers the InCycle Expert view for visualizaon and analysis of InCycle Expert
modules. It is possible to switch between cycle view and circle view in the InCycle Expert view.
The InCycle Expert view consists of 4 areas, which are explained in the following secons.
1Conguraon area
2Visualizaon area
3 Results area
4Playback area
18 1.1
ibaInCycle in ibaAnalyzer ibaInCycle
There are addional buons in the top right area of the view for the view sengs.
Toggling between cycle and circle view
Show/hide the conguraon area
Show/hide the results area
Show/hide the playback area
Sengs for the current view
Preferences for global sengs for all InCycle Expert views
Changes to the preferences are not applied to exisng views.
5.1.1 Conguraonarea
The input signals, triggers and proles of the respecve InCycle module are dened in the con-
guraon area. A detailed descripon can be found at the InCycle Expert module.
See chapter ì The InCycle Expert module, page 60
5.1.2 Visualizaonarea
The visualizaon area of the ibaAnalyzer-InCycle view shows the same view that is used in
ibaPDA for the InCycle module.
A detailed descripon of the cycle view can be found in chapter ì The cycle view, page 21
A detailed descripon of the circle view can be found in chapter ì The circle view, page 53
5.1.3 Results area
The results of the respecve module are shown in ibaAnalyzer-InCycle in the results area at the
boom le.
All characterisc values and output signals of the respecve modules are available as results.
The results always relate to the current cursor posion of the playback area. The calculaon
that was calculated last before this me is displayed.
You can nd the descripon of the results of the InCycle Expert module in chapter ì Results of
the calculaons of the Expert module, page 68
1.1 19
ibaInCycle ibaInCycle in ibaAnalyzer
5.1.4 Playbackarea
In the playback area, you can control the playback of the measurement le (dat format) using
the buons and the slider.
Fig. 7: Playback area
Meaning of buons:
Start / stop playback
Jump to start / end
Reduce/increase replay speed
(The set replay speed is shown on the le (1))
Jump to the next result in the respecve direcon
Display the total me period
Remove one/all zoom level(s)
More features:
1Input of the replay speed
You can enter the factor of the replay speed here. The new speed is adopted by pressing
The replay speed is relave to the normal speed. For example, 2.00x means that the cur-
rent replay speed is twice the normal speed.
2Display of the replay speed
3 Time marker
On the meline, a black triangle represents the current me stamp. If the me marker is
moved, the InCycle view jumps to the me stamp of the marker. The me marker can be
moved by clicking and dragging it with the mouse. If you click anywhere on the meline,
the marker will jump to this posion.
If you move the mouse over the meline, the me stamp of the mouse posion will be
shown in the toolp.
20 1.1
ibaInCycle in ibaAnalyzer ibaInCycle
The playback area can also be controlled using the keyboard.
Key Funcon
<← > One result backward
< → > One result forward
< ↑ > Increase playback speed
< ↓ > Decrease playback speed
< Space bar > Play / Pause
You can zoom in the me scale by drawing a rectangle with the mouse buon pressed down on
the meline.
You can shi the me range by clicking the me axis and then dragging the mouse horizontally.
The cursor then appears as a double arrow.