Using Detergent and Rinse Adding Detergent
Aid Add Detergent to Dispenser Cup Just Before
You Select the Cycle and Options.
Detergent Normal Cycle or Power Scrub
Use only apowder or liquid detergent designed Place proper amount of detergent in both the
for an automatic dishwashe1:Use fresh detergent Prewash and Main Wash cups. Close the lid.
g Y
and store it in a cool, dry place (not under Deter ent will be released automatieall into the
kitchen sink). Never use laundry detergent prewash and main wash.
or hand dishwashlng detergent in your Light/China
dishwasher as it will eause severe Place the roper amount of deter ent in the
oversudsing. Main _e_ CUDonly.Close the li_ The detergent
will be release_ automatically into the main wash.
Recommended Amount to Use Quick Wash/Rinse
The amount of detergent to use depends on the Place the proper amount of detergent in the
water hardness (measured in grains per gallon-- Prewash e-uponly. Close the lid. Tqaedetergent
g) and the amount of soil on the dishes
gp • will be dispensedimmediately. -
Generally detergent amounts should be Rinse & Hold
increased for harder water and heavier soil.
Do NOT use detergent in this cycle.
Too little detergent can result in poor cleaning,
hard water filming and spotting, andpoor drying. Rinse Aid
Overuse of detergent (especially in chemically
softened water) can cause permanent etching Your Maytag dishwasher features an automatic
(cloudiness) of glassware. For detergents with rinse aid dispenser located near the detergent
low phosphate content (8.7% or less) the usage dispenser on the door interior. Using a rinse aid
levelmay have to be increased. The phosphate improves drying results and reduces spotting and
content is shown on the side of the box. filming.
Abasic guideline is one teaspoon of detergent Tofill, tuna dispenser cap counterclockwise to
for each grain of water hardness (gpg). Use a open. Remove cap and pour liquid rinse additive
minimum of three teaspoons (one tablespoon) in into the opening. Replace cap and
soft water. Refer to the chart below, tuna clockwise to LESS setting.
NOTE: When using an ultra or concentrated If you have hard water or /[,.f_$E ,_._,\
dishwashing detergent follow desire improved drying or
manufacturer s suggested amounts, spotting results, tuna the cap
toward the MORE setting to
WATERHARDNESS* DETERGENT USE dispense more rinse aid.
Soft(0-3 grains) 3 tsp. The clear indicator in the center of
(fillcup to first line) the cap changes from dark to light when the
Medimn (4-9grains) 4-9 tsp. reservoir is nearly empty. This indicates that it is
(fillcup to second line) time to refill the dispenser.
Hard (10-12grains) 10-12tsp.
(fillcup to third line)
•Yourlocalwaterutilitycantellyouthe exactdegreeof
For water hardness over 12 grains, add
additional detergent (1 teaspoon for each grain
over 12) at the beginning of the main wash
portion of the cycle. (Open door, add detergent
to bottom of tub, close door and dishwasher will
continue through cycle.) '_
If water is 15 grains or harder, it will be virtually
impossible to get good results with any
dishwasher. The only solution is a mechanical
water softener to improve water quality.