I _ WARNING" Doubl_ ,n_u., on DOF.._ NOT _.lm th_ pl=co of n_I _;.._t'.tY t
pmcal_or_ when np_r=ttng this tooL,
3. B EFORt_ pl_JgD_n_ tl_th_ _n_, BE SURf thai Iho nu_le! vo_lage =;uppli_d is with In
_o v_a,'je ma_kxd on the teer_ d_t,'z plate. DO _IOT urn._"PC nn_y" r_lcd t_Ls
4,AVOID body contact w_ grounded =urla_, _h _ pIp_r_ _dlaI_z; rangn,,',';
and {_frigerot_+_. Thee is an ir_cr x_._._'d dsk ot eIe_ri¢ r,hc_ If y_r b_y
S. DO NOT expose pow_' t_9_ to r_n or w_t €_n_Ionn or n_ power tools
In w_t or d_mp loc._t_nn:_.Wo.tO_ enl_'i_g a p_Wor toolw_ i_€_'n_se _. Hr_
6. INSP£CT too] €o_'ff._ for d,_m,_ge. Haw d_na_od t_l c_ d._ repaired a_:a _ o._._s
S_m._ Centre. B£ S_RE t_ _L,'_y c_r_y awa_x _ the c_d _oc.._1_'_and _xp
It_._ _way fr_r_ the m_ng b_=de.
7 DO NOT nbu_ t_'_ cord, NEVF-R ur_ the _n_l to carP/the 1ooiby or to pull
the ping from thx _uL_ L !'_ c_d away f_nm haat. o_t, sh_lp edgeS _ m_ng
p_rt_ Ropta¢o d0magod cc_d_ &nm_iate_ Damaged o:_:dsincr_._o the r_k of
UCO a proper oxto_ton ¢o_d. ONLY usn €ords lisled by Und_r_witors
I_b==t_._ {UL), C_te_ e..xlendon c_ds can canso a drop tn line volta gx, _o_ll_g
_ I_._ nl power _md ov_dma_n_ d tooL F_ this _ an AWG lAmoric_n Wire
Gaugo) _ _ at le_t 14.gaugo is _'ec_mmend0d for a=i mind.,1 co_'d ol 25-1L Ot
le_s in !_g_h, U_ 12-g at_ge lu an _n_on c_d _t 50-ft. Extension cord_ 100"R.
or Iongl0r aro not recommended. Remm-_b r._'.a _rn.3ger wiro gauge n_ h_
gr_r ¢opa c|b/U-,_n n I,_n3xr _urnber ('_ *gang_ wi_'xhas m_m capacily than
16-g_Uge wi_e; 1;_-gaugn w_x _ more cap._city than 14-gangn), When IndoI._l
use th_ _matt_r ntm_boi, W)_n opcsa_n($ a pownr toc_ out d_,.% L_O an _Uldoo_
m_ens!c,n c_d n_ked "W-A" _ _ Th_ co_d_ _r_ _alod to,"_Jtd_c_ u_ and
_c-.duco th_ rL_ _ elx=trt_ _
L_ CAUTION: K_mp the _fJ:m_ton _n_ denr of the t_._rking a_,'_. P¢IIt_.
the cord _o that tt v,_Itnut get I_ught on lumber, toot_, or other ob_tructlom:
I wh e you _m woddng with a pm_t tool
I L_ WAR NING: C_ed_ ext_r',_oo cord_ Ix_m earth m.e. If darr=ged mpt_r_