Lantronix Xport Guide IC2001/4001 Controllers
+44 (0) 1273 242 355
The Network Mode drop down needs to be set to Wired
Make sure that the “Use the following IP conguraon” radio buon is selected and the available elds corre-
spond with what you entered earlier when seng up the IP address of the Xport. [Ignoring the DNS server
Ethernet conguraon should be set to “Auto Negoaon”
Speed should be set to the speed of the network
Duplex should be set to full.
If for whatever reason you needed to change any sengs on this page, once done click the OK buon.
2. Server - Click onto the network menu the following page will load
All of these sengs can be le as default.
If you wish a password to be entered when conguring the Xport do so in the Server Conguraon – Telnet/
Web manger password elds [I would advise against this, if the password gets lost or another engineer visits
the site and needs to congure the device, without this password they will be locked out]