PT-212 13 Kit No. 1257
57 Cement the brass Grab Rails to the four holes previously drilled. (See FIG. 33)
58 SHIELD: Cut out the vacuum form plastic Shield from the carrier sheet.
NOTE: If you look inside, you will see a fine embossed line imbedded in the plastic Shield. This is
where you will make your cuts.
59 Cement the Shield to the top of the Cabin. (See FIG. 34)
NOTE: Make sure that the tip of the Shield is 1-1/16” away from the rear edge of the Cabin. If, after
you cement the Shield to the top of the Cabin, you find that it overhangs the rear edge of the
Cabin slightly, then simply sand the rear edge of the Shield until it is even with the rear edge
of the Cabin. IF the opposite happens, for some ungodly reason, where the Shield falls
short, then move the Shield back until it is even with the rear edge of the Cabin. Remember,
it’s just a toy.
60 BRACE: Cut a piece of 1/16” sq. styrene, 1/2" long.
61 Cement the 1/16” sq. styrene strip to the port (left) side of LC31 as seen from the top, 7/16” from
the rear edge. (See FIG. 35)
62 Cement LC30 to LC31 and to the front of the 1/16” sq. styrene strip. (See FIG. 35)
63 Cement the Brace to the top of the Cabin.
NOTE: You may need to sand the front edge of LC31 so that it fits properly inside the Shield.
NOTE: The Shield is flexible enough so that you can squeeze the Brace up and over the Grab Rail
that you think is in the way.
64 Apply the Instrument Panel Decal to LC30.
BUILDING TIP: I would suggest that you leave the decal off until you have painted the area in question. I
know it’s a tight fit, but if you use a pair of tweezers to place the decal where you want it to go, it’s
no big deal.
The two Turrets are made from the short piece of PVC pipe, with a slit down the middle
that is included in the kit.
65 While the two Turrets are still attached to each other, determine the true height, then sand the top
edge nice and flat. (See FIG. 36)
BUILDING TIP: To determine the true height, turn the PVC pipe sideways, notice that the center cut is
slanted. At the lowest point of each, measure up 1-5/8” and place a pencil mark. Do this for both
parts. After you are sure both ends are equal, cut off the excess material with a band saw or sand
it off with 60-grit sandpaper. I used a band saw to take most of the excess off, then switched to my
sanding disk. This made it quick and easy. Just remember that the finished height must be 1-5/8”.
66 After you have done all your cutting or sanding, cut the two Turrets apart.
67 Label each Turret right (Starboard) or left (Port).
68 Drill two 3/64” dia. holes towards the top of each Turret. (See FIG. 37)
NOTE: The left and right Turrets have a mirror image of the hole pattern. So pay attention. That’s
why I drew two different drawings. so that you can tell them apart.