Using the UMC Adapter
NGS PC now has support for Ford UBP modules which requires using the UMC Adapter.
Connecting the UMC Adapter
The UMC adapter replaces the Medium
CAN adapter. Simply attach it to the
end of the NGS PC OBDII cable (Vehicle
Interface Cable). Once the adapter is
connected to the cable, there is no
need to ever remove it. Therefore, you
will no longer need to use the Medium
CAN adapter.
About the UMC Adapter LEDs
When NGS PC starts communicating
with the vehicle, the blue LED
corresponding to the specifi c link will
begin to blink as it sends and receives
data from the vehicle.
The UMC adapter can also be used as a
diagnostic link monitor with or without
NGS PC. When connected to the
vehicle and prior to selecting GO or
GET DATA (if running NGS PC) the blue
LED(s) corresponding to each specifi c
link will blink at varying rates
depending on the speed of the data
communicating between modules.
This will let you know that you have a
good connection and which links are
active on the vehicle. When NGS PC is
running, only one blue LED will show
activity associated with NGS PC and
the selected module communication
link. The other LEDs will not show
©2011 Hickok Inc. All rights reserved.
Contact Information
Customer care & tech support:
(800) 342-5080
Connect this end to the
vehicle’s OBDII connector
Connect this end to the
vehicle Interface Cable
The front panel of the
adapter has 1 red LED and
fi ve blue LEDs.
The blue LEDs identify
active links.
The red LED lights when
it receives power from
the vehicle.
Using the UMC Adapter
NGS PC now has support for Ford UBP modules which requires using the UMC Adapter.
Connecting the UMC Adapter
The UMC adapter replaces the Medium
CAN adapter. Simply attach it to the
end of the NGS PC OBDII cable (Vehicle
Interface Cable). Once the adapter is
connected to the cable, there is no
need to ever remove it. Therefore, you
will no longer need to use the Medium
CAN adapter.
About the UMC Adapter LEDs
When NGS PC starts communicating
with the vehicle, the blue LED
corresponding to the specifi c link will
begin to blink as it sends and receives
data from the vehicle.
The UMC adapter can also be used as a
diagnostic link monitor with or without
NGS PC. When connected to the
vehicle and prior to selecting GO or
GET DATA (if running NGS PC) the blue
LED(s) corresponding to each specifi c
link will blink at varying rates
depending on the speed of the data
communicating between modules.
This will let you know that you have a
good connection and which links are
active on the vehicle. When NGS PC is
running, only one blue LED will show
activity associated with NGS PC and
the selected module communication
link. The other LEDs will not show
©2011 Hickok Inc. All rights reserved.
Contact Information
Customer care & tech support:
(800) 342-5080
Connect this end to the
vehicle’s OBDII connector
Connect this end to the
vehicle Interface Cable
The front panel of the
adapter has 1 red LED and
fi ve blue LEDs.
The blue LEDs identify
active links.
The red LED lights when
it receives power from
the vehicle.