Summary of SPEL+ Commands
4 EPSON RC+ 5.0 (Ver.5.4) SPEL+ Language Reference Rev.5
PTPBoostOK Returns whether or not the PTP (Point to Point) motion
from a current position to a target
position is a small travel distance.
PTPTime Returns the estimated time for a point to point motion
command without executing it.
LJM Function Returns the point data with the orientation flags converted
to enable least joint motion when moving to a specified
point based on the reference point.
AutoLJM Sets the Auto LJM
AutoLJM Function Returns the state of the Auto LJM
AvoidSingularity Sets the Singularity avoiding function
AvoidSingularity Function Returns the state of the Singularity avoiding function
SingularityAngle Sets the singularity neighborhood angle for the singularity
avoiding function
SingularityAngle Function Returns the singularity neighborhood angle for the
singularity avoiding function
SingularitySpeed Sets the singularity neighborhood speed for the singularity
avoiding function
SingularitySpeed Function Returns the singularity neighborhood speed for the
singularity avoiding function
Align Function Returns point data converted to align robot orientation with
the nearest coordinate axis in local coordinate system.
AlignECP Function
Returns point data converted to align robot orientation with
a nearest coordinate axis in ECP coordinate system.
SoftCP Sets / returns SoftCP motion mode.
CX Sets / returns the X axis coordinate of a point.
CY Sets / returns the Y axis coordinate of a point.
CZ Sets / returns the Z axis coordinate of a point.
CU Sets / returns the U axis coordinate of a point.
CV Sets / returns the V axis coordinate of a point.
CW Sets / returns the W axis coordinate of a point.
Pls Returns the pulse value of one joint.
Agl Returns joint angle at current position.
PAgl Return a joint value from a specified point.
JA Returns a robot point specified in joint angles.
AglToPls Converts robot angles to pulses.
DegToRad Converts degrees to radians.
RadToDeg Converts radians to degrees.
Joint Displays the current position for the robot in joint
JTran Perform a relative move of one joint.
PTran Perform a relative move of one joint in pulses.
RealPls Returns the pulse value of the specified joint.
RealPose Returns the current position of the specified robot.
PPls Return the pulse position of a specified joint value from a
specified point.
Here Teach a robot point at the current position.
Where Displays current robot position data.