Defining the System Setup Packet
Use the system setup packet (A) to select the power up mode, display language, print
separators between batches, print a “slashed zero,” and select the symbol set.
Syntax {I,A,powup_mode,lan guage,sep_on,slash_zero,
sym bol_set p}
A1. A System Setup Packet
A2. powup_mode Online Mode. Enter 0.
A3. language Display Language. Options:
0 English (default)
1 French
2 German
3 Spanish (for Spain)
4 Japanese
13 Simplified Chinese
A4. sep_on Batch Separators. Enter 0. The printer does not print batch separators.
A5. slash_zero Slash Zero. Options:
0 Print a standard zero (default)
1 Print a zero with a slash through it
A6. symbol_set Symbol Set. Options:
0 Internal
2 Code Page 437 (Latin U.S.)
3 Code Page 850 (Latin 1)
4 Code Page 1250 (Latin 2)
5 Code Page 1251 (Cy ril lic)
6 Code Page 1252 (Latin 1)
7 Code Page 1253 (Greek)
8 Code Page 1254 (Turk ish)
9 Code Page 1255 (He brew)
10 Code Page 1256 (Arabic)
11 Code Page 1257 (Bal tic)
12 Code Page 1258 (Viet nam ese)
13 DOS Code Page 852 (Latin 2)
14 DOS Code Page 855 (Rus sian)
15 DOS Code Page 857 (IBM Turk ish)
16 DOS Code Page 860 (MS-DOS Por tu guese)
17 Wingdings
18 Macintosh
19 Unicode
20 BIG5
21 GB2312
22 SJIS (Shift JIS) to SJIS (Code Page 932, Jap a nese)
23 GB2312 to GB2312 (Code Page 936, Sim pli fied Chi nese)
24 BIG5 to BIG5 (Code Page 950, Tra di tional Chinese)
Note: The Standard, Reduced, Bold, OCRA and HR fonts only support the Internal Symbol Set
(0). The CG Triumvirate™ typefaces only support the ANSI and DOS Code Page 437 and
850 Symbol Sets. The scalable font (font 50) does not support Code Page 1256 (Arabic).
Code pages 852-860 and 1250-1258 are for downloaded TrueTypeâ fonts or the scalable
font. Symbol sets 19-24 require a downloaded International TrueType font. TrueType fonts
are designed to be regionally specific; therefore, all code pages may not be supported in a
given font. See Appendix C, "Symbol Sets/Code Pages" for more information.
Example {I,A,0,0,0,1,0 p }
Powers up the printer in the online mode, displays prompts in English, does not print a
separator after each batch, prints zeros with slashes through them, and uses the internal symbol
2-6 Configuring the Printer