The My DiSa USB data safe helps to secure your
data. It consists of 2 partitions. Partition 1, the system
partition (do not delete) and partition 2, the user
partition. With the help of this software, you can unlock
your USB stick and lock it again using your personal
password. The device locks itself automatically every
time the stick is removed from the USB port.
The device does not automatically lock if you have
permanently unlocked it.
• Insert the My DiSa USB stick into a free USB port.
• Please note that when you insert the device for the
fi rst time it can take a short while before the software
is installed onto your PC.
• The My DiSa software will start automatically.
• The software automatically recognizes the set
language on your PC or notebook
and appears in this language.
• Select “Set New Password”
• Then choose a password of your choice – you will
be asked to enter the password twice.
The background colour of the password fi eld
changes according to the security of the password
you have chosen.
1-3 characters – red = low security
4-7 characters – yellow = higher security
Above 8 characters – green = max. security
g Operating Instruction