The Android Advantage
Micromax A106 comes wit h Kit Kat 4.4.2 that is capabl e of performing
various funct ions just l ike your personal computer and can be
personalized according t o your own needs. For exampl e, you can add and
remove applications or upgrade existing applications to improve the
functions. At the Android market, an ever growing range of applications,
games, movies, and books are avail able for you to download.
Re a d M e Fi r st
Pl e as e r e ad al l sa f e t y p r e cau t i o n s an d t h is m an ua l c ar e f u l l y
before using your device to ensure safe and proper use.
The descript ions in t his manual ar e based on t he defaul t set tings
of your device.
Avail abl e feat ur es and addit ional ser vices may vary by device,
soft ware, or service provider.
Appl icat ions and t heir funct ions may var y based on the countr y,
region, software or hardware specifications. Micromax is not
liable for performance issues caused by third-party applications.
The col ors, specificat ions, funct ions and gr aphics
shown/ mentioned in the user manual may differ from t he actual
product. In such a case, the latter shall govern. Images shown are
for representation purpose only. Specifications are subject t o
change wit hout prior not ice. Micr omax keeps the right to modify
the content in this user guide without prior notice.
Upon first use of your device, your device wil l send infor mation
related to your mobile, IMEI numbers, location details and other
software details through SMS* automatically. This information
may be used as further specified in Micromax privacy policy* * .
Tal k and st andby t imes are affect ed by net wor k pref erences, t ype