the drawerout.
Lift the trash dcawer handle or press the
touch-toe hal and pull the drawer out.
• l_)ltles and large cans compact best when
laid flat near the center of the drawer.
• To help keep the ram clean when
conlpacling messy Ibod waste, place a
c_mple _t fi tided sheets of newspaper or a
[m'ge grocely bag (m top of the load to be
• Items U)o bulky to go into the drawer
can he ridded to fit. lfil cannot be fblded
to fil into the drawer, do not attempl to
lorce it in.
• Folded newspaper will also help prevent
glass fi-agments ti'om flying oul of the
drawer when compaclillg a large glass
hattie, or several boules orjars, or any
olher items that mighl shauer.
• Ahhough it is not neccssm)' to compact
until llle drawei is lilll or nearly lull, we
suggest thai, fin nlaxilnlll/l colnpaclion,
you starl the cOlllpa(:lof ea(h time a
significanl amount at trash is added.
Tostart the compactor:
[_] Make sure the <lrawer is fully closed.
[_'] Turn the key-knob to START Let go of
the key-knob. The motor will start and
compacting will proceed.
The ram travels downward into the drawer,
compacting the trash. At the bottom of the
stroke, the ram automatically reverses
direction, retracts out of the drawer, returns
to its starting position, and the compactor
shuus offautomafically.
The cycle takes about one minute. As the
trash drawer fills, cycle time gets
progressively shorter.
• Glass bottles can make a loud noise when
they break during compaction. Tiffs is
normal. Also, boltles in the trash drawer
will not always hreak during tile lirsl cycle.
lh caking glass and assl wialed noise may
o( (iii s(wcral cycles lal¢,i, depending on
lhe l}pc and v<ihlllle <>fthc tiash.
• When bottles and carts are compacted,
small leafs in the bag may occur. 'l'his
is lu nmal and ill no way atlec ts dw
[)(?l'l()l'llll[I 1('1! ()l the ( (lllll)a(lor. Keep
lilt' hag away tloln youl hody to prevent
it!jmy li_)m sharp able( ts that nlay have
pier{ ed the bag.
• Do not force the key-knob when turning.
The key-knob should always rotate easily.
Forcing may break the key-knob and
damage the swilch.
• When emptying waste baskets into the
trash drawer, some items may spill into
the compactor behind the drawer. Items
behind the th'awer could prevent it from
closing completely and prevent the
compactor from operating. To remove
such items from behind the drawer, open
the drawer and, if necessao,, remove it m
clean them out. See Ihe Care and Cleaning
Tostop the compactor.
Tim compach)r may bc stopped at any time.
[_Tum the kcy-ktmb to LOCK/OFE
[_-l'm n the key-knob to ONand the
(olnpa('lillg'l illll [llO\es hack lip I0
its starting posilion.
[_ VoII 1"_111 Ihell opCll the dlWWCl, l'o
IcslaFI Ih+. +(IHIlp_l(tOI [llrll Ihckc}-
knob to START