Installation Instructions
[] Take the remaining section of tubing, slide the
compression hex nut and 3/8" ferrule (tapered
end awag from the compression nut) onto the
tubing, and put in the tube insert.
Shut-Off Valve Tubing Insert Ferrule Hex Nut Tubing
[] Fasten the assemblg onto the cold water supplg
valve. Do not overtighten.
Shut-Off Valve Tubing Insert Ferrule Hex Nut Tubing
NOTE: Overtightening will cause the tubing to
separate from the fitting.
NOTE: For shut-off valves with 1/2" or 7/16"
compression fittings, please use appropriate
adapters provided in the kit.
[] Connect the other end to the inlet side as
indicated bg the arrow on the filter head/bracket.
] Insert coin or screwdriver in Blue Reset Button
the slot between the timer _,_ /Timer
cap and base.
[] Gentlypry openandseparatethe _" CP2aAA
timer bosefrom the cap. Installor _ Batteries
change2 new AAAbatteries.After _.._.----Timer
havingthe batteriesin place,line _ Base
up the baseand cap and snap NOTE:Timer
them backtogether, appearance man vary.
[] Afternewbatteriesareinstalledorfilterischanged,
pushand holdthetimer blue resetbutton for
the lightflashes5times,Thelightwillflash againin 180
days to remind youthat it istime to changethefilter.
[] Attachtimer to remotelocationfor easyviewing.
[] Insert the filter into the filter head/bracket, Turn
the filter 1/4 turn to the right until it stops. The
top surface of the filter will become flush with
the bottom of the filter head/bracket when it is
fullg installed.
[] Slowly turn on the water supplg.
[] Check the entire sgstem for leaks. If there are
leaks, refer back to the Cut the Tubing section
to reinsert the tubing.
[] If leaking from fittings, shut off water pressure
and tighten or reseal fittings. If leaking from the
filter, tighten the filter.
[] After installation, let water run for approximatelg
5 minutes to flush the filter and to remove air.
NOTE: It is normal for there to be air in the
sgstem causing bubbles in the wate[
_-- -__ 003
_ 004
Ref.No. Part No. Part Description
001 GXULQR Replacement Filter Cartridge
002 WS19X10028 Filter Head/Bracket
00/4 GXULQ-TIIVlER Timer and Batteries
To obtain replacement parts, call toll-free 800.626.2002 (U.S.),
800.663.6060 (Canada-English), 800.361.3869 (Canada-French).
GE Consumer & Industrial
General Electric Compang
Louisville, KY /40225
• Whatdoesthiswarrantycover?
- Angdefectinmaterialsor workmanshipinthe manufacturedproduct.
• Whatdoesthiswarrantynot cover?
- Filtercartridgeandbatteriesafter 30dagsfromdateof purchase.
- Servicetripsto gourhometoteach gouhowto usethe product.
- Improperinstallation,delivergor maintenance.
- Failureof theproductifitisabused,misused,altered,usedcommerciallgor used
forotherthan theintendedpurpose.
- Useofthis productwherewaterismicrobiologicallgunsafeor ofunknownqualitg,
withoutadequatedisinfectionbeforeorafterthesgstem.Sgstemscertifiedfor cgst
reductionmag beusedondisinfectedwater thatmag containfilterablecgsts.
- Damageto theproductcausedbgaccident,fire,floodsoractsofGod.
- Incidentalor consequentialdamaqecausedbtl possibledefects with this
appliance,its installation or repair.
• Forhowlongaftertheoriginalpurchase?
- One(1)geac
• HowdoImakea warrantyclaim?
- Retumtothe retailerfromwhich itwas purchased,alongwith acopgof the"Proof
of Purchase/'Anewor reconditionedunitwillbeprovided.Thiswarrantg excludes
thecostofshippingthe producttogourhome.
EXCLUSIONOFIMPLIEDWARRANTIES-Yoursoleend exclusiveremedy is
productexchangeasprovidedin thisLimitedWarronty.Any impli_=dworranties,
includingtheimplied worrantiesof merchantability or fitnessfor o porticular
purpose,ore limited to oneyeor or the shortest period ollowed by low,
Thiswarrantg isextendedto theoriginal purchaserandang succeedingowner for
productspurchasedfor homeor officeusewithin the USA.InAlaska,the warrantg
excludesthecost ofshippingor serviceto gour homeor office.
Somestates do notallowthe exclusionor limitation of incidentalorconsequential
damages.Thiswerrantg gives gouspecificlegalrights,and goumagalsohaveother
rights, whichvargfrom state to state.To knowwhat gour legalrights are,consult
gout localor state consumeraffairs officeor gourstate's Attorneg General.