Because the ®represser _slocated on the controls
side of the unit,this side wi_! be heavier and mere
awkward to mampula_e, eadequate sup,pert 0n
eont_i side of Lheunit can result in per_e! inju_
, and damage to your unit and pro_tty. The_fo_e,
it is recomrneeded to have somec_e assist you
during the installation of th_s unit,
F Your unit was des_ned to evep_srat,econdensatie_
under normat conditions Ho,,*_vero_,mde_ e
h_midityt'_adibons excess r_ndensafon may cause
b_se pan to over_ow ie the ouf_side,
The uni_ should be #_ste_edwhere eondresat:ion
runoff caeno_ ddp o_ pedestrians or ne_ghbodr.g
8ele the Best Location A'_ln 9
A, Year _m air conditioner was desigr_ed to
fit easily into a sin#!e or double h_ng w_ndow
However, since window designs va% _ may be
ne@&sa_ to make some modifications for safe
B. Make sure window and frame _s®_uctura_{y
sound aed free f_m dry and ro_ed w_d
C For maxim_m efffcien_, t_a_ll _he air _editio_er
oa side d _he ho_se or b_Jildi#gwhich favors more
shade th_n sunfigbL _fthe uni_ is ia _irec¢ sunfighL
it _Sadvisable '_ provide an awning ove_ the e_i_
D. Proqde su_cien_ e_earance around thecab#_e¢
to e_!_ _orample air c_rcu]etbn through the unit
The rear of the unit should be outdoo_ and ne_her
_na garage nor inside d a buitdiag_ Keep u_ as far
away ,as _ssi_fe from obstacles and e_s_ruct_e_s
and at _eae_30_above t_ floor or ground (See dgh_
figure) Curtains and other obi_l_s within a room
shouM _ prevented from M_kin# _he air flow.
BeBe certain 1he proper etec_r_ out,eL is w_hie
reach of the i_s_II_on, Use o_ly a single out_et
c_rcu_ _ted at i5 amps All wiring should be in
ao_rda_ce w'i_h[_af and marietta! e_ _codes
see tune below
_TiP "11.4'*%3"