Pall Flowstar and AquaWIT Integrity Test Instruments Validation Guide

  • Hello! I've reviewed the Validation Guide for the Palltronic Flowstar and AquaWIT Integrity Test Instruments. This document thoroughly covers the design, testing algorithms, accuracy, and reproducibility of these instruments. I understand they use a volume dosing measurement method and are used for Forward Flow, Water Intrusion, and Bubble Point tests. Feel free to ask me any questions you have about the contents of the document or the instruments themselves.
  • What is the main measurement principle used by the Palltronic Flowstar and AquaWIT instruments?
    What tests can be performed with the Palltronic Flowstar instrument?
    What is the purpose of the 'Auto' test mode?
    What does the Palltronic AquaWIT system do?
USTR 2184b
Validation Guide
Palltronic®Flowstar and
AquaWIT Integrity Test Instruments
1. Introduction, Design Philosophy and Description of the Tests .......................................5
1.1 Introduction....................................................................................................................5
1.2 The Design and Development Program..........................................................................5
1.2.1 Standards and Guidelines ....................................................................................5
1.2.2 Change Control ....................................................................................................6
1.3 Design Features of the Palltronic Flowstar and AquaWIT Instruments ............................6
1.3.1 Volume Dosing Measurement Method ..................................................................6
1.3.2 Variation between the Standard and High Flow Models ........................................6
1.3.3 Hydraulic Bridge System ......................................................................................7
2. Description of Critical Test Algorithms .............................................................................8
2.1 Self Test Sequence ........................................................................................................8
2.2 The Forward Flow Test ..................................................................................................8
2.2.1 Pressurization........................................................................................................9
2.2.2 Stabilization ..........................................................................................................9
2.2.3 Measurement Phase ............................................................................................9
2.2.4 Fixed Test Time ....................................................................................................9
2.2.5 Auto Test Time Mode............................................................................................9
2.2.6 Venting................................................................................................................11
2.3 The Water Intrusion Test ..............................................................................................11
2.4 The Fully Automated Water Intrusion Test using the Palltronic AquaWIT System..........11
2.4.1 Check on Water Temperature ............................................................................11
2.4.2 Filling of Filter System ........................................................................................11
2.4.3 Hydrostatic Pressure Measurement ....................................................................11
2.4.4 Pressurization, Stabilization and Measurement Phases ......................................12
2.4.5 Draining and Drying ............................................................................................12
2.5 The Bubble Point Test ..................................................................................................12
2.5.1 Pressurization and Stabilization ..........................................................................12
2.5.2 Measurement Phase ..........................................................................................12
2.6 The Flow Check Test....................................................................................................13
3. Accuracy and Reproducibility of Critical Test Functions...............................................13
3.1 Accuracy and Consistency of Set Pressures by the Palltronic Instrument ....................13
3.1.1 Purpose ..............................................................................................................13
3.1.2 Test Method........................................................................................................13
3.1.3 Results................................................................................................................14
3.1.4 Summary ............................................................................................................14
3.2 Conversion of Pressure Units ......................................................................................15
3.2.1 Purpose ..............................................................................................................15
3.2.2 Test Method........................................................................................................16
3.2.3 Test Results ........................................................................................................16
3.2.4 Summary ............................................................................................................16
3.3 Accuracy and Reproducibility of Forward Flow Measurements ....................................17
3.3.1 Purpose ..............................................................................................................17
3.3.2 Test Method........................................................................................................17
3.3.3 Results................................................................................................................18
3.3.4 Summary ............................................................................................................18
3.4 Accuracy of Forward Flow Measurements High Flow Range – Applicable to
High Flow Instruments Only ........................................................................................20
3.4.1 Purpose ..............................................................................................................20
3.4.2 Test Method........................................................................................................20
3.4.3 Results................................................................................................................20
3.4.4 Summary ............................................................................................................21
3.5 Accuracy of Water Intrusion Measurements by the Palltronic Flowstar Instrument ......21
3.5.1 Purpose ..............................................................................................................21
3.5.2 Test Method........................................................................................................21
3.5.3 Results................................................................................................................22
3.5.4 Summary ............................................................................................................23
3.6 Comparison of ‘Auto’ and ‘Fixed’ Test Times ..............................................................23
3.6.1 Purpose ..............................................................................................................23
3.6.2 Test Method........................................................................................................23
3.6.3 Results................................................................................................................24
3.6.4 Summary ............................................................................................................24
3.7 Accuracy and Reproducibility of Bubble Point Measurements......................................25
3.7.1 Purpose ..............................................................................................................25
3.7.2 Methods..............................................................................................................25
3.7.3 Results................................................................................................................26
3.7.4 Summary ............................................................................................................26
4. Qualification of the Palltronic AquaWIT System ............................................................28
4.1.Accuracy of Set Pressures by the Palltronic AquaWIT System ....................................28
4.1.1 Purpose ..............................................................................................................28
4.1.2 Test Method........................................................................................................28
4.1.3 Results................................................................................................................29
4.1.4 Summary ............................................................................................................29
4.2 Reproducibility of Palltronic AquaWIT Water Intrusion Test Flow Measurements ..........30
4.2.1 Purpose ..............................................................................................................30
4.2.2 Test Method........................................................................................................30
4.2.3 Results................................................................................................................31
4.2.4 Summary ............................................................................................................32
4.3 Influence of the Distance and Height of the Filter System on Flow Measurement
by the Palltronic AquaWIT System ..............................................................................32
4.3.1 Purpose ..............................................................................................................32
4.3.2 Method ..............................................................................................................32
4.3.3 Results................................................................................................................33
4.3.4 Summary ............................................................................................................34 3
5. Steam Trial Report............................................................................................................35
5.1 Purpose ......................................................................................................................35
5.2 Test Method ................................................................................................................35
5.3 Results ........................................................................................................................35
5.4 Summary ....................................................................................................................35
6. Software Validation ..........................................................................................................37
6.1 Qualification of the Palltronic Flowstar XC Instrument ..................................................38
Section 1 Software Qualification of the Palltronic Flowstar XC Instrument ................38
Section 2 Functional Qualification of the Palltronic Flowstar XC Instrument ..............39
6.2 Qualification of the Palltronic AquaWIT XC System ......................................................40
Section 1 Software Qualification of the Palltronic AquaWIT XC System ....................40
Section 2 Functional Qualification of the Palltronic AquaWIT XC system ..................41
Appendix A - Definitions ......................................................................................................41
1. Good Automated Manufacturing Practice (GAMP) Guidelines ......................................41
GAMP ..........................................................................................................................41
Appendix B - Qualification of the Calibration Procedure...................................................42
1. Purpose ......................................................................................................................42
2. Test Devices and References ......................................................................................42
2.1 Test Devices used for Qualification......................................................................42
2.2 References used during Qualification ..................................................................42
3. Test Method ................................................................................................................43
3.1 Forward Flow Test ..............................................................................................43
3.2 Water Intrusion Test ............................................................................................43
4. Test Results..................................................................................................................44
4.1 Forward Flow Test ..............................................................................................44
4.2 Water Intrusion Test ............................................................................................47
7. Summary...........................................................................................................................49
8. Document Revision Index................................................................................................49
1. Introduction, Design Philosophy and Description of the Tests
1.1 Introduction
This report contains validation data for the Palltronic Flowstar and Palltronic AquaWIT filter
integrity test systems. The report is designed to assist users of the device in meeting the
validation requirements of the various regulatory authorities within the pharmaceutical industry.
The validation program included tests to qualify the following functions:
Accuracy and consistency of set pressures
Accuracy and reproducibility of Forward Flow measurements
Accuracy of Forward Flow measurements in the high flow range (high flow models)
Accuracy of water intrusion measurements
‘Auto’ and ‘Fixed’ test time options
Accuracy and reproducibility of bubble point measurements
Accuracy of set pressures by the Palltronic AquaWIT system
Reproducibility of Palltronic AquaWIT Water Intrusion Test measurements
Influence of distance and height of the filter system on flow measurement for the
Palltronic AquaWIT system
Qualification of the calibration procedure
The basic measurement function of the Palltronic AquaWIT system is the same as for the
Palltronic Flowstar instrument. The hydraulic bridge forms an incompressible link between the
filter and the measurement system.
The primary validation has therefore been performed on the Palltronic Flowstar instrument, as
this contains the main measurement function. Additional testing has been performed on the
Palltronic AquaWIT system to show that the hydraulic bridge has no influence on the water
intrusion measurement accuracy and reproducibility. These tests are described in Part 4.
The validation work in this guide was carried out on instruments with the part numbers FFS02,
FFS02H and AW02. However, because the hardware and software control used is the same for
FFSXCJ, FFSXCHJ, AW02, AW02XC and AW02XCH instruments this validation work is
applicable to all of them.
In addition to this Validation Guide, ask your Pall representative or distributor for the following
documents and services:
IQ procedures and on-site services
OQ procedures and on-site services
PQ services
On-site calibration and calibration documentation
21 CFR part 11 compliance guidance
Design and Specification Documentation Package prepared to a GAMP format
On-site operator training
1.2 The Design and Development Program
1.2.1 Standards and Guidelines
The Palltronic Flowstar and AquaWIT instruments have been developed in
accordance with Good Automated Manufacturing Practice (GAMP) guidelines. 5
The Palltronic Flowstar and AquaWIT devices are manufactured under quality
management systems certified to ISO9001.
]The Palltronic Flowstar and AquaWIT systems are CE marked to indicate compliance
with relevant European Directives.
1.2.2 Change Control
Documented procedures exist for change control for both software and hardware
components. Each Palltronic Flowstar and AquaWIT system is identified by a unique
serial number allowing full manufacturing traceability. Full records are maintained for
each instrument manufactured.
1.3 Design Features of the Palltronic Flowstar and AquaWIT Instruments
1.3.1 Volume Dosing Measurement Method
The Palltronic Flowstar and AquaWIT integrity instruments measure flow on the
upstream side of the filter test assembly using a patented technique. This is based
on measurement of the amount of gas required to maintain a constant test pressure
on the filter.
The measurement principle is one of ‘volume dosing’. The measurement module
consists of high-precision pressure transducers and internal chambers of precisely
defined volume. The system is controlled by purpose-designed software.
Figure 1
Illustration of the Volume Dosing Measurement System inside the Palltronic Flowstar
and AquaWIT Instruments
One transducer (P1) measures the pressurization of one of the volume chambers.
The other (P2) measures the filter test pressure.
As gas or liquid passes through the test filter, constant pressure is maintained on the
upstream side by discharging the pressurized gas held in one of the volume
chambers. The volume chamber used depends on the flow rate across the filter
membrane. The precise quantity of gas discharged is known and by counting the
number of discharges over time, the precise flow rate is measured.
Volume dosing has been shown to be a reliable, robust and stable flow measurement
method that has been successfully used in Palltronic instruments for over ten years.
1.3.2 Variation between the Standard and High Flow Models
In order to increase the flow measurement range of the Palltronic Flowstar and
AquaWIT instruments a third volume chamber has been incorporated into the high
Volume 1
Volume 2
flow models (Pall part numbers FFS02H, FFS02HAM, FFSXCH, FFSXCHAM,
FFSXCHJ, AW02H and AW02XCH). See Figure 2.
Figure 2
Schematic of the Volume Dosing Measurement System inside the Palltronic High Flow
Flowstar and AquaWIT Instruments
1.3.3 Hydraulic Bridge System
The Palltronic AquaWIT integrity test system is made up of a Palltronic Flowstar
integrity test instrument and a base unit. The base unit enables the Water Intrusion
Test function of the Palltronic Flowstar instrument to be extended to include
automatic filling of the filter housing before the test and draining after the test.
The gas flow measurement does not extend directly to the filter housing as it typically
would when using the Palltronic Flowstar instrument alone, but to the measurement
chamber inside the Palltronic AquaWIT system (see Figure 3).
Figure 3
Schematic of the Palltronic AquaWIT System Test Set-up for a Fully Automated Water
Intrusion Test 7
Volume 1
Volume 2
Volume 3
Measurement Chamber
Filter System
The hydraulic bridge system eliminates all air from the upstream filter system and
tubing. Flow measurement is then performed in a more controlled location within the
Palltronic AquaWIT system. Stable results can be obtained even when the
environmental temperature is changing.
The hydraulic bridge system and automated operation of three external process
valves by the Palltronic AquaWIT system also mean that testing vent filters in
positions with difficult access is simple and quick.
2. Description of Critical Test Algorithms
2.1 Self Test Sequence
The Palltronic Flowstar self-test sequence is automatically performed each time the unit is
switched on. The purpose of these tests is to provide the user with assurance that the
software, electronic, mechanical and pneumatic components are operating correctly. The test is
performed during the 600 second warm-up period, designed to allow the unit to reach thermal
equilibrium before each use.
The following tests are performed during the self-test:
Check on last calibration date
Check on last back-up date
EPROM checksum test
Internal communication check
Inlet pressure check
Check on pressure transducers
Valve check
Pressure regulator check
Internal leak test
Compact Flash test
2.2 The Forward Flow Test
The Forward Flow test quantitatively measures the diffusive gas flow (typically air or nitrogen)
through all the wetted pores, and the bulk gas flow through larger non-wetted pores, when a
predetermined gas pressure is applied to a wetted filter. The Palltronic Flowstar test system
measures Forward Flow by measuring the gas flow required to maintain constant pressure on
the upstream side of a filter assembly containing a wetted filter. The upstream flow of gas is
converted to a flow at standard temperature and pressure that equates to a downstream flow
If the gas flow though the filter membrane is equal to or less than the pass limit input by the
operator then the filter passes the test. If the gas flow exceeds the pass limit then the filter fails
the test.
The Forward Flow test conducted by the Palltronic Flowstar system is performed in four stages
as shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4
The Four Stages of the Automated Forward Flow Test
2.2.1 Pressurization
A zero check is performed immediately prior to pressurization. This check ensures
that the test pressure is accurately set relative to the actual atmospheric pressure in
the environment in which the test is to be performed. Compressed gas is then
directed through the Palltronic Flowstar instrument and into the filter assembly being
tested. When pressure in the filter assembly reaches the assigned test pressure, the
stabilization phase automatically starts.
2.2.2 Stabilization
During the stabilization phase the Palltronic Flowstar system monitors the upstream
pressure and feeds exactly the same amount of compressed gas into the filter
assembly as that leaving the upstream volume across the wetted membrane. During
this phase of the test a bar chart is displayed which shows the upstream pressure
that is continuously being measured. The instrument automatically switches to the
measurement phase of the test when the upstream pressure can be properly
maintained by the system.
2.2.3 Measurement Phase
During the measurement phase of the test, flow through the filter is continuously
measured and monitored. Flow is determined by measuring the exact volume of gas
required to keep a constant pressure on the upstream side of the filter assembly.
Changes in flow are sensed and evaluated. During the measurement phase the
upstream pressure, flow rate and time elapsed are represented in bar charts on the
display. A real time graph showing time elapsed and flow rate can also be displayed
during the measurement phase of the test.
The duration of the test is determined by the test time mode selected by the
operator. The instrument uses either ‘Fixed’ or ‘Auto’ test mode.
2.2.4 Fixed Test Time
When the ‘Fixed’ test time mode is selected the measurement phase lasts for a pre-
determined time entered by the operator. The result reported is the average flow
value determined over the last 150 seconds of the measurement phase.
Figure 5 shows a typical graph of flow versus time during a Forward Flow or Water
Intrusion Test performed under stable environmental conditions. Higher flow rates are
typically observed at the start of the measurement phase. This higher flow is primarily
due to the small temperature increase that takes place as a result of gas
compression at the start of the test. As the system stabilizes, the flow gradually
decreases to a stable and constant rate.
2.2.5 Auto Test Time Mode
When the ‘Auto’ test time mode is selected the Palltronic Flowstar instrument
automatically ends the test when certain criteria have been met. During the
measurement phase the instrument measures the actual flow rate and the rolling
average value over a 150 second interval. 9
Pressurization Stabilization Testing
Pressure in
If, at the start of the measurement phase, the measured flow value is under the pass
limit then a 120 second countdown is performed. If at any time the measured value
goes over the pass limit then the timer is reset. After 120 seconds the test will
automatically end and the average result will be reported providing that the flow is
stable and well below the pass limit, as determined using the following criteria:
1. The average value is under 75% of the pass limit
2. The variation coefficient of continuous measurements is within an acceptable range
If these criteria are not met then the test continues for a further 30 seconds and
criterion (1) is increased to 80% of the pass limit. After this time if the ‘Auto’ criteria
have again not been met the test time is extended for a further 30 seconds. After
each additional 30 second interval, criterion (1) is gradually increased until the
average value is 95% of the pass limit.
The algorithms used during the ‘Auto’ test ensure that test times are minimized when
testing stable filter systems that have flow values well below the pass limit (see
Figure 5). For filter systems where the flow rate fluctuates or where the measured
value is close to the pass limit the test times are automatically extended to ensure a
safe and accurate result as shown in Figures 6 and 7.
Figure 5
Representation of ‘Auto’ and ‘Fixed’ Test Times when Testing a Filter Assembly under
Stable Environmental Conditions
Figure 6
Representation of ‘Auto’ and ‘Fixed’ Test Times when Testing a Filter Assembly under
Initially Fluctuating Environmental Conditions
(mL/min) Pass limit
Test end point using
Auto test mode
Test end point using
Fixed test mode
Time (seconds)
(mL/min) Pass limit
Test end point using
Auto test mode
Test end point using
Fixed test mode
Time (seconds)
Figure 7
Representation of ‘Auto’ and ‘Fixed’ Test Times when Testing a Filter Assembly with a
Flow Rate Close to the Pass Limit
2.2.6 Venting
On completion of the test the instrument automatically vents the test system in two
phases. The remote vent valve initially vents the compressed gas in the upstream
side of the filter assembly and then the compressed gas in the manifold of the
Palltronic Flowstar instrument is vented through the vent connection on the side of
the unit.
2.3 The Water Intrusion Test
The Water Intrusion Test quantitatively measures the flow of water through a hydrophobic
membrane when a predetermined gas pressure is applied to a water-filled filter assembly.
The Palltronic Flowstar Flowstar instrument determines water flow by measuring the exact flow
of compressed gas on the upstream side required to maintain constant upstream pressure.
This compressed gas flow equates to the water flow through the filter.
The test protocol used for the Water Intrusion Test is identical to that used for the Forward Flow
test. The results are expressed as actual flow on the upstream side of the filter whereas the
Forward Flow reports results that have been converted to a downstream gas flow under
standard temperature and pressure.
2.4 The Fully Automated Water Intrusion Test using the Palltronic AquaWIT System
The Palltronic AquaWIT system can be used to perform a fully automated Water Intrusion
Test on a filter system. In addition to the test protocol described above the following steps
take place.
2.4.1 Check on Water Temperature
The Water Intrusion flow rate across a filter membrane is dependent on water temperature.
A higher water temperature will give higher flow rates. Standard Pall Water Intrusion Test values
are issued for a water temperature between 18 and 22 °C and water temperatures less than
18 °C may cause a false pass result.
The water temperature in the main water tank is checked before the test and displayed on the
screen. If the water temperature is below 18 °C, the option to abort the test is given.
2.4.2 Filling of Filter System
The filter housing and associated tubing is automatically filled with water on the
upstream side of the filter.
2.4.3 Hydrostatic Pressure Measurement
Where the filter is positioned above the Palltronic AquaWIT system, the hydraulic
bridge transmits the hydrostatic pressure to the measurement chamber. Therefore, to
ensure that the test pressure at the filter is correct, the system automatically
measures the hydrostatic pressure and adjusts the pressure in the measurement
chamber to compensate. 11
(mL/min) Pass limit
Test end point using
Auto test mode
Test end point using
Fixed test mode
Time (seconds)
(Note: “Hydraulic bridge” refers to the piping or tubing between the measurement
instrument and the filter under test when it and the filter assembly are completely
filled with water. “Hydrostatic pressure” refers to the pressure exerted by the weight
of water in a vertical pipe.)
2.4.4 Pressurization, Stabilization and Measurement Phases
A standard Water Intrusion Test as described in Section 2.3 is then performed.
Instead of measuring water flow in the upstream side of the filter housing, flow is
measured in the measurement chamber of the Palltronic AquaWIT system.
2.4.5 Draining and Drying
On completion of the Water Intrusion Test the Palltronic AquaWIT system drains the
filter housing and blows air across the filter membrane to minimize excess water in
the assembly.
2.5 The Bubble Point Test
A Bubble Point test is performed by incrementally increasing the pressure on the upstream side
of a filter assembly containing a wetted filter. The Bubble Point value is the upstream pressure
at which liquid is forced from the largest pores of the membrane. During a visual Bubble Point
test a tube is connected to the outlet of the filter assembly and the other end is submerged in a
container filled with liquid. The Bubble Point is identified when vigorous bubbling is observed
issuing from the downstream tube.
The Bubble Point test conducted by the Palltronic AquaWIT system is performed in four stages
as shown in Figure 8.
Figure 8
Four Automated Stages of the Bubble Point Test
2.5.1 Pressurization and Stabilization
Compressed gas is directed through the Palltronic AquaWIT system and into the filter
assembly being tested until a pressure of 700 mbar (10.2 psig) is reached. The
instrument stabilizes the pressure for
30 seconds and then monitors the upstream pressure for a period of 60 seconds in
order to determine if there are any large leaks in the system.
2.5.2 Measurement Phase
During the measurement phase of the test the pressure in the upstream volume of
the filter system is increased in increments of reducing size until the upstream
pressure is 500 mbar (7.3 psig) below the Bubble Point pressure entered by the
operator. Between each pressure increment the inlet supply pressure is closed and
pressure decay is measured over a short interval. The upstream pressure is then
increased in 50 mbar (0.73 psi) increments and between each step the pressure
decay is measured over a 5 second interval.
The Bubble Point is identified when two sequential pressure decay values are
obtained that are significantly greater than the preceding values. The Bubble Point
value reported is the pressure at which the first of the significantly higher pressure
decay values was obtained.
Leak Test
2.6 The Flow Check Test
The Flow Check test uses the Forward Flow test algorithm to measure the flow of gas through
a calibrated capillary (Palltronic Flow Check instrument). The test result is compared to the
expected flow through the capillary and reported as a percentage. The test has been designed
to check that the Palltronic Flowstar instrument is measuring flow correctly.
3. Accuracy and Reproducibility of Critical Test Functions
3.1 Accuracy and Consistency of Set Pressures by the Palltronic Instrument
3.1.1 Purpose
The Palltronic Flowstar instrument measures Forward Flow and water intrusion by
measuring the flow required to maintain constant pressure in the upstream side of
the test assembly. The aim of this series of tests was to qualify the accuracy and
consistency of upstream pressures set by the Palltronic Flowstar instrument during
Forward Flow and Water Intrusion Tests.
3.1.2 Test Method
A calibrated pressure reference device (Druck Limited, part number DPI 601, serial
number 162967/73-03) was installed between the filter assembly under test and the
Palltronic Flowstar instrument (serial number 11011926), as shown in Figure 9.
The calibrated pressure reference device had previously been calibrated to be within
± 0.025 % of the applied pressure.
Figure 9
Diagram of Test Set-up for Measuring Accuracy and Consistency of Set Pressures
Forward Flow and Water Intrusion integrity tests were performed using a number of
different filter assemblies in order to cover a range of pressure settings (Table 1).
The integrity tests were performed using a fixed test time of 600 seconds and during
the test phase the pressure displayed on the upstream indicator was measured every
30 seconds. 13
Wetted filter
(in housing)
Outlet open to
Calibrated pressure reference
device upstream of
filter assembly
gas supply
Palltronic Flowstar
integrity test instrument
Table 1
Filters and Test Parameters used for the Tests
Pall Filter Part
and Serial Numbers Type of Test Wetting Liquid Set Air Test Pressure
KA1V002PV1 Forward Flow Isopropanol in water 830 mbar
IA8757268 (60/40 v/v) (12.0 psi)
KA2NLP1 Forward Flow Water 1720 mbar
IB0995007 (24.9 psi)
KA3PFRP1 Water Intrusion Not applicable 2500 mbar
IA3982116 (36.3 psi)
C3DFLP1 Forward Flow Water 2760 mbar
IB70351019 (40.0 psi)
KA2NDP1 Forward Flow Water 3440 mbar
IA9521005 (49.9 psi)
KA3PFRP1 Water Intrusion Not applicable 3500 mbar
IA3982116 (50.8 psi)
C3DV50P1 Forward Flow Water 5875 mbar
PB515100 (85.2 psi)
3.1.3 Results
During each test the upstream pressure was measured using the reference calibrated
pressure reference device at intervals during the test phase. These measured values
were compared with the previously programmed set test pressures. The set
pressures used during the tests ranged from between 830 mbar to 5875 mbar
(12.0 psi to 85.2 psi). The results are shown in Table 3.
The accuracy of the upstream pressures set by the Palltronic Flowstar instrument
was determined by comparing the maximum difference between the measured
values and the set test pressure for each test. The maximum difference observed
between the programmed and measured pressures was found to range from -
1 mbar to +14 mbar (-0.015 psi to +0.203 psi).
The consistency of the upstream pressure during each test was determined by
calculating the difference between the maximum and minimum measured values
during each test. The upstream pressure was always maintained within a range of
2 mbar (0.029 psi) during the test phase.
3.1.4 Summary
Table 2
Summary of Tests
Pressure Control and Accuracy Test pressures set by the Palltronic Flowstar
instrument for Forward Flow and Water Intrusion
Tests were accurate to within 0.72% of the
programmed set pressure.
Consistency of Upstream Pressure Upstream pressures were found to remain stable
within a range of 2 mbar (0.029 psi) during the test
phase of Forward Flow and Water Intrusion Tests.
Table 3
Upstream Test Pressures measured using a Reference Device compared to
Programmed Set Pressures
Time in 830 1720 2500 2760 3440 3500 5875
Seconds mbar mbar mbar mbar mbar mbar mbar
(12.0 psi) (24.9 psi) (36.3 psi) (40.0 psi) (49.9 psi) (50.8 psi) (85.2 psi)
30 836 1724 2499 2765 3446 3500 5888
(12.1) (25.0) (36.2) (40.1) (50.3) (50.8) (85.4)
60 836 1723 2499 2766 3446 3499 5888
(12.1) (25.0) (36.2) (40.1) (50.3) (50.8) (85.4)
90 836 1723 2499 2766 3446 3500 5887
(12.1) (25.0) (36.2) (40.1) (50.3) (50.8) (85.4)
120 836 1723 2499 2766 3446 3500 5888
(12.1) (25.0) (36.2) (40.1) (50.3) (50.8) (85.4)
150 836 1723 2499 2765 3446 3500 5888
(12.1) (25.0) (36.2) (40.1) (50.3) (50.8) (85.4)
180 836 1723 2499 2765 3446 3500 5889
(12.1) (25.0) (36.2) (40.1) (50.3) (50.8) (85.4)
210 836 1723 2499 2765 3446 3500 5888
(12.1) (25.0) (36.2) (40.1) (50.3) (50.8) (85.4)
240 836 1722 2499 2765 3446 3499 5888
(12.1) (25.0) (36.2) (40.1) (50.3) (50.8) (85.4)
270 836 1723 2500 2765 3446 3500 5888
(12.1) (25.0) (36.3) (40.1) (50.3) (50.8) (85.4)
300 836 1723 2500 2765 3445 3500 5886
(12.1) (25.0) (36.3) (40.1) (50.3) (50.8) (85.4)
Accuracy of Pressure Control
Maximum Difference between Measured Values and the Set Test Pressure:
mbar +6 +4 -1 +6 +6 -1 +14
(psi) (+0.087) (+0.058) (-0.015) (+0.087) (+0.087) (-0.015) (+0.203)
Maximum Difference as a percentage of Set Test Pressure:
0.72% 0.23% 0.04% 0.21% 0.17% 0.03% 0.24%
Consistency Of Pressure Control
Difference between Maximum and Minimum Measured Values:
0 mbar 2 mbar 1 mbar 1 mbar 1 mbar 1 mbar 2 mbar
(0 psi) (0.029 psi) (0.015 psi) (0.015 psi) (0.015 psi) (0.015 psi) (0.029 psi)
Note: Measurements were made in mbar, conversions to psi are for information only.
3.2 Conversion of Pressure Units
3.2.1 Purpose
The validation and qualification work on the Palltronic Flowstar instrument was
completed using millibar (mbar) as the unit to measure pressure. The aim of this test
is to demonstrate that the Palltronic Flowstar instrument converts pressure units to
psi, kp/cm2and kPa with accuracy and precision. 15
3.2.2 Test Method
Forward Flow integrity tests were performed on a wetted integral filter cartridge with
an accurate calibrated pressure reference device (Mano Cali, Keller
Druckmesstecknik, serial number 6584) installed upstream of the filter assembly as
shown in Figure 10.
Tests were performed with the system programmed to show units of pressure in psi,
kp/cm2and kPa. The upstream pressure on the filter assembly was compared to the
pressure programmed into the Palltronic Flowstar instrument (serial number
05020326) for the Forward Flow test.
Figure 10
Diagram of Test Set-up for Checking Conversion of Pressure Units
3.2.3 Test Results
During each test the upstream pressure was measured using the reference calibrated
pressure reference device during the test phase. These measured values were
compared with the previously programmed set test pressures.
The pressure readings displayed on the upstream calibrated pressure reference
device, were all within ± 0.2% of the expected pressures.
3.2.4 Summary
Table 4
Summary of Tests
Conversion of Pressure Units Test pressures were converted by the Palltronic
Flowstar instrument to an accuracy of 0.2%.
Table 5
Upstream Test Pressures measured using a Reference Device compared to
Programmed Set Pressures in psi, kp/cm2and kPa
Programmed Expected Value Displayed on Deviation Deviation
Test Pressure (mbar) Reference (mbar) (mbar) (%)
40 psi 2757 2761 4 0.14
3 kp/cm22941 2947 6 0.20
276 kPa 2760 2763 3 0.11
3.3 Accuracy and Reproducibility of Forward Flow Measurements
3.3.1 Purpose
The aim of these tests was to qualify the accuracy and reproducibility of the flow
measurement system of the Palltronic Flowstar instrument using calibrated capillaries.
This method was chosen because capillaries provide highly reproducible flow rates
when a pre-determined gas pressure is applied.
3.3.2 Test Method
Forward Flow tests were conducted using a Palltronic Flowstar integrity instrument
on three different capillary units. In order to ensure stable flow conditions, each
capillary was connected to a fixed volume empty chamber that was connected
immediately upstream of the capillary. The capillary units had previously been
calibrated so they were known to provide an expected and reproducible flow rate
when a pressure of 2000 mbar (29.0 psi) was applied to them.
In order to perform the tests a capillary unit was connected to the outlet of a
Palltronic Flowstar instrument as shown in Figure 11. The Palltronic Flowstar unit was
programmed to perform Forward Flow tests using an air test pressure of 2000 mbar
(29.0 psi) with a fixed test time of 600 seconds.
Repeat measurements were performed on each capillary unit in order to qualify the
reproducibility of Forward Flow measurements. The influence of upstream volume
was also investigated by performing some tests with additional upstream volume
connected to the capillary unit.
Figure 11
Diagram of Test Set-up for Measuring Accuracy and Reproducibility of
Forward Flow measurements 17
gas supply
Palltronic Flowstar
integrity test instrument
Capillary Tube
For each series of tests the percentage difference between the average measured
flow values and the expected flow was calculated. The coefficient of variation for
repeat measurements was also calculated. The calculations were performed using
the following formulae:
% Difference = Average measured value - Expected value x 100
Expected value
% Coefficient =Standard deviation x 100
of variation Average measured value
3.3.3 Results
The Forward Flow values measured through the capillary units using a Palltronic
Flowstar instrument are shown in Table 7. Forward Flow tests were performed on five
capillary units which provided expected flows of 2.50 mL/min, 7.76 mL/min,
50.4 mL/min, 97.5 mL/min and 184.5 mL/min.
Each capillary unit was tested with different volumes between the instrument and the
capillary. Upstream volumes of 60 mL, 260 mL, 2500 mL and 15,000 mL were
The Forward Flow results reported by the Palltronic Flowstar instrument are widely
independent of upstream volume. When the flow/upstream ratio was less than 0.7
and above 0.001 the value reported by the Palltronic Flowstar instrument differed
from the expected value by between 0.03% and 2%.
The flow to upstream volume ratio for a standard Pall filter system is typically within
the range 0.006 and 0.3.
Test to test variability as determined by the variation coefficient for these
measurements was found to be less than 1%.
3.3.4 Summary
Table 6
Summary of Tests
Accuracy of Forward Flow Measurements Forward Flow measurements obtained using a
Palltronic Flowstar instrument were found to be
accurate to within 2% of expected flow values.
Reproducibility of Forward Flow Test to test variability as determined by the
Measurements coefficient of variation was less than 1%.
Influence of Upstream Volume Accuracy and reproducibility of Forward Flow
measurements as given above were found for a
wide range of upstream volumes. Only if the ratio
between flow and upstream volume is above 0.7
and below 0.002 are the accuracy and the variation
coefficients significantly affected. These data
demonstrate that the Palltronic Flowstar Forward
Flow test is suitable for testing a wide range of filter
assemblies without the requirement to control or
measure upstream volumes.
) 19
Table 7
Comparison of Forward Flow Values measured by the Palltronic Flowstar Instrument
with Previously Calibrated Values
Upstream Volume: 60 mL
Expected Flow (mL/min) 2.5 7.76 50.4 97.5 184.5
Expected Flow/ 0.04 0.13 0.84 1.63 3.08
Upstream Volume
Measured Flow (mL/min) 2.48 7.88 48.7 **
2.47 7.82 48.6 **
2.47 7.85 48.7 **
Average Measured Flow 2.47 7.85 48.67 ––
Difference Measured/ -1.20 1.16 -3.43 ––
Expected Flow (%)
Variation Coefficient (%) 0.19 0.32 0.09 ––
Upstream Volume: 260 mL
Expected Flow (mL/min) 2.5 7.76 50.4 97.5 184.5
Expected Flow/ 0.01 0.02 0.19 0.38 0.71
Upstream volume
Measured Flow (mL/min) 2.49 7.74 49.9 97.7 184.4
2.56 7.79 49.6 97.7 185.0
2.57 7.78 49.8 96.8 185.6
Average Measured Flow 2.54 7.77 49.77 97.40 185.00
Difference Measured/ 1.60 0.13 -1.25 -0.10 0.27
Expected Flow (%)
Variation Coefficient (%) 1.42 0.28 0.25 0.44 0.27
Upstream Volume: 2500 mL
Expected Flow (mL/min) 2.5 7.76 50.4 97.5 184.5
Expected Flow/ 0.001 0.003 0.02 0.04 0.07
Upstream Volume
Measured Flow (mL/min) 2.74 7.87 50.6 98.9 185.6
2.59 7.96 51.0 98.6 185.3
2.49 7.91 50.6 98.8 185.9
Average Measured Flow 2.61 7.91 50.73 98.77 185.60
Difference Measured/ 4.40 1.98 0.66 1.30 0.60
Expected Flow (%)
Variation Coefficient (%) 4.11 0.47 0.37 0.13 0.13
Upstream Volume: 15000 mL
Expected Flow (mL/min) 2.5 7.76 50.4 97.5 184.5
Expected Flow/ 0.000 0.001 0.003 0.007 0.012
Upstream Volume
Measured Flow (mL/min) 4.11 8.91 50.1 98.8 184.7
3.46 8.38 50.5 96.8 184.1
2.81 9.19 50.9 96.8 185.0
Table 7 Continued
Comparison of Forward Flow Values measured by the Palltronic Flowstar Instrument
with Previously Calibrated Values
Upstream Volume: 15000 mL
Average Measured Flow 3.46 8.83 50.50 97.47 184.60
Difference Measured/ 38.40 13.79 0.20 -0.03 0.05
Expected Flow (%)
Variation Coefficient (%) 21.23 4.33 0.65 0.97 0.20
* ‘Flow Too High’ error message
3.4 Accuracy of Forward Flow Measurements High Flow Range – Applicable to High Flow
Instruments Only
3.4.1 Purpose
The aim of these tests is to qualify the accuracy and reproducibility of the Palltronic
High Flow Flowstar instrument for the extended flow range (200 – 2,000 mL/min).
3.4.2 Test Method
Forward Flow tests were conducted using a Palltronic High Flow Flowstar integrity
instrument (serial number 3699926) as described in Section 3.3. The capillary units
were replaced by a Molbox™ (part number 400433, serial number 1453)/Molbloc™
(part number FAM006, serial number 131) gas flow calibration system
(DH nstruments, Phoenix, AZ, USA) and the flow was controlled by a needle valve
as shown in Figure 12.
Figure 12
Diagram of Test Set-up for Measuring Accuracy of Forward Flow Measurements in
the High Flow Range
The influence of upstream volume was also investigated by performing some tests
with additional upstream volume between the Palltronic High Flow Flowstar
instrument and the needle valve.
The percentage difference between the expected flow value and the measured flow
value was calculated using the following formula:
% Difference = Measured value - Expected value x 100
Expected value
3.4.3 Results
The Forward Flow values measured using the Palltronic High Flow Flowstar
instrument are shown in Table 9. Forward Flow measurements were performed on
expected flows between 300 mL/min and 2,000 mL/min.
Pressure supply
Palltronic High Flow
Flowstar Instrument