3Com Corporation, Corporate Headquarters, 350 Campus Drive, Marlborough, MA 01752-3064
To learn more about 3Com solutions, visit www.3com.com. 3Com is publicly traded on NASDAQ under the symbol COMS.
Copyright © 2003 3Com Corporation. All rights reserved. 3Com and the 3Com logo are registered trademarks of 3Com
Corporation. IntelliJack and Possible made practical are trademarks of 3Com Corporation. All other company and prod-
uct names may be trademarks of their respective companies. While every effort is made to ensure the information given
is accurate, 3Com does not accept liability for any errors or mistakes which may arise. Specifications and other informa-
tion in this document may be subject to change without notice. 104097-001 09/03
2. Enter either the IP address or the MAC address of the network device that needs to
be found.
3. Click the
Find button. The Search Result field displays the NJ205 IntelliJack
Switch’s IP address, location, and what port the network device is using.
4. Click
OK to close the window.
Business Application
The ability to locate equipment from a central console saves IT staff from the having to
physically search for network devices—streamlining administration time and reducing
operating costs. The following scenario, while fictional, demonstrates how Location
Mapping’s unique capabilities can solve real-world problems and deliver significant
time and cost savings.
For today’s hospitals, delivering safe and high-quality patient care requires mobility—
from the staff to the equipment. Nurses, physicians and other caregivers work on the
move, without the luxury of an office or desktop PC. Diagnostic equipment—such as
blood glucose meters, spirometers, pulse oximeters, and electrocardiograms—are
typically mounted on wheels, so they can be easily disconnected from one room, moved
to another room, and reconnected to the network.
These mobile (and expensive) machines can be exceedingly difficult to track down,
especially when they’re not where they’re supposed to be. Finding lost devices usually
involves running around with a clipboard and list of inventory barcodes—and a lot of
wasted time. But with properly configured 3Com IntelliJack Switches installed in every
room, Location Mapping can be used to locate any networked device in a few minutes—
from a central control console.
For More Information
3Com NJ205 IntelliJack Switches work in almost any network environment—including
small-office or enterprise businesses, government offices, dormitories, hospitals, school
classrooms, universities, laboratories, public kiosks, conference rooms, and shared
office spaces.
For more information on how these managed “in the wall” switches can resolve common
networking problems and significantly lower IT costs, please visit