Before Calling For Service
Refrigerator does not operate
• Confirm freezer control ison.
• Confirm reffigerator is pluggedin.
• Check fuse or circuit breaker.Plug in another itematthat walIoutlet.
• Wait 40 minutes to see if refrigerator restarts. Iffreezer control ison,
Iights work but 2fans and compressor are not operating, refrigerator
may be indefrost cycle.
Refrigerator stillwon'toperate.
• Unplug reffigerator.Transfer food to another unit or place dry icein
freezer section to preserve food.Warranty does not cover food
loss. Checkwarranty certificate forspecific coverage
•CaIl 1-800-628-5782 insideU.S A., 1-319-622-5511 outsideU.S.A.,
or www.amana.com on the web, tolocate anauthorized Amana
Food temperature appears too warm.
• See above sections.
• Allow time for recently added warm food to reach reftigerator or
freezer temperature.
• Check gaskets forproper seal.
• Clean condenser coils.
• Adjust refrigerator and/orfreezer control.
• Confirm rear airgrille isnot blocked. Rear air grilleis located behind
Garden FreshTM crisper
Chiller FreshTMsystem temperature is too warm
• Turncontrol tocolder setting
• Adjust freezer controlto colder setting.
• Confirm thatdrawer is in proper position over airinlet.
Food temperature istoo cold.
• Clean condenser coils.
• Adjust reffigerator control
• Adjust freezer controlto warmer setting. Allow several hours for
temperature toadjust
• One of 3coldair intake holes inBeverage ChilIerTMisnot aligned
with notch in rightside door dike.
• Itis normalduring high humidity periodsor ifdoors have been
opened frequently.
Refrigerator runs too frequently.
• ttmay be normalto maintain constant temperature.
• Doors may have beenopened frequently or foran extended period
• Allow time for recently added warm food to reach refrigerator or
freezer temperature.
• Clean condenser coils.
• Adjust freezer control
• Check gaskets forproper seal.
Waterdroplets form on inside of refrigerator.
• ttis normalduring high humidity periodsor ifdoors have been
opened frequently.
• Check gaskets forproper seal.
Waterdroplets form on inside of refrigerator.
• Check door gaskets for proper seal.
• Itisnormal during high humidity periods.
• RefertoSettingControlssectiontoverifycontrolsaresetcorrectly.
Garden Fresh"_crispers or Chiller FreshTM system does not close
• Check for a package which may prevent drawer ffom closing
• Confirm drawer is in proper position
• Confin'nreffigerator is level
• Clean drawer channels with warm, soapy water Rinse and dry
• Apply athin layerof petroleumjelly to drawerchannels.
Refrigerator has an odor.
• See"OdorRemoval"instructionsin"CareandCleaning"section.
Refrigerator or ice maker make unfamiliar sounds or seems too loud
• ttmay be normal. See "Normal Operating Sounds" section.
No indicator lights are titon dispenser control (some models).
• Verify that freezer door isctosed Poweris removed from the control
when the freezer door is opened.
Neither ice norwater is dispensed when the paddles are pushed
(some models).
Verifythatfreezer door is closed
Control may be inlock mode. Pressand hold DISPENSER LOCK
button for 3seconds
Water filter indicator light is red (some models).
Waterfilter needs to bereplaced. Iffilter is notavailable, replace
with bypass filter.After replacingfilter press andhold boththe
DISPENSER LOCKandAUTO LIGHTbuttons simultaneously for 4
seconds. Letgo oncelight beginsflashinggreen
Filter indicator sensor needs tobe reset. Press and hold both the
DISPENSER LOCKandAUTO LIGHTbuttons simultaneously for 4
seconds. Letgo oncelight beginsflashinggreen.
Ice maker is not producing ice.
Confirm ice maker arm isdown.
Confirm householdwater supply isreaching watervalve.
Confirm ice maker wiring harness iscompletely inserted into
proper holes
Check for kinks incopper or plastictubing. Remove kinks or
Check electrical connections towater valve coil and connector
blockon refrigerator cabinet
Confirm freezer sectionisoperating at proper temperature
Ice maker is not producing enough ice or ice is malformed
• Icemaker hasjust recently been installed ora large amount of ice
hasjust been used.Wait 24 hoursfor ice production tobegin and for
ice maker to restock after emptied.
• Confirm household water supply isreaching water valve. Make sure
the water valveshut off isfully turned on.
• Piercing type or _/_G"saddte valve was used for hookup. Both
reduce water flow and may become clogged with time.
Replace these valves with correct type ofsaddle valve
requiring _/4"hole to be drilled in water supply pipe prior to
valve attachment.
• Checkfor kinks in copperor plastic tubing Remove kinksor replace
• Confirmfreezer section isoperafing atproper temperature. Freezer
mustbecold enough to produce ice See 'SettingControls" section.
Ice cubes have an odor
• See "Odor Removal"instructions in "Care andCleaning" section.
• Discard ice and clean ice bucketor trays more frequently, tcecubes
areporous and absorb odors easily.
Ice cubes stick together or 'shrink'
• Empty ice cube bucketor trays morefrequently. Ifused infrequently,
ice cubes may stick together or shrink.
Iceforms in inlet tube to ice maker.
• Checkwater pressure. Lowwater pressure will cause valve to leak
Self-piercingvalves causelow water pressure. Amana
recommends using copper tubing to connect household
plumbing to refrigerator. Do not use self-piercing valve.
Amana is not responsible for property damage due to
improper installation or water connection.
Water flow isslower thannormal.
• Checkwater pressure. Lowwater pressure will cause valve to leak
Self-piercingvalves causelow water pressure. Amana
recommends using copper tubing to connect household
plumbing to refrigerator, Do not use self-piercing valve.
Amana is not responsible for property damage due to
improper installation or water connection.