Steps to remove vacuum bag from the vacuum cleaner:
Unplug the vacuum cleaner. Examine the bag while it's attached to the vacuum cleaner. Most
models will have a spring holding the top of the bag in place inside the unit. Guide the spring upward
until the top of the bag is free. Hold the top of the bag and gently pull it off the vacuum line. Be
careful to hold the bag along its cardboard top, where the hole for the vacuum line goes in.
Otherwise, its contents can easily spill. Gently pull the bag out of its plastic housing. Release the
latch that holds the bag in place and lift the bag straight out. Put in a new vacuum cleaner bag. Slide
the new bag into the plastic housing. Make sure the bag is sitting in the proper position, with the top
in line with the vacuum line. Adjust the bottom of the bag in the housing so dirt can collect properly.