Thank&you&for&purchasing&EarthMark™&M e ta l&G a r d e n &B ed s.&&We&striv e &to &p rovide&high&quality&p r o d u c ts &w it h &
MGB-L024&&Low&Extension& set&
Soil&volume:&Approximately&4.5&cubic&ft.&for&22”&w id e&b ed s,&an d&8&cubic&ft.&for&40”&wide&beds&
• Cut&metal&edges&can&be&sharp.
• Use&a&tarp&or&drop&cloth&to&prevent&loosing&small&hardware&when&assembling&the&beds&in&the&field
• It&is&norma l&to &h a v e&s o me&spare &b ra ce s &o r&h a rd ware&after &as s embly&dep e n d in g &o n &th e &co n f igu ra tio n &o f &yo u r&b e d
• Warning:&Do¬&use&a &p o wered&tiller &af te r&a s se mbly,&as&th is &w ill&d a mage&th e&c ro s s-braces&and&tiller.
• These&beds&provide&ergonomic&access&to&plants&and&can&eliminate&the&need&to&till&the&soil&each&year& if&th e &so il&is
• Narrow&22”&beds&are&ideal&for&larger&plants&such&as&tomatoes,&peppers&or&blueberries&or&raspberries&plan t ed &in &a
row,&smaller&plan ts&such &as&h erb s&or&flow e rs&can &be&gro w n&a rou n d&the m &as&a n&ac cen t.
• The&narrow&beds&can&be&accessed&from&one&side&and&are&suitable&to&place&against&a&wall,&or&can&be&lined&up&or
• 40”&wide&beds&are&best&for&planning&multiple&rows&of&plants&su c h &as&lettuce,&radishes,&carrots,&corn&or&rambling
• Beds&can&be&bolted&end-to-end&to&form&larger&assemblies&using&common&fastening&points.
• Beds&can&also&be&extende d &in &3 6 ” &in te r va ls &u sin g &E a rt h Mark&Gar d e n &B e d &E xt en s io n &S e ts .&B e &s u re &to &o r d e r&t h e
• A&maximum&of&2&extensions&sets&can&be&joine d &to &f o rm &a&9’-3”&long&bed,&if&longer&ru n s&are&d esired ,&start&a&new
bed&with&end&walls&butted&up&to,&or&bolted&to&the&first&to&insu re&structural&in te g rit y.
• Prepare&the&site&befo r e &in st a llat io n .&&L e ve l&g ro u n d &a n d &r emove&ex is tin g &vegetation,&w eed &clo th &c a n &be&used
• A&layer&of&grave l&o r &st o n e &ca n &b e &u s e d &at &th e &b o t to m&of&the&b eds&fo r&improved&drainage
• Use&the&curved&washers&and&long&b o lt s&p r o vided&on&a ll&o v er la p p in g &p a n el&c o n n e c tio n s .
• After&securing&all&fastening&points&with&nuts.&&Connect&the&cross-braces:&slide&the&brace&en d &o v er &th e &b o lt &an d
use&a&SECOND&nut&to&secure&the&brace.&&The&brace&e n d s&will&be&san d wiched&b e tween&2&n u t s.
Loosely&hand-tighten&all&other nut&and&bolt&sets&first,&position&the&bed,& then&tighten&all&with&a&wrench&or&socket
• Galvanized&metal&beds&requires&n o&maintenance,&and&are&b u ilt &to &withstan d &y e a rs &o f&e x p o s u r e&t o & the &elem en ts
• The&hot&dipped&galvanized&finish&is&a&durable&self-sacrificing&finish&that&protects&the&steel&from&corrosion.
Galvanize&will&fade&with&time&and&some&discoloration&is&normal,&minor&surface&ru s t&o n &e d g e s&a n d &h a rd ware&is&to
• Do¬&use&adhesive&removers,&they&often&contain&citric&acid&which&can&damage&the&galvanized&finish
• Do¬&stand&on,&or&lean&a&wheelb a r ro w&agains t&th e &b e d &wall,&It&will&d amage&th e &w a ll&a n d &v o id &th e &warranty
Use&of&these&beds&for &a pplications&other&than&gardening&will&void&th e &warranty &
EarthMark"LLC"warrants"the"product"for"a"period"of"one"(1)" yea rs"from"the"date"of"purchase"from"defects"in"materials"and"
workmanship."During"the"warranty"period,"EarthMark"will"repair"or"replace"a"defective"product"at"our"sole"discretion,"w it h "
a" new" or" repaired" product" without" charge." Shipping" or" processing" fees" may" apply." " To" validate" the" warranty," proof" of"
purchase" from" an" authorized" distributor," or" retailer"must"be"provided.""To"obtain"service"under"this"warranty,"please"
"or,"visit"our"website"www.earthmark.co"or,"write"to :""
EarthMark"llc,"P.O. Box 1233, Delaware, OH 43015 USA"
This" is" the" sole" warranty" of" Earthmark" llc." no" other" warranties," express" or" implied," including" but" not" limited" to" any"
1. Defects"due"directly"or"indirectly"to"misuse,"abuse,"negligence,"accidents,"repairs"made"by"others,"or"alterations"to
2. Damage,"injury"or"death"due"to"improper"placement""or"failure"to"assemble "a cc o rd in g "t o "th e "d ire c tio n s
. Damage"to"the"prod u c t"d u r in g "installation"or"groun ds"keep ing"caused "by"too ls "o r"implemen t s
4. Disease"or"death"of"trees,"bushes,"plants,"gardens"or"crops"grown"in"the"beds."
5. Injury," death" or" property" damage" resulting" from " improperly" handling" sharp" ed ges" or" the " tools" nee de d" to
6. Injury,"death "or"pr op erty"d am a ge"fro m "usin g"an y"of"th e"tools "req uired "for"ass em b ly"of"a"g ard en"b ed"
paid"for"the"product."EarthMark"llc"has"the"sole"discretion"to"repair"or " replace"the"product."Miscellaneous:"EarthMark"llc"
reserves"the"right"to"change"specifications"at"any"time"to"imp rove"the"quality"of"our"products."