Dshwasher / User’s Manual
/41 EN
3. Slghtly press the pont (B) of the
reservor ld to close t.
4. If there are stans on tableware tems
after washng, level must be ncreased
and f there s a blue trace after wpng
them by hand, t must be decreased.
Ths s set to poston 3 as factory
The rnse ad adjustment s
descrbed under "Adjustng
the amount of rnse ad" n
the secton for operatng the
Wpe clean any splled rnse ad
outsde the reservor. Rnse
ad that splled accdentally
wll cause foamng and t wll
eventually decrease washng
Items not suitable for
washing in the dishwasher
• Never wash dshes soled by cgarette
ash, candle remnants, polsh, dyestuff,
chemcals, etc. n your dshwasher.
• Do not wash slverware and cutlery
wth wooden or bone stems, glued
peces, or peces that are not resstant
to heat, as well as copper and tn-
plated contaners n the dshwasher.
Decoratve prnts of chnaware
as well as alumnum and slver
tems may get dscoloured
or tarnshed after washng
n the dshwasher just as t
happens n handwashng as
well. Some delcate glass types
and crystals may become dull n
tme. We strongly recommend
you to check f the tableware
you are gong to purchase s
sutable for washng especally
n the dshwasher.
Placing the dishes into the
You can use your dshwasher n the optmum
way wth respect to energy consumpton and
washng and dryng performance only f you
place the dshes n an orderly way.
• Wpe away any coarse food remnants
(bones, seeds, etc.) on the dshes before
placng them n the dshwasher.
• Place thn, narrow peces n the mddle
sectons of baskets f possble.
• Place the heavly soled and bgger tems
n the lower basket and smaller, delcate
and lght tems n the upper basket.
• Place the hollowed dshes such as
bowls, glasses and pans upsde down n
the dshwasher. Thus, accumulaton of
water n deep hollows s prevented.
To prevent possble njures,
always place the sharp and
ponted dshes such as servce
fork, bread knfe, etc. upsde
down so as ther ponted ends
wll face down or they wll le
horzontally n the dsh basket.
Unload dshes n the lower basket frst and
then the dshes n the upper basket.