Lig ht PowerLig ht Power 2,3 W
Dimmer mod eDimmer mod e Yes
Lig ht color tem pe ra tureLig ht color tem pe ra ture
ra ngera nge
2700° - 4000° °K
Free outlet ma ximumFree outlet ma ximum
ca p acityca p acity
820 m³/h
M otor pow erM otor pow er 275 W
Filter rep la ceme ntFilter rep la ceme nt
indica torindicator
Ve nt outletVe nt outlet 150 mm
M inim um distance fromM inim um distance from
GA S hobGAS hob
650 mm
M inim um distance fromM inim um distance from
500 mm
Non re turn v alveNon re turn v alve Yes
Annua l EfficiencyAnnua l Efficiency
Consump tion (AEChood )Consump tion (AEChood )
48 kWh/a
Energ y efficice ncy classEnerg y efficice ncy class
( EEC)( EEC)
Fluid Dy na mic EfficiencyFluid Dy na mic Efficiency
Fluid Dy na mic EfficiencyFluid Dy na mic Efficiency
class (FDEC)class (FDEC)
Lig hting Efficiency (LE)Lig hting Efficiency (LE) 42,6 lux/W
Lig hting Efficiency ClassLig hting Efficiency Class
Grea se FilteringGrea se Filtering
Efficiency (G FE)Efficiency (G FE)
87,2 %
Grea se FilteringGrea se Filtering
Efficiency Cla ss (G FEC)Efficiency Cla ss (G FEC)
Air flow at minumumAir flow at minumum
sp eed (Qmin)sp eed (Qmin)
254 m³/h
Air flow at ma x imumA ir flow a t max imum
sp eed (Qma x )spe ed (Qma x)
603 m³/h
Air flow at boost sp ee dAir flow at boost sp ee d
(Qboost)(Qb oost)
657 m³/h
Airb ourne acouistical A-Airb ourne acouistica l A -
we ighte d sound Powerwe ighte d sound Power
Emission at minimumEmission at minimum
sp eed (SPEmin)sp eed (SPEmin)
48 dB(A)
Airb orne acoustica l A-Airb orne acoustica l A-
we ighte d sound Powerwe ighte d sound Power
Emission at ma ximumEmission at ma ximum
sp eed (SPEmax )sp eed (SPEmax )
69 dB(A)
Airb ourne acoustica l A -Airbourne acoustica l A-
we ighte d sound pow erw eighted sound pow er
emission a t boost speedemission at boost sp ee d
(SPEb oost)(SPEb oost)
70 dB(A)
Pow er consump tion inPow er consump tion in
sta nd-b y mode (Ps)sta nd-b y mode (Ps)
0,49 W
Tim e increase factor (F)Tim e incre ase factor (F) 0,9
Energ y Efficie ncy IndexEnerg y Efficiency Index 51,8
M ea sure d air flow rateM ea sured air flow rate
at best efficiency p ointat best efficiency p oint
329 m³/h
M ea sure d air p re ssureM ea sure d air p re ssure
at best efficiency p ointat best efficiency p oint
(Pbep )(Pbep )
448 Pa
M ea sure d ele ctricM ea sure d ele ctric
powe r inp ut at be stpow er input at best
efficie ncy point (W be p)efficie ncy point (W be p)
135 W
Nom inal Powe rNom inal Powe r
consum ption of the lightconsum ption of the light
sy stem (W L )sy stem (W L )
5 W
Av era ge illumination ofAv era ge illumination of
the light on the cookingthe light on the cooking
surface (Emiddle )surface (Emiddle )
196 lux
Sound pow er lev el atSound pow er lev el at
highest se tting (Lw a )highest se tting (Lw a )
69 dB(A)