VáÏen˘ zákazníku,
Dûkujeme Vám, Ïe jste si
zakoupil v˘robek spoleãnosti
Pfied prvním pouÏitím
v˘robku si pozornû pfieãtûte
pfiiloÏen˘ ãesk˘ návod , kter˘
firma Candy dodává, a
dÛslednû se jím fiiìte.
Návod, kter˘ jste k v˘robku
obdrÏel, vychází z
v‰eobecné v˘robkové fiady
a z tohoto dÛvodu mÛÏe
dojít k situaci, Ïe nûkteré
funkce, ovládací prvky a
pfiíslu‰enství nejsou urãeny
pro Vበv˘robek. Dûkujeme
za pochopení.
Tento spotfiebiã je urãen˘
pro pouÏití v domácnosti a
podobn˘ch místech:
- zamûstnanecké kuchynû v
prodejnách, kanceláfiích a
jiném pracovním prostfiedí;
- na farmách;
- klienty hotelu, motelu
- v prostfiedí pro pfiípravu
Jiné pouÏití spotfiebiãe mimo
domácnosti nebo na jiné
neÏ bûÏné pouÏití, jako je
komerãní vyuÏití
profesionály, není zahrnuto
ve v˘‰e uvedeném popisu
Pokud se spotfiebiã pouÏívá
nesprávnû, mÛÏe se zkrátit
jeho Ïivotnost a uÏivatel
mÛÏe ztratit právo na
Jakékoliv po‰kození
spotfiebiãe nebo jiná
po‰kození a ztráty vypl˘vající
z nesprávného pouÏití
spotfiebiãe jako domácího
spotfiebiãe (i kdyÏ se nachází
v domácnosti) není
v˘robcem akceptováno.
With the purchase of this Candy
household appliance, you have
shown that you will not accept
compromises: you want only the
Candy is happy to present their
new washing machine, the result of
years of research and market
experience through direct contact
with Consumers.You have chosen
the quality, durability and high
performance that this washing
machine offers.
Candy is also able to offer a vast
range of other household
appliances: washing machines,
dishwashers, washer-dryers,
cookers, microwave ovens.
Traditional ovens and hobs,
refrigerators and freezers.
Ask your local retailer for the
complete catalogue of Candy
This appliances is intended to be
used in household and similar
applications such as:
- staff kitchen areas in shops, offices
and other working environments;
- farm houses;
- by clients in hotels, motels and
other residential type
- bed and breakfast type
A different use of this appliance
from household environment or
from typical housekeeping
functions, as commercial use by
expert or trained users, is excluded
even in the above applications.
If the appliance is used in a
manner inconsistent with this it may
reduce the life of the appliance
and may void the manufacturer’s
Any damage to the appliance or
other damage or loss arising
through use that is not consistent
with domestic or household use
(even if located in a domestic or
household environment) shall not
be accepted by the manufacturer
to the fullest extent permitted by
Please read this booklet carefully
as it provides important guide lines
for safe installation, use and
maintenance and some useful
advise for best results when using
your washing machine.
Keep this booklet in a safe place
for further consultation.
When contacting Candy
or a Customer Services Centre
always refer to the Model, No., and
G number (if applicable of the
appliance see panel).