Once thecorrect channel mode shows on the display, press the ENTER button tosave it.
(or automatically return to themain functions without any change after 8 seconds)
To go backto the functions without any changepress theMENU buttonagain.
Show mode
Used toselect oneof the preprogrammed shows with their associated playbackspeed.
Press the MENUbutton until is shownon the display.
Press the ENTER button, thedisplay starts blinking.
Use DOWN and UP buttons to select the desired show: (random show), (show1) to
(show9)or (auto fade).
Once the desired showis shown on thedisplay, press the ENTER button tosave it.
(or automaticallyreturn to the main functions without any change after 8 seconds)
Once the desired show is selected, you will be asked to choose the playback speed: display blinks while
showing .
Use DOWNand UP buttons to select the desired speed: SP01 (slow) to SP08 (fast).
No need to confirm, just usethe MENU button to go back to the main menu.
Blackout Mode
Blackout mode: when no DMX-signal is detected, the unit goes in blackout and waits for the DMX-signal.
No blackout mode: when no DMX-signal is detected, the unit automatically switches tostandalone mode.
Press the MENU button until is shownon the display.
Press the ENTER button, thedisplay starts blinking.
Use DOWN and UP button to select (yes blackout) or (noblackout) mode.
Once themode is selected, press the ENTER button tosave it.
(or automaticallyreturn to the main functions without any change after 8 seconds)
To go backto the functions without any changepress theMENU buttonagain.
Led Display
Display on: displayis alwayson.
Display off: display is off whennot used.
Press the MENU button untilthe display shows .
Press the ENTER button, thedisplay starts blinking.
Use DOWN and UP buttons to select (display always on) or (display off when not used).
Once the modeis selected, pressthe ENTER button to save it.
(or automaticallyreturn to the main functions without any change after 8 seconds)
To go backto the functions without any changepress theMENU buttonagain.
Color setup mode
Used to set a predefined or self-made coloron all 8 panels:
This is how toset the colors:
Press the MENU button until is shown on the display.
Press the ENTER button, thedisplay starts blinking.
Use DOWN and UP buttons to select the desired color: (color 1) to (color 9) or
(manual color) mode.
Once the desired color is selected, press the ENTER button to save it.
(or automaticallyreturn to the main functions without any change after 8 seconds)
When (manual color mode) was selected, you will be able to set the values of the 3 basic colors
independently. Togglethrough the3 colors using theENTER button:
Red color (display shows: ) : Use DOWN and UP buttons to set the value (0~255) of this color,
confirm with the ENTER button.
Green color (display shows: ) : Use DOWN and UP buttons to set the value (0~255) of this
color, confirm with the ENTER button.
Blue color (display shows: ) : Use DOWN and UP buttons to set thevalue (0~255) of this color,
confirm with the ENTER button.
To go backto the functions without any changepress theMENU buttonagain.
Display Inversion
Display normal: display isreadable whenthe unit is on the floor.
Displayinversion: display is readable when theunit is mountedupside down.
Press the MENU button untill is blinking on thedisplay. (normaldisplay)
Use the ENTER button to change to the mode (display inversion), the option will be automatically
stored after8 seconds.Or press theENTER button again return to the mode (normal display).
To go back to the functions pressthe MENU button.
Once connected tothe mains the device starts running.
Do not switch the unit on and off in short time intervals as this reduces the lamp life.
Always unplug theunit when it is not used for a longer time orbefore servicing.
In the event of serious operating problems, stop using the fixture and contact your dealer immediately.
Don’t usethe effect in the presence of persons suffering from epilepsy.
You can operate the unit in 4 ways:
By master/slave built-in preprogram function
By OC-1 controller
By CA-8 easy controller
By universalDMX controller
1. Standalone 1unit:
Important! This mode only works when the blackout mode in the menu is set to OFF, otherwise
nothing will happen!Read more about this option in the “Main Menu” paragraph.
Just connect the unit to the mains, choose the desired preprogrammed show and put on some music.
The unit will start working automatically to the rhythm of the music.
2. Bymaster/slave built-in preprogram function:
Important! This mode only works when the blackout mode in the menu of the master is set to
OFF,otherwise nothingwill happen!Read more about this option in the “Main Menu” paragraph.
Select this function when you want an instant show. By linking the units in master/slave connection, the
first unit will control the other units to give an automatic, sound activated, synchronized light show. Its
DMX input will have nothing plugged into it, its master-LED will be constantly on and sound-LED will
flash tothe music.
To automatically set the DMX addresses of the fixtures: Press the MENU button of the first unit until
is blinking on the display, then press the ENTER button and the DMX512 addresses of all the
fixtures will automatically be set.
3. Controlled by OC-1controller:
OC-1 is a special matrix controller developed to control the LED OCTOPANEL very easily: no need for
timeconsuming DMX-programming, just plug and play!
Two 8x8 matrixes (16 LED OCTOPANEL) can be controlled at once!