Lightweight: Batiste, Dimity ,
Chiffon, Silks, Synthetic!Jerseys, •
" Fine Lace, Organza, Cre_e;, _:_-!_!_:.....
Taffetta, Voile, Organdy
Medium Weight: Cotton, Cotton
Blends, Percale, Gingham,
Shantung, Pique, Seersucker,
Satin, Knits. Vinyl, Suitings,
Linen, Wool Ci;epe, Leathi_r :ii
Medium Heavy Weight: Corduroy,
Denim, Woot, Sailcloth;Wool :.
Flannel, Gabardine, •Veivets,
Heavy Weight: Coatings,
Upholstery, Cotton Duck, HeaVy
Twills, Canvas
Decorative Top-stitching on all
Synthetic Knits andStretch FabriCs:
Polyester Doubie Knits, Nyl0n
Tricot,: Jersey, Stretch Terry_
Spandex, Cire Tricot
(Model 1525, 1947)
You have been provided with a
buttonhole guide to aid you in making
buttonholes. By using this guide, you
will accurately make identical size
buttonholes every time.
The guide just slips onto the regular
zigzag foot as illustrated.
Details in using this attachment are
given in the next section. Follow
those directions carefully for perfectly
formed buttonholes.
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