1. [BUG FIX] 080528793
After a period, Device doesn't respond for SSL connection and sslvpn deamon is
1. After a period, Device doesn't have any action but sslvpn deamon is dead.
2. HTTPS 443 port can not work.
2. [BUG FIX] 080529844
Sometime device boot on, users can not resolve google, but device can.
1. Sometime device boot on, users can not resolve google in LAN side, but device
2. User ping www.google.com.tw will fail, but device can.
3. [BUG FIX] 080603154
Some of the EPS parameter can not work.
1. When looking for latest Fix Packs (for example KB923789) EPC is failing.
2. EPC Registry Name and Value are accepting only alpha numeric characters.
3. Advanced Settings\Process Name (Some execute file don't work in Process, for
example cmd.exe and csrss.exe)
4. Reverse proxy mode doesn't generate ssldll.log file in C disk.
4. [BUG FIX] 080604255
Device does send Log message to admin, the device is always check SMTP
authentication even if disable SMTP authentication.
1. Maintenance\Log\Log Setting\System Log edit.
2. Check SMTP authentication option box is disable
3. Device always have send SMTP authentication to mail server
5. [BUG FIX] 080611669
Failed to create a new certificate with same Certificate Name even though
previous SCEP certificate is not displayed.
1. Request a SCEP certificate, the certificate name is “test_scep” will succeed.
2. Request a SCEP certificate, the certificate name is “SCEP” will succeed. But
the SCEP certificate does not display in GUI of My certificate.
3. Crate a certificate by device self-sign, the certificate name is “SCEP” will
failed. Because message show “Private Key Identifier already exists”