morse 285A-BP User manual

User manual
Copyright 2022 - Morse Mfg. Co., Inc. Form DC285 (Updated 2 Sep., 2022) 1
The Specialist In Drum Handling Equipment
CE Declaration of Conformity
285 Series Forklift-Karriers
[email protected] 103 Kuhn Rd.
Syracuse, NY, 13208 U.S.A. (315) 437-8475
CE Declaration of Conformity
This product has been tested to the current appropriate standards
and is in compliance with the following
Machinery Directive: 2006/42/EC
Standard: EN 60204 Safety of Machinery
Manufacturer’s Name: MORSE Mfg. Co., Inc.
Manufacturers Address: 103 Kuhn Rd.
Syracuse, NY 13208
Product: Forklift-Karriers
Model: 285 Series
Serial Number: 400000 and up
This Certicate of Compliance issued 2022 is valid for the test sample of the product specied
above and that it conforms to the Directive(s) and Standard(s).
Nathan Andrews
Morse Manufacturing Company, Inc.
103 Kuhn Rd.
Syracuse, New York, USA 13208
Phone: (315)-437-8475
Fax: (315)-437-1029
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morse 285A-BP User manual

User manual

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