Robotouch DreamLine Operation Instructions Manual

  • Hello! I've analyzed the operation instructions for the robotouch 480 massage chair. It includes details on mechanical massage hands, automatic adjustment features, multiple massage modes, adjustable air pressure massage, back heating, extendable footrest and zero-space design. I'm ready to answer any questions you might have about its functions and usage.
  • What are the two kinds of memo massage functions?
    What is the range for massage time adjustment?
    How many massage speed levels are available?
    How many intensity adjustment grades are available for air pressure massage?
    What kind of audio connection does the chair support?
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XProducts refer lo the actual producl, withorrl ;rrtor rrr rttr rr
Dreamline Massage Chair
Operation instructions
O of comPonents
m, "Thisproductisdesignedwitha$etofEmartsDmechanlcalhands'whiqttcan
movi up and down, strEtching back and forth, four-wheel driven with muted
. The lhoulder part is designod wlth automafic dstecuon and micro adiustmant
functlgn; body curve and massage pcints automatlc datec*lon' it can
automaiically adjuet the distance of maesage hands' moving back End forth
according t0 the detected body curve and rnassago poinlc' to mako tho
ma$6age more humani*tic and eclenliflc.
. iornioi, "u"e, ache rsli6v6, fast experlancr, rolax, rnusic sync, walsl stretch'
full air preseure and cther specific maeaage func$on$'
. Set witir two kinds memo massage func'tions M1 and M2'
. Manuallyseloct tho uppor body irassage; thrse mas$ago rcsiti91 optionsof
orerafi,'partial anO fixed posifiln; six maasage methods qf shoutdor graaping,
[n""iiiti, t pping, *hiatdu, kneadlng & tapping and 9D; five maemgo spoed
tevats aiiin'rie; under tapplng and Jhiatau maesage slatus, tha wldth of ths
message hands can bs adiuoted in live lsvels'
. nrm aiimaseage function (uuitt'in 18 air bag*), uppar arm air massage function
(built-in 4 air bage), with 3 intonsity adjustmenls'
. Lawer body air pres$ure massage funition: back air prss$ure ma$sag* fundion
inri|i:m + iiruabs), buttock air pressure massago (hullt-in 16 airtags)'"calf'a$t
Iifr*"uuru mJsiage tunction (buitt-in 3S airha,r), with 3 intensity adjustrnents.
. The fsotrestcan bo extended to suil various heights'
. With slide rail Etructure on backre$t, make a zero-space de$ign to maximally
save placa.
. Calf rest lifting, backrest lifting and autc tying modols adiu$tment"
. LED colorful lights on armrsst.
. With negative oxyg€n io*izer on uppsr arrn'
. ini"*igu"* t*rminai (cell phone or tablet PC) conlrol the mas*age chair by blue
. MP3 player funcfion, upBer arm built ln 3D dlgital audio'
. ionnict*itfr intetllgentierminal by blue tootlr to play music, or connectths
audio cable direclty on mas8agg c-hah's audio connecting ba$e to play music.
. Auto mas66gs Program download.
. Place $ [atural energy magnet In calf alrbags'
l.Pillow Pad
2.30 DigitalAudio
3.Am Air Bag Assembly
4.Seat cushion
5.Caff Massage AssemblY
6.Foot Massage Assembly
T.Negative OxYgen lon Functlon
S.UpgerArm Air Bag AssomhlY
9.Back Cushion
11"16d C,olortul Lights
l2.Contrdlet Pocket
13.gac& Covar
lS.Drivlng 3ox Cover
't 6.S6lety swttch
17.Castsr Wheels
l$"Powsr Cod ard Plug
lg.Powor sockot
2o.Fuse tsox
z'l.Power Switch
22.controller Cord Sockot
19 2021 22 :;l,ilrrjiilii fiJiiyri?lr:ilirilrifiNiiiiiill'I|l}$liillll,i\ilrilil,liNiitil' ttit'N\\llt i{1,[| lnstucrion mnuar 'ii&ffi
MoUxxl of usogo rr
fl Stnndard functlons
l.Negatlve orygen ion funclion {butlon on lefl upp6r arm}.
, lnnbvative negative oxySsn ionizer design on head part, it can emit negative
oxygen ion ceaseless.
. By the national infrared and industrial electric products quality supervision and
inspection center verification, its negative oxygen ion concentrations up to 240
lhousand /cm3, equal to lorest or wate dall, helpful for spontanoous reoovery on
human body.
' Negative oxygen ion can reduce PM ?.5, oplimize roorn air, play an important
part in irnproving human body immunity'
2.Magnet thsrapy function
. Place I natural energy rnagfiet in calf airbags.
" By the national inirarsd and industrial elsctric products qualiiy supervision and
inspection center verificaiion, the surface of the magnetic intensity is 73rnT,
accordingrrviththebe,stprotectionstrenglhofnational standard (40-11OmT).
. Magnet therapy can lower chole$terol, eliminate free radicals accumulation in
the hody, enhance hunran irrrrnunity, and other function$.
2.3O DigitalAudio
. With 3D diEital audio equipment on each side of the upper armrest, connect with
cell phone mu$ic to play through, you can enjoy perfect fusion of rnusic and
massage when relaxing.
4.LED colorful light
" LED Colorful light on armrest: with colorful light on each side, rod, green, blue,
blue*green, purple, yellow, white changed automatically.
@l LGD manual controller control the massage chair
3D Digital Audio LED colortul ligh
Negative oxygen
ion function Magnet
therapy function
N0TE: This is for reference only.
safety switch in the power source box
any heaw weights on tho box cover, lho
Iay down lunction will be stopped,
accident crush injuries when the
8d lnstruclion ma*ual lnstrucilon manual dI
It1, llr,,'l rtl rr' &,4ethr:d fi'f u$ffif}$
. Uppor body manual operation, lower body manual operation
tJJrper body manual operation
Buttons DescriPtion On Displav
G) Shoulder gfa:p: ?.uto turn,to, shoulder grasp massage,
*ffi* 3#J,i,3l#iiiJ;;il.:l;J$liJourdersrasp massase, . [la] ,"m*,[:^H"l*"Y;:Tffi [?:::l:J:il"ion(totar3modes:
*S l;,"jJi,:.ffi ;:3 ffi 5:J:.jii 3[,xo' o'" "' o n
. Air compression massage functions
Under lower body air compression mode or calf air
compression modes, switch on/off calf rest stretch function
Arm air compression ,r.rrg" on/off and intensity
adjustment, 3 grades adjustable
The ii6iault time for massage is 20 minutes, max work
time is 40 rninutes. Press the time button to add in 5
minute increments. You can set the time range
anywhere from 5 minutes to 40 minutes.
Gf Kneaorng: speeo ano rntensrry aojustaDre
M Kneadrng: speed and intensity adjustable t$]
Gf tf.e*p,.':ytSl"9: ifto.nrvo massase rnodes, speeo,
tr l15$lfliJx3ffiLt;#"massasemodes'speed' . hl
-m, Kneading & tapping: speed and intensity adjustable I b]
GD Kneading & tapping: speed and intensity adjustable
m"-!;!i,f i#l:,i;'ie Ju: #" :T1'"T_'*i_ _Iir
m I flxi'lli#l?flIf&J:l:#" massase modes' speed'
qp fl?;d,|f:'Jl',:,"tjnto rour massase modes' speed' t?'J
. Other functions
Buttons DescriPtion
1$ Back massage intensity weakened:.massage hands
ulfl,sooy rnove to any position, can weaken the current intensity
ln16rstu IwcRk6.l
Il Back massage intensity strengthened: massage hands
,."yffi*, move to any position, can strength the current intensity
Wm Foot roller switch on/off and speed ad.iustment, 3 gradesl
,o_ffi-r* adjustable
I Back.far infrared heatlng therapy, feei warm after 3
HEATER mrnutes
. Massage Time Ajustment
3ed and rntensrty aoJustaDle qry
.1 -
Speed: 5 grades adjustable :rltI
9l D:llly
Width: 5 grades adjustable
Fixed positron massage
Back and forth massage on partial position
ueilffffisr mode^ massage hands can move downward move upward ;r;;;;[)
BecK ano ronn massage on upper DacK , I I nz
Back and forth massage on lower back |,] n,
lI' Under fixed or partial position massage Massase h.,nd l'11::.'i:I';'lll
ao*E-*r, mode. massage hands can move doinward move dtwnward I adJustmelt lJrdqr
llxed arld Parllirl
Il Abovefixerlore?rtialp: illoll:Yg:... -, y:::ig^:.P:d Pmitionmasr'tu'lr
, i'lro
Gl Back and forth massage on upper body t'l *,,
srRErcH Back and forth massage on upper back il n,
. Negative oxygen ion generator ( Controller button is in the upper arm)
;;il; Negative oxygen ion function on & off
ion fLlcron
speed 2 grades available
On Display
F€€t l!1M!!!
B6ck M,!!l!!!
F€ot lllllll!!
Bac k llLlllll!
Buttocks o
/1 \
am lll trl trr
I On Display
On Display
l0 lnstruction manual lnsiruction manual 1l
h,4r'll rur l r )l ltlitqL
of backresl and calf rest
Auto lay down mode : with 3 auto lay down mode , when press the
button, turn into one mode, follow by cycle.
Calf rest lifting buLton: press this button, calI rest lifling slowly, stop
when release it.
Calf resl decline button: press this button, calf rest decline slowly, stop
when release it.
LBackrest lifting button: press this button, back rest lifting slowly, stop
when release it.
Backrest decline button: press this button, back rest deciine slowly, stop
when release it.
Shut off po\ffer and finish ma$sage
" Press power button during massage to stop ail massage functions immedlately or
one setling massage program finished, backrest and footrest won't return to
original position, and the remote controller display "SA" & "Memory "
A.Press M1 or M2 bufton within 10 seconds to store the massage mode,
B.Or press the power butlon Within 10 seconds, the massage hands, backrest and
footrest will return to original position automatically,
C.Or waiting for 10 seconds , the ma$Eage hands return to original position ,but
. Turn off power
Figure (Cut off the power of the machine)
re angle
&,4r.tlrtrt { fi [ r.r,(.,q
iPhone orAndroid tablet system operate mas$age Ghair
Application program interface
tlumbe Description Description
1function keys 7status-bar
2massage status information display area oService
3upper body intensity adiustrnent Ioperationlpause key
4massage button 10 function setting function
along press for 2 seconds to exit program 11 information prompt line
6minimize program
Diagram of the switch position of power supply **ffiro**, .7 1 Preparation before oPeration
1)lnstallation program download and install
j lnstallation progiam supplied by agent or download from the network provide by agent
1? lnstructionmaoual
lnstruction manual -l 3 rorl (][ lr,]!lr
. u$B connect the tahl*t afld computer, install the program in the tablet through the
so{tware tools {such Peasecod, 360 mobile phone assistant)" After install
que$1ion$, pleaee con$ult ths tablet $upplier when install lhe prograrn'
,'r"|WU,W' r+
lnstall successfttllY, a (aPPlte
program) icon aPPears
2)Blue tooth link
. Turn on the chair Power switch '
" Open the applicant menu in lhe labtret main screon, choose setting to open ihe
setting interface,
" flp*r*iu blue tooth funeti*n ?*hoos* blue tooth setting? ciick and check attachmtrt I
*,irip*""t. when find " Filronest" ieon" click it to match tablet blue t6oth with
*ruurg* chair blue taoth(matchlng code: 00001'.\iYhen match suc*essfully' click
, Flho;6s1" agaio to connect tabi*et computer trlue tosth with mas*age chaif Lrlus'r
massage chair
3)The blue tooth module abnormal problems and solutions
. After the blue tooth paired succeed, if it eannot connect well with the blue tcxlth ol
massage chair, please try to cancel the blue tooth pairing, tum off the power of
massage chair, and restart it, then re-connect as.above'
. The blie toolh show conneci succoed, but in to the appiicaticn program, cannot
control the mas$age e hair well, or the information tips showed blue tooth connect
failed, it shows abnormal in blue iooth nrodule, you should exit the APP and conlirjr
the blue tooih module ag6in, or turn off the power of rnassage chair, and restart lt
then re-connect as ab0v6.
($ Switcfr on the machine
. Make sure the massage chair power swilch is off, connect the power cord witlt lhc
massage chair, plug itlnto the good ground connection socket, lurn the power swilr
on, the massage chair into start up states'
Diagram of the switch position of power supl;ly
5 Massage funclion eontrol operation
1.To stafi a massage
. ln pad s"reen, unfold the APP listing, elick " mP" to start up the massage chair
control program.
. Fiot into stirtup interface after you start up the program, after 5 seconds into massage
information interface.
- -, -[ ';power on/off " on the display interface to start massage function' massage
chair laY down automaticallY
Starfup interface In standby mode massage
information display interface
2.Shoulder position adjustment
. Automaticaiiy detecting shouder pa,silion and acupressure points, please wail tiitr delection
, ii i"u"Ou ,eti-di-di.....,' a*ef ticished lhe delgctiotl 6nd inlo shculder p,ssilion adiusl
;;i#;; ru&, you can adjust the $houider position by pressing up or down biltton, it ilas
;i;;;"'r;;idile- tf you have not fnade any adiustrnenis io the shoutder posiiion or
automatically sla* &e " Fine " rfia$$age program fcr y:u'
t, Shoulder Position and massage
points detection interface
""J.::11'J"',fl1" Function description
,r,r' r, Press to adiust the massage
heads higher
,, .1 I Preso to adiust lhe mas$age
rr /r' i heads iower
Startup interface
Shoulder position adjust interface
lnsblction manral l$
.:tr.:-\ra' I
Methart of *selge '-1.l,:-.,
Mtllrurlol tl"irglrr
3.Massage function running and pausing
- ln nrassage information interfaee, when the maS$age chair in running $tate, pres$
,.runningipausing " button, all the ma$$ass function will str:p, and into pau$ins
state; in [ausing state, press " running /pau*ing " button' the ma$sage function wili
continue to running 5* pauseei before' All the massage functisn turn off
automatically if the pausing time over 10 minutes'
S.Auto massage
. Click " W " , ooory massage function selecting menu, choose what you need'
. Click " W.Mffi" , into auto function selecting interface, click auto icon choose auto
massag6'ffibde. ln auto massage state, the speed and width are nonadjustable
Auto massage function selecting interface
Button '
W Relax muscles and bones
W PromoteUf*"rfution
[dSH-} Depth massage on acupressure point, relax ache area
r,*^"*g; Neck and shoulder, waist, buttocks, arms, legs air bag work at same
,trM' time, relax the whole body
txtt* lmprove body fatigue state, recover body activity
*-- *When ihe calf rest air bag work and squeeze ealf part, the backrest lay
W'"*:tt down and calf rest pulls down to stretch ths waist part, then return to
original position and repeat above actions" Meantime the seat air bag
-'*: qlgl9lsage hands work toget
ffi:ffi Back to runnino state information interface
function description
tMqM Press this burtton the massage function continue to running as be
. ; PAUSE paused before.
ffif;ffinuxnrrc Press this button, 1aule all the massage functton
4.Upper bodY massage intensitY
body by ii"X tt,u int*n"ity adju*l icon in the massage information interface, 5 grades
Function descriPtion
Strength: 5
running state interface suspended state interface
15 lnslructionmanual
lnstructiQn manual l7
6,Manual massage
. Click " ffiffi into manual massage function selecting interface, select manual
massage methods, back stretch mode, speed, width function. ln flapping, 3D,
shiatsu, stop state, the width of massage hands is adjustable. Excspt the $top $tale
the speed is adjustable in any other massage melhods
1)Manual massage - methods, speed, width
. ln the interface of manual function selecting, cliok the ' m|ffi" into mas$age
technique selection, $pqed, width adjustment interface, cliCk tne corresponded
technique icon, speed icon, width icon, choose the personalized massage function.
4 15
| ,-
Methed of asage - ',-
2) Manual massage-stretch mode
' ln manual function selecting interface, ctic,. " ffiffi" into stretch mode interface,
click the corresponding stretch mode icon choose your personalized massage function-
Manual massage
function select-slretch mode
A Not"
the shoulder grasping mode,
mode selection is invalid.
Stretcl Mode, Function description
m lmwhore back Massage up and down on whole back
Auto massage function
selectingtechnique interface Upperback Massage up and down on upper back
Lowerback Massage up and down on to*"r n""t
Shoulder grasp: auto turn to shoulder grasp massage, speed and
intensity adjustable Back partial massage up and down in a small area
Kneading; speed and intensity adjustable ffi,,*"uo'o, Massage on fixed point
7.Air compression massage
. Click " f into the air compression massage function selecting interfaoe, click
the cone"sponding air compression massage function icon- lt include lower body air
compression rnassage {lower body, waist, buttocks} and arrns air eompression
Tapping: subdivide into two mas$age modes, speed,
width, intensity adjustable
Kneading & tapping: speed and intensity adjustable
Shiatsu: subdivide into two massage r.*Ouu, up""O,
width, intensity adjustable
ffi 3D: subdivide into four massage modes, speed,
-- -ry- -- intensity adjustable
ffi Rutrrn,o,n"rrnn,nn-
fd lnsiruclionmanuai hslruction manudl /9
Mcthorl of usage fulrl'[{ rt,{tr s.}l LrFaL]#
E.Other massage function
1 )Other massage funclionlhermal therapy function
. pr"r" " ffiJ.$ " button to enter massage function interface, press " iffi " nutton to
start or stop backrest infrared heating lunction
You will have warm sensation 3 minutes
after when you switch on.
1 )Air compression massage-arms
lntensity: 3
grades adju$table
[:::m r::l-:rn i r::;*:r
ln arm air compression mode, adlust the
intensity, 3 grades available.
Air compression rnassage-arms interface
Switch on or off the arms air compression massage function
Air compression
twt 4*
l* Lir$ Arms thermal therapy function interface
2)Air compression massage' lower body, waist, buttocks, legs stretch
Air compression
L-OWrn soov
& "'it
werst fuirocxq
$,tr, l!;
-i 2 3
ln a state of startup of lower body, waist
and buttocks, foot part air compression,
you can adjust the air comPression
intensity, 3 grades available.
Zlother massage function- sole roller
. Click " i.#.i-fl$' inro the other rna$s*g* function interface, clict< " ffi11,rfl " to switch
on or off this function. When the sole roller rnas$aqe function in ctartup $tate, click
sole roller speed ieon, you can adjust the speed ol the roller, with 3 grade$ optional'
Function descriPtion
Switch on or off thermal therapy massage funclion
Function Description
lntensity: 3
grades adjustable
Themal therapy
Lower body, waist,
buttocks, legs, legs interface
intensity: with 3
grad€s adjustable
Switch on or off lower body air eompression massage function'
Lower body air compression including waist, buttocks and foot part'
Switch on or off waist, buttocks air compression massage function
Switch on or ofi foot part air compression massage function' Buttons
Switcfr on or off iegs stretch iunction. When you switch on lower
body air compression or foot part air compression massage function,
the default startup function is legs stretch. ryfl");;
Sole roller massage interface
!0 lnslruction manual
Switch on/off roller on sole massage function
lnstruction manual :1
l'lltli,r,, I t, .,1r1,'
3)Other function massage-Updated program working
. Open application menu " ll,l"':i" , choose " service " into auto-massage prograrrl
update intedace ,
. App auto-function choice , with "r l'i'iti 1;'\: i" APP auto modes '
. Conflrm your choice, the speaker will alarm if the selected APP is invalid'
sJ Backrest frame and calf rest frame position adjust
Buttons Fuflction Description
Click this butlon, calf re$t rise up slowly, stop when release it
Click this button, calf rest go down slowly, stop when release it
Click this button, back rest rise up slowly, stop when release it
Click this button, back rest go down slowly, stop when release it
Total with 3 modes for automatically lie down, every time with one
mode when press the button
--"::-r. ' -'
Methnd #f u$nfifl ''!..->i-.
. lanouaoe selection
Cfic[' ""ffi " icon into setting function interface, then click \,t icon, popup
languageirHbox. select language type. the system with 3 language (simplified
Chine$e, traditional Chinese, English).
. volume adiust
Cficf<"ffil "icon into setting function interface, then click" ii volume adjust"icon,
popup volume adjust icon, click"volume +"or "volume .'to adjust the volume of the
Setting function- [anguage
selecting interface setting function- volume
adjust interface
. o*
& App download
. Massage chair in standby mode, confirm the intelligent terminal (smart phone or
tablet) in good connection with the blue tooth of massage chair.
- Open application menu " g$ " ,choose "_-'.'"" into auto-massage program update
Updated program working
,l? lnstruction maruai lfslruction man!al ?3
Start or exit app upgrade downloaded function
Auto massage program No. Choice
Confirm download address
lntetligent terminal and the blue tooth of massage chair are in
good connection
Choose the downloaded app document ( documenL Bin )
program Start to download app documsnt
#r*W$#Hsf',lryq h'mu*ic plaver oparallon
. Audio devices with blue tooth function (such as mobile , MlD, tablet ) matoh with the
chair blue tooth. The music hansfened by the wirelees blue tooth and played in the
chair speaker"
. Audio devico match with massage chairthrough bluo tooth , please refer to above.
'ffii poaur off
, Whsn the massage function in a etate of sta(-up, click " massage on/off" will turn
off all lhe massage function.@ st,ru6s!
. Nlmbct sqq!{ql-.-,
E paxh
For exampls : Currently required download App auto prosram " irsstAutor.bin "
ln A2 mode .
Ccnlirm *le inblligeot terninal {smart phone ortablet} in good connec*ion wi8l
the blue boffr of tre chair in standby rnode.
OpnapSicationprqfam " dl" dick o service $" enterintoaub
massage pr€mm updated inbr*ace .
6liE-;ffifl'd-;'id-"*rto program download nurnber c*roice , dick " fi "
ctnose aut+nffisage proglam number ( Rentob controlter screon display " A2
;tr'"#**,HE ; ffiH Hffii,**.n inerrispnttenninar and
Huetoolhqf drair. Promptwindowdisplay " kla*ccessftll " whsttFre
wrnect is right , odrcna*x , il udlt display " ttst enotr'
Ater last succe*ttllx cfme firmv*are paft docur€nt , clittr< " *on E " b
choose ircslAutol.bin
The last step is click *firmware update P " inio auto massago @gram updala,
thc pronptlvindourdiaplay "do$doad successful " ( runole contrdlersctesl
display " OH" ) if updated ftnishd , o*rens*sethe it display o download
Bnor" toalenn updated failura. ( remotn mnhdlerssra$l display "EA" )-
Diagram of the switch posilion of power supply ,"**. oo"*",
#.-,fl&;*, The power cord can plug frorn the power outlet only after the chair
q! - power swIcn tum ofr
i I9tr9-
Figure 't Figure 2
3"Draw out the plug on lhe bottom of the seat frame and connect with the arm rest joint,
air pipe responded to the right place (figure 3)
4.After connect fie responded connector, insert it gently through the square hole on the
bottom of the seatframe, be careful not to fold the air pipe (filure 4)
Figure 3
, r,r 'rt,it,i ,,*.;;ii.rll ,',tl,,,ti i liri I ,,, ,..*:{;r,
Methnd 0f u$ags '",u(-*;:r';i;,.
armresl Bin
5.As figure, the hook on the arm rest respond to the box on the fix board, the steel
board respond to the groove of arm rest.(figure 5)
6.Hold the arm rest with your hands, the back armrest is higher than the front, front
armrest pin respond to box on the front part of the steel board , ( check the connect
wire if it is inserted in to the bottom of armrest frame, avoid to get stuck), back armrest
pin respond to box on bottom part ofthe steel board in turn, press down tho back part
of armrest to fixed two armrest top pin on the steel board. (figure 6)
Y The disassemble and uslng of pillow pad and back cushion
. Using head cushion can reduce knead massage strength for neck and shoulder, it
all depends on you whether to use it (w6 suggest you using it). Head cushion and
backrest are conneotion throush a zipper {figure I i, uptum the back side of the
head cushion, and put the AB flannelette inside of the head cushion in$ert the belt
above the backre$t (Iigure 2). Turn down the head cushion, put the back side lay on
the backrest. lt can adjust to a suitable position based on different size(figure 3).
Figure 1
Figure 3
f Floor Protection
. Put tho heavy massage chairs on ths wood floor for a longtime may danrage the floor,
so please place a carpet or other object to avoid this damage.
Do not move the chair with its wheels on wood floor, rough ground or in a
narrow space. Two people are required to lift the chair in this case, carry the
I calf front sealing plate and back cover ( please don't lift the armrest ) .
Front armrest pin
Amrsttop I ngrrus i
Crn--2unt I INote: thE connect wire musl be
insert inlo the righl plaee, avoid to gel stuck-
T.Mount the ann rest lo chair frame, the mounts for the arm should $lide into theit
respective lscalions on the frame of the chair without applying force, press down slighlly
on the arm to lock intro place. then press the armrest make sure the pin inlo the box on
the fixed steei board, and pull it with your hand to check it is fasten tigh{y.(figure 7)
LFind out the install hole on the front part of the fixed steel board, screvr the screws wlth
hex wrsnch.( Figure 8) .
$"Find out the in$tall hole on tho behind part of the fixed steel board, screw the screvrs with
hex wrench, {lnish fie installation, same installation of the two armrest. {figure 9} "
, t-1 t: .f .. Saat c(Jshioh
eatresi ,
I '. "1;,, ,1.. ,,1
fioure 8 i :
" Amrest *, ;
,,, ,|.
i r'
i ':
Figure: hex head screw
fixed in front part of arrnrest
figure 9
Back mvei
I ti,'i',,,-.
tr tt, l
t6 .l
o 'l
i a 1,,,
' A': ')
i ,:r': rl
figure 7
Tue head
26 lnstruclion manwl
figure; hBx head screw lixed in back part gf armrest
Instructlon manual ?7
ffi moving the chair ::l i :lll tJ,:\lli::ni!l::i
t. ., t I .::r'.i:1.!t;
. Make sure all the wires are *ar above the ground, tilt the backest bactanrard until the
chair i* resing on tho caster whoals, push tho chair fonsard or backward and finally
return the chair to the normal position in a slow and gentle manner.
Pleass must tllm oflthe power switch, then unplug the power cord and
rcmote control wire before moving the chair.
Product spscification
Model: 480
Descriplion: Massage Chair
Rated voltage: 'llG120V - 60tlz tI
,9j0-240v - 50Hr'60H2 g/
Rated power input 240W
ilated tirne: 20 Min
Noise: {58db
Standby power; <0.5W
$afety D6sign: Class I
Material inboduction: PVC. PA, steel
Name:Dream Line Massage Chair