A) LOW POWER EYEPIECE — By inserting low power eyepieces, the Tele Vue-
60 can be used as its own finder for locating objects to be observed at higher magnifications.
For the widest field possible, you should use either the Tele Vue 32mm Plössl or the 24mm
Panoptic which provides viewing at 11x or 15x respectively with a whopping 4.3° true field
(over 8 full moon diameters).
B) QWIK-POINT — This accessory projects a "red dot" where the telescope is
pointed and attaches to the telescope's dew shield. (See back page for instructions.)
The optical performance of your Tele Vue-60 telescope is based on its high quality
objective lens. However, every other item in the telescope’s light path will affect the final
image quality. To obtain the highest performance from your Tele Vue-60 telescope, you
should select only eyepieces, prism or mirror diagonal assemblies by Tele Vue Optics .
Although the variety of eyepieces seems daunting, you only need a few to cover
a broad magnification range. Choose the best eyepieces you can afford, rather than the
most. Many factors are involved in choosing the right eyepiece for you. Please call us for
advice. Below are our suggestions for getting started with your Tele Vue-60.
Starting with low power, the 24mm Panoptic at 15x provides the largest true
field, 4.3°. For medium power, a 9mm Nagler Type 6 delivers 40x, great for terrestrial as
well as rich-field deep sky observing. The 8mm Ethos would be a great alternative to the
9mm Nagler At high power your subject will appear to move through the field quickly.
Therefore, if the eyepiece focal lengths were the same, an 82° Nagler eyepiece would
permit longer observing times before having to move the telescope. In practice, the true
field differences for our high power recommendations are small because the magnifications
are different. For high power, choosing either a 2.5mm Nagler Type 6 (144x), or 3-6mm
Zoom (60x-120x) will give you a minimum of two minutes time to view an object on the
meridian (worst case) before having to reposition the telescope.
Although Ethos eyepieces are larger, heavier and more costly, the 100° appar-
ent field of view gives a unique "wow" experience. Ethos 13mm, 10mm, 8mm, 6mm and
4.7mm, 3.7mm (with 110°) all work with the TV-60. The Delos line with its 20mm of eye
relief is excellent day or night for eyeglass wearers. Available focal lengths 17.3mm, 14mm,
12mm, 10mm, 8mm, 6mm, 4.5mm and 3.5mm.
Though the Tele Vue-60 is capable of significantly higher powers, the number
of subjects bright enough for such magnifications are limited to the Moon, major planets
and some double stars. Please note going to higher powers than recommended produces
a larger image, but no resolution gain. Atmospheric turbulence will also often limit the
amount of magnification that can be used.
An easy way to center bright objects is to remove the eyepiece
and look down into the diagonal from a foot away. Place the
bright object (moon, planet etc.) as close to center as possible.
Reinstall a low power eyepiece and further center the object.