A single refill pellet fits safe and snug in the mesh pocket on the outside of the band. As the
natural oils’ active ingredients are released into the air around you, they help to mask the
scents of your breath and body, making it harder for mosquitoes to find you. Super simple,
super effective.
Insert the pellet* into the wristband
Wear it on your wrist or ankle
Or keep it nearby
PARA’KITO™ wristbands, accessories and pellets can be disposed of as ordinary waste
without risk to the environment.
*Replace as needed and in any case after 15 consecutive days to help mask human odors
that attract mosquitoes. Use exclusively with PARA’KITO™ bands and other accessories.
Do not swallow, lick, or ingest pellets. Wash hands after handling. Keep out of reach of
young children when not in use. Do not wear bands loaded with pellets in bed. The effcacy
of this product can vary depending on many variables; use of this product does not
guarantee to prevent a mosquito bite from occurring. Please review the instructions booklet
for a description of limitations on efficacy and how you can best increase your overall
protection from mosquito bites.