LG GW550.AUAEDW Owner's manual

Mobile phones
Owner's manual
Bluetooth QD ID B015930
- 中文
此文档是 LG GW550 Windows Mobile 智能手机的用户手册。
LG Electronics 保留对此文档的所有权利。
未经 LG Electronics 同意,不得复制、修改和散发本文档。
同步音乐、视频和图片 ....... 58
互联网共享................... 59
蓝牙管理器................... 59
设置蓝牙配置 ............... 59
使您的设备可见 ............. 60
蓝牙配对 ................... 60
接受蓝牙配对 ............... 61
服务 ....................... 61
“设置”页面 ............... 62
“配件”页面 ............... 62
“我的设备”页面 ........... 62
Office Mobile................ 63
Excel Mobile................. 63
OneNote Mobile............... 65
PowerPoint Mobile............ 65
Word Mobile.................. 66
Adobe Reader LE.............. 68
打开 PDF 文件 .............. 68
任务管理器................... 68
MSN Money.................... 68
MSN Weather.................. 68
GPS 加速器................... 69
AGPS 设置.................... 69
Java......................... 69
Marketplace.................. 69
Microsoft My Phone........... 70
配置 My Phone .............. 70
远程桌面..................... 70
RSS 查看器................... 70
订阅 RSS 源 ................ 70
更新 RSS 源 ................ 71
查看 RSS 源 ................ 71
Live Search 小工具........... 71
文件浏览器................... 71
语音笔记..................... 72
日历......................... 73
将事件添加到日历中 ......... 73
更改默认日历视图 ........... 73
任务......................... 73
创建任务 ................... 73
更改任务优先级 ............. 73
为所有新任务设置默认提醒 ... 74
........................... 74
查找任务 ................... 74
计算器....................... 74
秒表......................... 75
游戏......................... 75
XT9 字典..................... 75
在 XT9 中添加单词 .......... 75
编辑 XT9 中的单词 .......... 75
删除 XT9 中的单词 .......... 76
添加自动替换快捷方式 ....... 76
编辑自动替换快捷方式 ....... 76
删除自动替换快捷方式 ....... 76
XT9 选项..................... 76
智能应用程序 ............... 76
Windows Live Windows Live™ 的移动版本。
时钟和闹钟 您可以设置日期和时间,以及设置闹钟。
MSN Money 访问 MSN Money 以查看股票。
MSN Weather 通过 MSN Weather 查看天气预报。
搜索小工具 访问 Live Search。
快速拨号 您可以添加电话号码以快速拨号。
XT9 字典
1. 从“今日”屏幕选择开始 > 图
2. 选择要配置设置的图片。
3. 选择菜单 > 选项。 此时将出
b 调整图片大小,以便更快地通过
b 配置旋转设置。
b 配置幻灯片放映过程中的视图
Windows Media
Windows Media
您可以使用适用于 Pocket PC 的
Microsoft Windows Media Player
10 Mobile 播放存储在您的设备或网
文件。 此应用程序支持以下文件格
MP4 等。
打开 Windows Media
打开 Windows Media
通过以下选项之一访问 Windows
b 从“今日”屏幕选择开始 >
Windows Media 以打开应用程序。
b 从“文件浏览器”或“图片和视
Windows Media Player 有三种主要
> 媒体库切换到“正在播放”或“媒
b 输入设备名称,然后单击设置。
Mobile 设备中心会自动同步您的
手机。 注意,同步后,Outlook
使用 Windows Mobile 设备中心
使用 Windows Mobile 设备中心
要打开 Windows Mobile 设备中心,
请在您的 Windows Vista 电脑上,
单击开始 > 所有程序 > Windows
Mobile 设备中心。 在 Windows
Mobile 设备中心,您可以执行以
b 单击移动设备设置以更改您的同
b 当您单击图片、音乐和视频 > ___
将其传输到 Windows Vista 电脑
b 单击图片音乐和视频 > 从
Windows Media Player 向设备添
加媒体以使用 Windows Media™
Player 同步音乐和视频文件。 有
关详细信息,请参阅第 112 页
的“Windows Media® Player
b 单击文件管理 > 浏览设备上的内
设置 Windows XP
设置 Windows XP
如果您使用的是 Windows XP,请
从 Microsoft 网站 (http://www.
microsoft.com) 下载 ActiveSync,
置 ActiveSync。
b 按照屏幕指示安装 ActiveSync。
b 在安装完成后,使用同步数据线将
- 将 USB 数据线的较小端连接到
LG GW550。
- 将 USB 数据线的较大端连接到
电脑上的 USB 端口。
b 同步设置向导将自动启动,引导
您创建同步关系。 单击下一步
b 要在设备和电脑间实现同步,取
消选择“直接与运行 Microsoft
Exchange Server 的服务器同
b 选择要同步的信息类型,然后单
b 单击完成。
完成向导后,ActiveSync 将自动同
字媒体,可以将 ActiveSync 与
Windows Media Player 一起用来同
Windows Media Player 中设置,而
不能在 ActiveSync 中选择要同步
的媒体信息类型。 在同步媒体之
b 在电脑上安装 Windows Media
Player 10。
b 使用 USB 数据线将手机连接到电
脑。 如果手机当前建立了蓝牙连
b 将存储卡插入手机(建议 32MB
b 设置存储卡与 Windows Media
Player 之间的同步配对关系。
在 ActiveSync 中选择了要同步
Windows Media Player 播放列表
件。 您所必须做的就是在 Windows
Media Player 中为这些媒体文件设
1. 打开 Windows Media Player。
2. 单击同步。
3. 选择存储卡。
4. 单击设置同步。
有关在手机上使用 Windows Media
Player 的信息,请参阅第 59 页
的“Windows Media Player”。
GW550 / GW550h
EN 301 489-01 v1.6.1 / EN 301 489-07 v1.3.1 / EN 301 489-17 v.1.2.1 / EN 301 489-19 v1.2.1 /
EN 301 489-24 V1.4.1
EN 300 328 V 1.7.1
EN 60950-1 : 2001
EN 50360:2001/EN62209-1:2006
EN 301 511 V9.0.2 / EN 301 908-1 V3.2.1, EN 301 908-2 V3.2.1
GSM 850 / E-GSM 900 / DCS 1800 / PCS 1900 Quad Band and WCDMA Terminal Equipment
The conformity to above standards is verified by the following Notified Body(BABT)
BABT, Forsyth House, Churchfield Road, Walton-on-Thames, Surrey, KT12 2TD, United Kingdom
Notified Body Identification Number : 0168
06. Oct. 2009
I hereby declare under our sole responsibility
that the product mentioned above to which this
declaration relates complies with the above mentioned
standards and Directives
GW550 User Guide
- English
This document is the user guide for the LG GW550 Windows Mobile Smartphone.
All rights for this document are reserved by LG Electronics.
Copying, modifying and distributing this document
without the consent of LG Electronics are prohibited.
Introduction ..............................6
GW550 Features .......................7
Phone Components ................................ 7
Keys and Parts Functions ....................... 8
Getting Started .......................10
Installing the SIM card and Battery ........10
Battery ................................................10
SIM Card .............................................11
Charging the Battery ............................12
microSD Card ......................................13
Turn the Device On and Off ....................15
Lock the Keyboard .................................15
Getting Started.......................................15
Adjust Volume ........................................15
Screen Information .................16
The Today Screen ..................................16
Status Indicators ....................................17
Shortcut Menu .......................................18
Start Menu .............................................19
Entering Information ...............23
Using the Keyboard ................................23
QWERTY Keyboard...............................23
XT9 Mode ..............................................24
Numeric Keypad ..................................24
Recording a Note ...................................24
Contacts .................................25
Contacts ................................................25
Outlook Contact ...................................25
SIM Contact ........................................25
To Create a Contact ...............................25
To Find a Contact ...................................25
To Work with the Contact List .................26
To Change Contact Information ..............26
To Delete a Contact ................................26
To Copy Contacts ...................................26
Smart Contacts ......................................26
Call ......................................... 27
Making a Voice Call ................................27
Make a Call from Phone .......................27
Make a Call from Contacts ...................27
Make a Call from Call History ...............27
Speed Dial ..........................................27
Receiving a Call .....................................28
To Answer or Reject a Call ....................28
To End a Call .......................................28
In-call Options .......................................28
To Put a Call on Hold ............................28
To Set Up a Conference Call .................28
To Turn the Speakerphone On or Off .....29
To Mute a Call .....................................29
Video Calls .............................................29
Make a Video Call ................................29
To End a Video Call ..............................30
Notes ..................................................30
Using Call History ...................................30
Find Contact ........................................30
Send Text Message ..............................30
E-mail .................................................30
View Timers ........................................30
Delete .................................................30
Delete List ...........................................31
Filter ...................................................31
Video Call ............................................31
Messaging ..............................32
Messaging .............................................32
Text Message ........................................32
To create an SMS message ..................32
To create an MMS message .................33
To reply or forward a text message .......33
E-mail ....................................................33
To Set up an E-mail Accont ..................34
To create and send a new e-mail ..........35
To reply or forward an e-mail ................35
Receiving Messages ..............................36
Managing Messages ..............................36
My e-mail ..............................................37
Smart Email ...........................................37
Multimedia .............................38
Camera ..................................................38
Taking a Photo.....................................38
Recording a Video ................................38
Camera Settings ..................................39
Capture Mode Settings ........................40
Pictures & Videos ...................................41
To Copy a Picture or Video Clip to Your
Device ................................................41
To View Pictures ..................................41
To View Slide Show .............................. 42
To Play Videos with Audio .....................42
To Delete a Picture or Video Clip ...........42
To Edit a Picture ..................................42
To Set a Picture as the Today Screen
Background .........................................43
To Send Pictures and Video Clips via
E-mail or MMS ....................................44
To Assign Pictures to Contacts ..............44
To Save a Picture as Another File ..........44
To Use Advance Options .......................45
Windows Media .....................................45
Playback Screen ..................................46
Now Playing Screen .............................47
Library Screen .....................................47
FM Radio ...............................................48
To Use Radio Options ...........................49
Applications ............................50
Internet Explorer ....................................50
Windows Live™ ....................................51
To Set Up Windows Live™ ...................51
Using Hotmail ......................................51
Windows Live™ Contacts ....................52
Using Windows Live™ Search ..............52
ActiveSync .............................................52
Setting up Windows Vista™ .................53
Setting up Windows XP ........................54
Synchronizing Information ....................55
Synchronizing via Bluetooth ..................57
Synchronizing Musics, Videos, and
Pictures ..............................................58
Internet Sharing .....................................59
Bluetooth Manager ................................59
To Set the Bluetooth Confi guration ........59
To Make Your Device Discoverable ........60
Bluetooth Partnership ..........................60
To Accept a Bluetooth Partnership ........61
Services ..............................................61
Settings Page ......................................62
Accessories Page ................................62
My Devices Page .................................62
Offi ce Mobile .........................................63
Excel Mobile ..........................................63
OneNote Mobile .....................................65
PowerPoint Mobile .................................65
Word Mobile ..........................................66
Adobe Reader LE ...................................68
To open a PDF fi le................................68
Task Manager ........................................68
MSN Money ...........................................68
MSN Weather .........................................68
GPS Accelerator .....................................69
AGPS Setting .........................................69
Java ......................................................69
Microsoft My Phone ...............................70
To Confi gure My Phone ........................70
Remote Desktop ....................................70
RSS Viewer ............................................70
To Subscribe to RSS Feeds ...................70
To Update RSS Feeds ...........................71
To View RSS Feeds ..............................71
Live Search Widget ................................71
File Explorer ...........................................71
Voice Notes ............................................72
Calendar ................................................72
To Add an Event to your Calendar .........72
To Change your Default Calendar View ..73
Tasks .....................................................73
To Create a Task ..................................73
To Change the Priority of a Task ............73
To Set a Default reminder for all New
Tasks ..................................................73
To Show Start and Due Dates in the
Task List .............................................74
To Locate a Task ..................................74
Calculator ..............................................74
StopWatch .............................................74
Games ...................................................75
XT9 Dictionaries ....................................75
To add a word in XT9 ...........................75
To edit a word in XT9 ...........................75
To delete a word in XT9........................75
To add auto-substitution shortcut ..........76
To edit auto-substitution shortcut ..........76
To delete auto-substitution shortcut ......76
XT9 Settings ..........................................76
Smart Applicatin ....................................76
Settings .................................. 77
Phone ....................................................77
Auto Answer ........................................77
Band Switch ........................................77
Call Barring .........................................77
Call Forwarding ...................................77
Call Options.........................................77
Call Waiting .........................................78
Caller ID ..............................................78
Fixed Dialing .......................................78
Networks ............................................78
Pre-Defi ned Text Messages ..................78
Ringer Output ......................................78
Sounds ..................................................78
Profi les ..................................................79
Home Screen .........................................79
To Select Information Shown On Screen 79
To select color for your screen ..............80
To Add Own Background Image ............80
To Set Screen Timeout .........................80
Clock & Alarm ........................................81
Date and Time .....................................81
Connections ...........................................81
Wireless Manager ................................81
Wi-Fi ..................................................81
Confi guring Wi-Fi Connection Settingsi ..82
To check WLAN statusi.........................82
Bluetooth ............................................83
Phone .................................................83
Security .................................................83
Device Lock ........................................83
To Protect your Phone with a PIN ..........84
To Change your Password ....................84
To Enter Owner Information ..................84
Remove Programs .................................84
Power Management ...............................84
Accessibility ...........................................84
Regional Settings ...................................85
Setup E-mail .......................................85
Managed Programs .............................85
Accessories ............................86
Package Contents ..................................86
Guidelines for safe and
effi cient use ............................88
Trouble shooting .....................94
Congratulations on your purchase of this LG GW550 Windows Mobile Smartphone.
This user guide contains information on the use and operation of this phone. Please read all
the information carefully for optimal performance and to prevent damage or misuse of the
phone. Any changes or modifi cations not expressly approved in this user guide could void
your warranty for this equipment.
Phone Components
GW550 Features
1. Phone button
2. Proximity Sensor
3. Display screen
4. Home key
5. Left soft key
6. Call key
7. Enter key
8. Messaging key
9. Microphone
12. Earpiece
13. Camera
14. Navigation key
15. Right soft key
16. End key
17. Back key
18. Enter key
19. Smart E-mail key
20. Smart Contacts key
21. Smart Applications
10. Speakers
11. microSD Card Holder
22. Camera
23. Battery Compart-
24. SIM Card Holder
GW550 Features
Keys and Parts Functions
1. Phone button
b Long press to turn the phone on or off.
b Short press to display Quick List. Quick
List allows you to turn off or lock the
keyboard of your device, provides shortcut
access to Task Manager or Wireless
Manager, or allows you to change profi les.
2. Proximity Sensor
3. Display screen
4. Home key: Press to return to the Today
5. Left soft key: Press to perform the
function indicated by the text on the
display above it.
6. Send key: Press to place or answer
incoming calls. In standby mode, press
to access the dialer and view the most
recent incoming, outgoing and missed
7. Enter key: Press to confi rm a selection.
8. Messaging key: Press to access
9. Microphone
10. Speakers
11. microSD Card Holder
12. Earpiece
13. Camera: Use for video calls.
14. Navigation key: Use as directional keys
to move up, down, left, or right.
15. Right soft key: Press to perform the
function indicated by the text on the
display above it.
16. End key: Press to end or reject a call.
17. Back key: Press to go back to the
previous screen or back out of menus
one level at a time. When entering text,
press to delete single characters; press
and hold to delete entire words.
18. Enter key
19. Smart E-mail key: Press to access
Smart E-mail. Smart E-mail is a
shortcut application to send and receive
20. Smart Contacts key: Press to access
Smart Contacts. Smart Contacts allows
you to add your favorite contacts or
phone numbers to the Smart Contacts
21. Smart Applications key: Press to
access Smart Applications. Smart
Application allows you to add your
favorite applications to the Smart
Applications list for easy access.
22. Camera: Use to take photos or videos.
23. Battery Compartment
24. SIM Card Holder
GW550 Features
How to hold your phone
In order to allow better RF antenna sensitivity, LG suggests that you hold
the handset as depicted in the fi gure below.
Please do not cover the RF antenna area with your hand during a call and
using a bluetooth connection. It may degrade speech quality.
Volume Keys
bWhen the screen
is idle, press to adjust
system volume.
bDuring a call, press to
adjust the in-call volume.
USB Connector
Use to connect the
charger, earphone, or USB
cable to synchronize with
a computer.
Camera Key
Press to activate the
camera and take photos
or videos.
Getting Started
Installing the SIM card and
Always turn off your phone and disconnect
it from the charger and other accessories
before installing or replacing the SIM card,
microSD card, and battery.
To remove the back cover
1. Place three fi ngers on the back cover and
your thumb on the front panel.
2. Push the front panel with your thumb and
slide the back cover off with the three
Your phone comes with a rechargeable Li-ion
To remove the battery
1. Turn the phone off.
2. Remove the back cover.
3. Insert your fi nger in the battery’s fi nger
grip, then gently push down the battery
towards the direction of the arrow to
release and remove the battery.
Getting Started
SIM Card
Your SIM card contains your phone number,
subscription details, and contacts and must
be inserted into your handset.
To install the SIM card
Insert the SIM card with the metal contacts
facing down and the cut-off corner on the
top-right side.
To remove the SIM card
1. Remove the battery if it is installed.
2. Slide the SIM card out the slot.
The SIM card and its contacts can be
easily damaged by scratching and bending
the card. Be careful when installing and
removing the card. Refer to the instructions
supplied with the SIM card.
To install the battery
1. Remove the back cover.
2. Insert the battery. Align the contacts of the
battery with the corresponding connectors
on the battery compartment and insert in
the direction of the arrow (A) then push
the battery into place (B).
3. Replace the back cover.
Getting Started
To replace the back cover
1. Align the back cover (A).
2. Push the back cover to lock into place (B).
Charging the Battery
1. Make sure the battery is installed inside
the battery compartment.
2. Plug the power adaptor into a wall outlet.
3. Flip open the USB connector’s cover of
the phone.
4. Connect the power adaptor into the USB
connector of your phone.
Battery Indicators
When the phone is turned on...
b The
icon indicates that the battery
is charging.
b When the battery is fully charged, the
icon is displayed.
When the phone is turned off...
b A charging animation is displayed on the
b When the battery is fully charged, the
animation stops and the screen turns
When you charge a fully discharged battery,
it may take over a minute for the display
to respond. It is not a malfunction but
completely normal.
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LG GW550.AUAEDW Owner's manual

Mobile phones
Owner's manual

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