Bypass Flow-Thru Humidifiers
Save on Energy Costs and Improve Comfort •
Increasing a Home’s Relative Humidity Makes it Feel More •
Comfortable at 68ºF / 20ºC than it Does at 73ºF / 23ºC at a Low
Relative Humidity Level
Lower Thermostat Settings Deliver Substantial Savings on Monthly •
Energy Bills
High Capacity Output: G200 – 14.4 Gallons Per Day at 120º F •
G300 – 18.0 Gallons Per Day at 120º F
Adjustable, Precision Duct-Mounted Humidistats Allow the Units to •
be set for Optimum Relative Humidity
Convenient Orientation Allows Right or Left-Side Panel for Easy •
Installation and Easy Access in the Future
Single Screw Secures Cover•
2” Evaporator Pad Expands the Evaporative Area for Water Supply •
and Increases Performance
Cleanable/Replaceable Internal Water Filter Protects Solenoid•
Self-Piercing Saddle Valve And A 24v Brass Solenoid Valve Makes •
Installation Easy
G200 Mounts on 10” Duct, G300 Mounts on 141/2” Duct•
Wide 11/2” Collar for Ease of Installation •
How Humidifiers Work:
Evaporative humidier is installed onto the supply duct, where warm,
dry air is forced across a moistened evaporator pad (wetted through the
indoor air. The adjustable, precision-made humidistat allows the user to
choose the optimum level of relative humidity for indoor comfort.
2-year Limited Warranty•