To Set the Timer
! To set a user-progammed number for
the timer, press the [adjust] button once
in the Timer Mode, the hour number
will flash on the display.
! Press the [mode] button to change the
sele c tio n f ollo w ing th e Ti mer Set ting
! If one of the numbers (hour, minute, second)
is flashing, it is selected. Press the
[start/stop] button to increase the number or
hold the [start/stop] button to increase the
number at a higher speed.
! During the a b o ve settings, press the
[split/reset] button to switch between
Normal Counting and Repeat Counting.
! When the setting finished, press the
[ a d j u s t ] b u t t o n to e x i t t h e se t t i n g
! If no key-stoke has been activated for about
2 minutes, the setting display will return to
Timer Mode automatically .
To Use the Timer
! If the us e r progr a mmed num b er has
been set, press the [start/stop] button
to start the timer.
! I f t h e t i m e r i s co u n t i n g , p r e s s t h e
[st art /st op] b u tt o n ag a in t o s to p t he
! As long as the timer is counting, the
time to 'Zero' will be appeared on the
display continuously.
To Reset the Timer
! To reset the timer earlier than that at
the end of the counting, press the
[split/reset] button once when the timer
is stopped. The timer will reset to user-
programmed number.
The Timer Alarm Sound
! T h e a l a r m s o u n d c a n b e s t o p p e d
prematurely by pressing either one of
the keys.
! Alarm beeps for about 10 seconds when
the timer count to zero.
Stopwatch Mode
! Press [mode] button once to change to
Stopwatch Mode, in the Timer Mode.
! The Stopwatch Mode measures elapsed
times and split times.
! The display shows the 'Zero' display, if the
Watch or the stopwatch has been reset.
! The stopwatch time (hours) shows on the
upper row of the display. The stopwatch
time (minutes, seconds and 1/100 seconds)
shows on lower row of the display.
NOTE: The maximum counting range of
the stopwatch is 23 hours 59 minutes,
and 59.99 seconds, hence the stopwatch
will count continuously until it counts to
t h e a b o v e - m e n t i o e d n u m b e r o r t h e
[start/stop] button is pressed.
To Use the Stopwatch
! If the stopwatch is stopped, press the
[start/stop] button once to start the counting.
If the stopwatch is counting, press the
[start/stop] button once to stop the counting.
! The elapsed time between the two 'start/stop'
keystrokes will be appeared on the display.
Repeat the above mentioned steps to get the
accumulative time of which the stopwatch is
To Reset the Stopwatch
! Record a new set of elapsed time, press the
[split/reset] bu t t o n once to reset t h e
stopwatch to 'Zero' Display when the
stopwatch is stopped.
To Get the Split Time
! Press the [split/reset] button once to display
the split time during the stopwatch is
counting. Press the [split/reset] button once
to display the Counting Display again.
! D u ring th e split time displaying, t h e
stopwatch is counting continuously.
! Repeat the above-mentioned steps to get
another split time.
7.2 Timer Mode - To Use the Timer
7.1 Timer Mode - To Set the Timer
8.0 Stopwatch Mode - To select the Stopwatch Mode
8.1 Stopwatch Mode - To use the Stopwatch
Timer Setting Sequence
the number
Increase the
number at
a higher speed
[start/stop] button
Timer Mode
(Setting Display)
hold [start/stop] button
are stop
Timer Mode
(Counting Display)
Timer Mode
(Stop Display)
3 hour 59 minute
59 seconds
set the
number to 3:59 59
beeps for about
10 seconds
Stopwatch Mode
time (minutes)
stopwatch time
stopwatch time
stopwatch time
(1/100 seconds)
Stopwatch Mode
('Zero' Display)
Counting method selection
(Normal Counting switches
to Repeat Counting, 'AUTO'
indicator will appear;
Repeat Counting switches
to Normal Counting, 'AUTO'
indicator will disappear)
Stopwatch Mode
('Zero' Display)
1 hour 10 minute
17 seconds
Stopwatch Mode
(Counting Display)
Stopwatch Mode
('Split' Display)
Stopwatch Mode
('Stop' Display)
is counting
stopwatch is
stop counting
the 'SPLIT'
turns ON
NOTE: This diagram intends to show the
connection between different displays only,
hence, the number of these displays may
NOT conform to fact.
NOTE: This diagram intends to show the
connection between different displays only,
hence, the number of these displays may
NOT conform to fact.
Timer Mode
Timer Mode
(Stop Display)
Timer Mode
(Zero Display)
Timer Mode
(Stop Display)