Model - ANTCMBR7 Antenna Combiner
SMB to F-male Connector
(Antenna A / B Input) SBA-1 In-line Amplifier
COAX to SMB Patch Cable
The ANTCMBR7 combines the output of two SiriusXM™ Radio antennas into a single cable for installaons where two
antennas are required to receive opmal signal. image below shows how to assemble the combiner kit.
Pixel Technologies, Inc. | (800) 595-0845 | |
ANT-1 Signal Combiner
Antenna Alignment:
1. Start by connecng one of the antennas to the combiner and peaking it up one of the satellites for maximum signal
strength on a SiriusXM™ radio connected to the output of the combiner. Make a note of this signal strength.
Disconnect this antenna and repeat this same procedure with the other antenna also poinng at the same satellite
and aligned for maximum signal on this same satellite.
2. Connect both of these antennas to the combiner at the same me and observe if the signal strength on the
SiriusXM™ radio degrades.
Important Note: For this combiner to work properly one antenna must be covered while the other antenna receives
signal. If both antennas are receiving signal at the same me the signals could cancel out and cause signal loss.
Ant A
Ant B
Connects to “Antenna” port on the SiriusXM™ Receiver
Barrel Connectors
To SiriusXM™ Radio