Parts Lst
Installlation Parts List
The h4Iowim/g is a list of tile putts
theft ;oil F_/a'v m/eed for im/st_]]atio]/
of _ (/IH" HI]cr(/w_Pce (/ve]).
Remove a]] parts t_'om the box
am/(] COH/[)_re theH/ With the [)arts
list mid iIIllstratio_/ (Fig_ ] ) to be
sllre thut ]/om/e are missim/g. []se
th ]s t]m e t o be corn e Jt_m ]]i a r w] th
each piece.
Parts List
1_ 3 sets of bolts
2. 2 h/-cabi m/et m o m/ti m/g straps
3. 4 Templates
4A. 2 Rear bruckets
4B. 2 Rear brackets
4C. 2 Rear brackets
Check the parts list amid read a]]
im/strl_ctitms corn p]ete]y beii)re
startim/g the im/stalIadom This _dI]
h e] p yo II to be corn e {m//iIiu r _1 t]]
the [)rocess um/d make im/sta]]ati(m
(NOTE: It is sl_ggested that _ol_
gather a]] m/eeded tools a]/d
im/stall a ti oil [)a rts i m/oil e ]oca ti oil.)
F]rG. 1
(9 @
- _J
9/16" 1/2" I 1/4"
I /
.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................i / .....................