Colorchangescanoccurinfrozenfoods. •
to lackof oxygen.Freezingnormally
thebonesresultingin'bonedarkening'. •
food. •
Maytag provides this information as a
guide to aid infood preservation. Forspe-
cific questions regarding food handling,
cooking, or storage contact USDA Meat
and Poultry Hotline at 1-800-535-4555.
• You can freeze almost any food, the
main exceptions being eggs still in the
shell and cans of foods.
Frozen food kept at 0° F (-18° C) or
slightly belowwill always be safe.Only
the quality of food suffers overtime.
It is safe to freeze meat or poultry
directly in supermarket wrapping. This
wrapping is air permeable which allows
freezer burn, so the meat should be
used within one to two months.
Freeze foods as quickly as possible.
This prevents large ice crystals from
forming which decreases food quality.
Neverstack packagesto be frozen. Lay
packages out in a single layerand then
stack them after they are frozen.
During a power outage, a full freezer
will normally keep 2 days, a half full
freezer about 1 day. Food should be
stacked tightly to provide a nest of cold
air-resisting thawing.
As a general guideline, food 2" thick
should freeze completely in about
2 hours.
There are basic methods to defrost food
safely.Food should never be defrosted at
room temperature. This allows unsafe
bacteria to growwhilethe food isthawing.
Todefrost safely use:
Refrigerator: this allows the food to
thaw in an environment that controls
bacterial growth.
Most foods require a day or two to
defrost, approximately one day for
each 5 Ibs.of weight.
Cold water: place food in a leakproof
bag and immerseit in cold water (If bag
leaks, food will become contaminated
by bacteria). Check water frequently to
verify it stays cold. Change water every
thirty minutes.Afterthawing, refrigerate
the food until it is ready to use.
Microwave: cook food immediately
after usinga microwaveto defrostfood.
Microwave defrosting warms food and
can partially cook it, allowing bacteria
to grow as it defrosts. Food cannot be
refrozen until it is cooked.