CPI Alio Pro User guide

  • Hello! I've reviewed the user guide for Alio Pro and Alio Vend card readers and the Simplifi Platform. It covers how to connect, manage devices, track assets, and customize device screens within Simplifi Platform. I'm here to answer your questions about device deployment, merchant ID boarding, and portal navigation.
  • How do I access the Simplifi portal?
    What is the process for adding a customer?
    How do I associate a device with a customer?
    How do I activate a device?
User Guide
For OEMs and VAR
Simplifi Platform
Connecting Alio™ Pro card readers and alio™ vend card readers
4.0 EN
Table of Contents
Simplifi platform
Published by CPI
01_CPI_Simplifi Platform-Alio Pro-Alio-Vend_User Guide-OEMs VARs_V4.0_EN.docx
Table of Contents
1 About this user guide................................................................................................ 3
1.1 Additional helpful information ........................................................................................................... 3
2 About Simplifi platform and compatible devices ........................................................ 4
2.1 Simplifi platform .............................................................................................................................. 4
2.2 Compatible devices .......................................................................................................................... 4
3 Steps to connect device to Simplifi platform ............................................................. 5
3.1 Step 1: First-time device shipment to a new VAR and connection to Simplifi portal ............................ 5
3.1.1 Accessing Simplifi portal......................................................................................................................... 5
3.1.2 Confirming devices are available for management in Simplifi portal ........................................................... 6
3.2 Step 2: Customer Merchant ID application and boarding ................................................................... 7
3.2.1 Completing VAR customer’s merchant ID application process ................................................................... 7
3.2.2 Creating VAR customer’s profile in Simplifi portal ..................................................................................... 7
3.2.3 Boarding VAR customer’s merchant ID ..................................................................................................... 8
3.3 Step 3: Associate devices to customer, associate devices to merchant account, automatically board
devices to terminal gateway ............................................................................................................. 9
3.3.1 Simplified workflow for all 3 procedures ................................................................................................... 9
3.4 Step 4: confirm device statuses and activate device ........................................................................ 12
3.4.1 Confirming device statuses .................................................................................................................... 12
3.4.2 Activating device ................................................................................................................................... 13
4 Managing asset tracking ......................................................................................... 14
4.1 Asset tracking hierarchy and sample naming convention................................................................. 14
5 Option: Creating custom device idle screen with video or image .............................. 15
6 Version history ....................................................................................................... 16
About this user guide
01_CPI_Simplifi Platform-Alio Pro-Alio-Vend_User Guide-OEMs VARs_V4.0_EN.docx
Published by CPI
1 About this user guide
This document is a guide for original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), which are referred to as value-added resellers (VARs), on:
Accessing the Simplifiportal and confirming that purchased and shipped devices are connected to the portal.
Working with CPI to coordinate the Merchant ID application process and merchant boarding process for the VAR’s customer.
Associating devices to the intended VAR’s customer in the Simplifi portal, prior to installation.
Managing asset tracking in the Simplifi portal, by assigning devices to the VAR’s customer sites, locations, and points of sale.
Monitoring CPI and device boarding steps to complete Merchant ID and Terminal ID assignments, and then subsequently activating
Monitoring platform alerts for portal, device, and customer activity.
1.1 Additional helpful information
Go to the Simplifi portal help center for additional information and instructions on:
How to manage users
Creating a user
Reviewing an admin user account
Enabling 2-factor authentication
How to create and customize dashboards
Getting to know the dashboard home page
Reviewing widgets and related metrics for custom dashboards
Managing custom dashboards
How to access and run reports
Getting to know the reports page
Reviewing report controls: Filtering, sorting, formatting, drilling down through levels, and exporting
Reviewing available system reports
Saving and sharing reports
Scheduling reports
How to manage asset tracking
Configuring asset tracking: Creating site, site group, and location, and associating POS, device, and equipment
How to manage devices
Simplified device boarding: Associating device to customer, associating devices to customer merchant account, and automatically
boarding devices to terminal gateway
Deactivating decommissioning deboarding and exchanging devices
About Simplifi platform and compatible devices
Simplifi platform
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01_CPI_Simplifi Platform-Alio Pro-Alio-Vend_User Guide-OEMs VARs_V4.0_EN.docx
2 About Simplifi platform and compatible devices
2.1 Simplifi platform
The Simplifi platform is a cloud-based solution for enterprise software and connected devices.
Its browser-based web portal enables licensed end users and CPI associates to:
Prepare for device deployment in the field.
Remotely set up, monitor, and manage connected devices.
Schedule and push over-the-air jobs to update/configure connected devices.
Analyze telemetry data, access reporting, and use dashboards to monitor enterprise-wide operations.
2.2 Compatible devices
The following devices are compatible with the Simplifi platform and may be connected for remote setup, monitoring, and management:
AlioPro card reader.
AlioVend card reader.
Simplifi platform
Steps to connect device to Simplifi platform
01_CPI_Simplifi Platform-Alio Pro-Alio-Vend_User Guide-OEMs VARs_V4.0_EN.docx
Published by CPI
3 Steps to connect device to Simplifi platform
Steps 1-4 that follow cover all aspects of the device deployment process, from accessing the Simplifi portal to activating devices in the field,
and VAR and CPI roles in the process.
3.1 Step 1: First-time device shipment to a new VAR and connection to Simplifi portal
For Step 1, the VAR performs the following steps in the order below to connect a first-time device shipment to the Simplifi portal:
1. Obtain access to the Simplifi portal.
2. Confirm that purchased and shipped devices are identifiable in their Simplifiportal profile.
3.1.1 Accessing Simplifi portal
To access the Simplifi portal and manage all users, customers, and devices, the VAR:
1 Opens an email invitation from CPI to join the Simplifi portal.
2 Follows instructions in the email invitation to log into the Simplifi portal:
a. Go to https://www.cpisimplifi.com/.
b. The SIGN IN page is displayed.
c. Enter credentials into the Email and Password fields, and click LOG IN.
3 The dashboard home page for the Simplifi portal is displayed.
Steps to connect device to Simplifi platform
Simplifi platform
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01_CPI_Simplifi Platform-Alio Pro-Alio-Vend_User Guide-OEMs VARs_V4.0_EN.docx
3.1.2 Confirming devices are available for management in Simplifi portal
To confirm that purchased and shipped devices are available to manage through the Simplifi portal, the VAR customer:
1 Logs in to the Simplifi portal at https://www.cpisimplifi.com/.
2 Navigates to Device Management > All Devices from the left navigation menu to review device status on the All Devices screen.
The sample screen below illustrates new devices that were ordered and shipped for a new customer. These devices:
Are active and associated with the VAR. Note the “Associated with VAR” designation in the Device Lifecycle Status column.
Have not been associated with a customer. Note the “Customer Association Pending” designation in the Device Boarding Status column.
Have not completed merchant boarding.
The sample screen below illustrates active installed devices that are associated to previously boarded customers.
Note the “Active” designation in the Device Lifecycle Status column.
Simplifi platform
Steps to connect device to Simplifi platform
01_CPI_Simplifi Platform-Alio Pro-Alio-Vend_User Guide-OEMs VARs_V4.0_EN.docx
Published by CPI
3.2 Step 2: Customer Merchant ID application and boarding
For Step 2, CPI performs and manages the following procedures:
Guiding the VAR’s customer through the Merchant ID application process.
Creating the VAR customer’s profile on the Simplifi platform.
Boarding the Merchant ID to the VAR customer’s account.
3.2.1 Completing VAR customer’s merchant ID application process
In this step, CPI works on behalf of the VAR to complete their customer’s Merchant ID application process, which can take approximately
2 weeks.
To complete the Merchant ID application process, CPI:
1 Sends the VAR’s customer a welcome pack for setting up an acquiring agreement with a payment processor.
2 Works with the VAR’s customer on submitting the connectivity form to the payment processor.
3.2.2 Creating VAR customer’s profile in Simplifi portal
In this step, CPI works on behalf of the VAR to add the customer to the Simplifi portal, which can take approximately 1 day after the
customer’s Merchant ID application is accepted.
To complete the customer profile, CPI:
1 Adds the VAR’s customer to the Simplifi portal (on behalf of the VAR) upon receiving a successful merchant credit application.
2 Populates the Merchant ID in the VAR customer’s Merchant Profile and sends a link to the VAR customer.
The VAR:
Will receive a notification in the Simplifi portal that the account was created, as shown below. Look for this this message: “Customer
Account for [customer name] created.
Can validate the new customer account on the All Customers screen by navigating to Customer Administration > All Customers. Look for
the customer by referencing the Customer Code or Customer Name column.
Steps to connect device to Simplifi platform
Simplifi platform
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01_CPI_Simplifi Platform-Alio Pro-Alio-Vend_User Guide-OEMs VARs_V4.0_EN.docx
3.2.3 Boarding VAR customer’s merchant ID
In this step, CPI works on behalf of the VAR to board the Merchant ID onto the gateway, which is done in conjunction with the previous step.
To complete the Merchant ID boarding process, CPI:
1 Boards the VAR customer’s Merchant ID onto the payment gateway.
2 Adds the first VAR customer’s admin (customer user) to the portal which sends an invite to the customer.
The VAR:
Will receive a notification in the Simplifi portal of the admin user addition. Notifications display in the Simplifi portal to VARs for ensuring
continuity until installation occurs.
Can verify creation and boarding of the Merchant ID on the customer record by:
a. Navigating to Customer Administration > All Customers. The All Customers screen is displayed.
b. Selecting the target customer in the Customer Name column. The Customer Details screen is displayed.
c. Selecting the Merchant Account tab and reviewing the Merchant Boarding Status column.
Simplifi platform
Steps to connect device to Simplifi platform
01_CPI_Simplifi Platform-Alio Pro-Alio-Vend_User Guide-OEMs VARs_V4.0_EN.docx
Published by CPI
3.3 Step 3: Associate devices to customer, associate devices to merchant account, automatically board
devices to terminal gateway
For Step 3, the VAR performs the following procedures in one workflow:
Associates the devices to the customer.
Associates devices to a merchant account.
Automatically boards devices to a terminal gateway.
3.3.1 Simplified workflow for all 3 procedures
To associate devices to a customer, associate devices to a merchant account, and automatically board devices to a terminal gateway in
1 workflow:
1 Navigate to Device Management > All Devices.
2 The All Devices screen displays.
3 To filter records and locate eligible devices with a Device Lifecycle Status of Shipped or Associated with VAR, begin by clicking the filter
in the task bar above the table of device records.
4 Select the Device Info drop-down menu. Click Device Lifecycle Status and click the checkbox for Shipped (shown in the example below) or
Associated with VAR. Click APPLY.
A device must have a Device Lifecycle Status of Shipped or Associated with VAR.
At least 1 merchant account and related terminal ID pools must be created to enable customer merchant account association
and terminal boarding.
Steps to connect device to Simplifi platform
Simplifi platform
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5 Filter results display.
6 Select the desired device records.
7 Click the Action Menu in the task bar above the table of device records and select Associate with Customer.
8 The Associate Devices to a Customer Account screen is displayed.
9 Do one of the following:
Enter the target customer in the Customer Name field. As-you-type suggestions are provided. Select the target customer from the
suggested list.
Click the dropdown menu and select the target customer from the list.
10 The Assign Merchant ID and Assign Terminal ID checkboxes are selected by default. Ensure these checkboxes remain selected to
maintain 1 workflow:
The Assign Merchant ID checkbox must be selected to automatically assign a merchant ID to a device.
The Assign Terminal ID checkbox must be selected to automatically board a terminal at a gateway.
An unchecked step must be completed as a separate process outside of the single workflow.
Simplifi platform
Steps to connect device to Simplifi platform
01_CPI_Simplifi Platform-Alio Pro-Alio-Vend_User Guide-OEMs VARs_V4.0_EN.docx
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11 Click NEXT.
12 The Associate Devices to a Merchant Account screen is displayed and lists eligible merchant accounts.
13 Select the target merchant account.
15 The following confirmation is displayed in the banner, and the following actions occur when the Assign Merchant ID and Assign Terminal
ID checkboxes remain selected:
A device is associated with the customer.
A merchant ID is assigned to the device.
Terminal boarding is initiated, and a boarding job is created.
A related Device Lifecycle Status changes to Associated with Customer and Device Boarding Status changes to MID Assignment
Complete or Ready for Commissioning.
Customers who have a boarded and active merchant account will be able to complete this workflow and perform the merchant
account association.
All current user notifications that are raised relating to the success or failure of the merchant association and the terminal
boarding processes are still sent to the respective user group.
Steps to connect device to Simplifi platform
Simplifi platform
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3.4 Step 4: confirm device statuses and activate device
For Step 4:
The VAR:
Confirms device statuses.
Performs device activation.
3.4.1 Confirming device statuses
To confirm device statuses, the VAR:
1 Navigates to Device Management > All Devices from the left navigation menu. The All Devices screen is displayed.
Look for a Device Lifecycle Status of “Associated with Customer,” and the Device Boarding Status of Ready for Commissioning.”
2 Opens Notifications in the upper left corner of the screen. Look for the following messages:
Terminal boarding is successful.
Device # can now be activated.”
Simplifi platform
Steps to connect device to Simplifi platform
01_CPI_Simplifi Platform-Alio Pro-Alio-Vend_User Guide-OEMs VARs_V4.0_EN.docx
Published by CPI
3.4.2 Activating device
To activate a device, the VAR:
1 Turns on the device.
2 Performs system test procedures on the device:
a. Installer will prompt a menu for language selection.
b. Self Diagnostics will complete with a pass/fail.
c. Connection is found/not found.
3 Performs onboarding procedures on the device.
4 Validates devices are online and active in the Simplifi portal by:
Navigating to Device Management > All Devices from the left navigation menu. The All Devices screen is displayed. Look for a Device
Lifecycle status of “Active.”
Watching for notification messages about the Active devices.
To add a custom idle screen to a device, see 5 Option: Creating custom device idle screen with video or image.
Managing asset tracking
Simplifi platform
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01_CPI_Simplifi Platform-Alio Pro-Alio-Vend_User Guide-OEMs VARs_V4.0_EN.docx
4 Managing asset tracking
It is a recommended best practice to map out an asset tracking plan, so that as device associations are configured in the Simplifi portal,
meaningful naming conventions are entered for easily identifying and finding devices after configuration is complete.
As the number of devices that are configured in asset tracking grows within the Simplifi portal, the practice of creating logical groups based
on an asset tracking plan will improve the VAR’s ability to maintain and manage a device footprint through dashboards and reports.
4.1 Asset tracking hierarchy and sample naming convention
As noted above, it is helpful to visualize the asset tracking hierarchy
and understand the relationship among sites, customer site groups,
locations, POS units, devices, and equipment before beginning asset
tracking procedures.
Please review the following example and related diagram at right to
become familiar with a sample application and naming convention
within the asset tracking hierarchy.
A VAR’s new customer is a property management company with
multiple locations consisting of multi-use sites and parking.
The VAR’s customer installed 3 EV charge centers on 2 floors in
a parking garage at a shopping center.
For complete instructions on asset tracking, see this Simplifi portal help center article: Configuring asset tracking: Creating site,
site group, and location, and associating POS, device, and equipment.
The article includes details on how to:
Create a customer site.
Create a customer site group.
Create a customer location.
Add a point of sale (POS) to a customer location.
Associate a customer device with a POS.
Associate customer equipment with a POS.
Simplifi platform
Option: Creating custom device idle screen with video or image
01_CPI_Simplifi Platform-Alio Pro-Alio-Vend_User Guide-OEMs VARs_V4.0_EN.docx
Published by CPI
5 Option: Creating custom device idle screen with video or image
It may be desirable to add a custom device idle screen with a video or an image to promote local branding.
To add a video or image to customize a device idle screen:
1 Select a video or image.
2 Size and format the video or image to meet the requirements below.
Screen size Aspect ratio File formats Maximum file size Upload frequency
4.3 in (10.922 cm)
272 x 398 pixels,
vertical orientation
.jpg, .png, .webm, .swf,
.gif, .mp4, .mpg 5 MB
2 new file uploads each
month for each device
3 Send the video or image to CPI Support.
CPI Support will not correct or edit provided video or image files.
4 CPI Support will upload the video or image to the device within 2 days.
5 To confirm a video or image upload is complete:
a. Go to Device Management > All Devices > select device > select Configuration Settings tab on Device Details screen.
b. Review the Idle Video field under UI SERVICE SETTINGS.
c. The field is populated if the video or image upload is complete.
Version history
Simplifi platform
Published by CPI
01_CPI_Simplifi Platform-Alio Pro-Alio-Vend_User Guide-OEMs VARs_V4.0_EN.docx
6 Version history
Rev Change Chapters Concerned Date
First version All Jan. 28, 2022
Updated sections 1.1 and 3.4.2.
Added new section: 3.5 Option: Creating custom device idle screen with
video or image. 1.1, 3.4.2, 3.5 May 3, 2022
Updated section 1.1, 3.3, and 3.4.
Added new section: 3.3.1: Simplified Workflow for All 3 Procedures
(associate devices to customer, associate devices to merchant account,
automatically board devices to terminal gateway).
Moved Managing Asset Tracking content to section 4. 1.1, 3.3, 3.4, 3.3.1, 4 Aug. 17, 2022
Updated cover to specify compatible devices. Cover April 5, 2023
Published by
Crane Payment Innovations | CPI
3222 Phoenixville Pike, Suite 200
Malvern, PA 19355
CPI® SimplifiPlatform User Guide for OEMs/VARs
© 2023 CPI. All rights reserved.
CPI, Simplifi, and Alio are trademarks of Crane Payment Innovations.
Except as permitted under the relevant local legislation, no part of this publication may be copied, transmitted, transcribed or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval
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CPI reserves the right to change the product specifications at any time. While every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this publication is accurate, CPI disclaims any liability for any
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This document does not necessarily imply product availability.
Information in this document may change without notice.
CPI does not accept liability for any errors or omissions contained within this document. CPI shall not incur any penalties arising out of the adherence to, interpretation of, or reliance on, this standard. CPI
will provide support for this product in accordance with the standard warranty of CPI, subject to any modifications to that warranty agreed in writing by CPI. CPI reserves the right to amend, improve, or
change the product referred to within this document or the document itself at any time.
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