Issue date 2011-02-10
Version: 1.0.1
12 NC: 0000 000 00000
© 2011 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
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Sonic toothbrush head
Compact 2-pack
Ideal for targeted cleaning
Angled neck and smaller brush head, provides an
exceptional clean in hard-to reach areas. Also
recommended for adults with smaller mouths.
Fits the shape of your teeth
The scalloped pattern along the length of the brush
head is ergonomically designed to follow teeth
topography, maximising the surface area cleaned,
and adheres to the natural shape of your teeth.
Brush head easily screws on
Screw the brush head nut clockwise until it's firmly
tightened. If the brush head rattles during use,
tighten the nut further.
Reminder bristles
Reminder bristles let you know when to replace the
brush head. After three months of normal use
bristles exhibit fatigue, and brush heads are less
effective. Replace your brush head every 3 months.
Fits Advance, Elite, Essence
Now Advance users can also enjoy the performance
of the e-series brush head! Fits Elite, Essence,
Advance and Xtreme handles.
Ease of use
• Suitable for these models: Elite, Essence,
CleanCare, Xtreme, Advance
Technical specifications
• Operating time: For optimal results, a new brush
head is recommended every three months.
• Replacement: Reminder Bristles fade when a
lacement is needed.
Weight and dimensions
• Dimensions brush head packaging: 21.6 h X 9.0 w
X 4.1 d cm
• Weight brush head packaging: 0.096 kg