User Instructions Low Temperature Freezers Model UNI
Side 8 | 14
CONDENSER TEMPERATURE ALARM (detected by the fourth probe)
AP2 Probe selection for temperature alarm of condenser: nP = no probe;
P1 =therm ostat probe; P2 = evaporator probe; P3 =configurable probe; P4 =
Probe on Hot Key plug.
AL2 Low temperature alarm of condenser: (-55÷150°C ) when this temperature is
reached th e L A 2 a la rm is s ig n a lle d , p o s s ib ly a fte r th e A d 2 delay.
Au2 High temperature alarm of condenser: (-55÷ 150°C ) when th is te m p e ra tu re is
reached the HA2 alarm is signalled, possibly after the Ad2 delay.
AH2 Differential for temperature condenser alarm recovery: (0 ,1 ÷ 2 5,5°C ; 1÷45°F)
Ad2 Condenser temperature alarm delay: (0 ÷ 2 5 5 m in ) tim e in te rv a l b e tw e e n th e
detection of the condenser alarm condition and alarm signalling.
dA2 Condenser temperature alarm exclusion at start up: (from 0.0 min to
23.5h, res.10min)
bLL Compressor off with low temperature alarm of condenser: n = no:
com pressor keeps on working; Y = yes, compressor is switched off till the
alarm is present, in any case regulation restarts after A C tim e at minimum.
AC2 Compressor off with high temperature alarm of condenser: n = no:
com pressor keeps on working; Y = yes, compressor is switched off till the
alarm is present, in any case regulation restarts after A C tim e at minimum.
tbA Alarm relay silencing (with oA1=ALr):
(n= silencing disabled: alarm relay stays on till alarm condition lasts,
y =silencing enabled: alarm relay is sw itched O FF by pressing a key during
an alarm).
oA1 Second relay configuration: ALr: alarm; Lig: light; AuS: Auxiliary relay;
onF: always on with instrument on; db = do not select it; dEF:
do not select it!.; FAn: do not select it!.; dF2: do not select it.
AoP Alarm relay polarity: it s e t if th e a la rm re la y is o p e n o r c lo s e d w h e n a n a la rm
happens. CL= term inals 1-2 closed during an alarm ;
oP = term inals 1-2 open during an alarm
i1P Digital input polarity: oP: th e d ig ita l in p u t is a c tiv a te d b y o p e n in g the
contact; CL: th e d ig ita l in p u t is a c tiv a te d b y c lo s ing the contact.
i1F Digital input configuration: EAL = external alarm: E A message is displayed;
bAL = serious alarm CA m essage is displayed. PAL
pressure switch alarm , C A m essage is displayed; dor = door
switch function; dEF = activation of a defrost cycle; AUS =to
switch on the second relay if oA1 = Htr = kind of action
inversion (cooling heating); FAn = not set it;
did: (0 255 m in) with i1F= EAL or i1F = bAL digital input alarm delay: delay
between th e d e te c tio n o f th e e x te rn a l a la rm c o n d itio n a n d its signalling.
with i1F= dor: door open signalling delay
with i1F = PAL: time for pressure switch function: time in te rv a l to c a lc u la te
th e n u m b e r o f th e p re s s u re s w itc h activation.
nPS Pressure switch number: (0 ÷15) Number of activation of the pressure switch,
during th e did in te rva l b e fo re s ig n a lin g th e a la rm e v e n t.(1 2 F = PAL)
If the nPS activation in the did time is reached, switch off and on the instrument
to restart normal regulation.
odc Compressor status with door open: no, Fan = norm al; CPr;
F_C = C om pressor OFF.
rrd Outputs restart after doA alarm: no = outputs not affected by the doA alarm ;
yES = outputs restart with the doA alarm;
HES Temperature increase during the Energy Saving cycle it sets the increasing
value of the set point during the Energy Saving cycle
Adr Serial address (1 ÷ 2 4 4 ): Id e n tifie s th e in s tru m e n t address w hen connected to a
ModBUS compatible monitoring system.
PbC Type of probe: it a llo w s to s e t th e k in d o f p ro b e u s e d b y th e in s tru m e n t: PbC = PBC
probe, ntc = NTC probe.
onF on/off key enabling: nu = disabled; oFF = enabled; ES = not set it.
dP1 Thermostat probe display
dP3 Third probe display- optional.
dP4 Fourth probe display.
rSE Real set point: (re a d a b le o n ly), it s h o w s th e se t p o in t u s e d d u rin g th e e n e rg y s a v in g
cycle or during the continuous cycle.
rEL Software release for in te rn a l u s e .
Ptb Parameter table code: re a d a b le o n ly .
The free voltage digital input is programmable in d iffe re n t c o n fig u ra tio n s by the i1F
It s ig n a ls th e d o o r s tatus and the corresponding relay output status through
th e odc param eter: no, Fan = norm al (any change); CPr, F_C = C om pressor O FF.
Since the door is o p e n e d , a fte r th e d e la y tim e s e t th ro u g h p a ra m e te r did, the door
alarm is enabled, th e d is p la y s h o w s th e m e s s a g e dA and the regulation restarts
is rtr = yES. The alarm stops as soon as the external digital input is disabled again.
With the door open, the high and low tem perature alarm s are disabled.
As soon as the digital input is activated the unit w ill w ait for did tim e d e la y b e fo re
signaling the EA L alarm message. The outputs status don´t change. The alarm
stops just after the digital input is de-activated.
When the digital input is a c tiv a te d , the unit w ill w ait for did tim e d e la y b e fo re
signaling the CA alarm message. The relay outputs are sw itched O FF. The alarm
will stop as soon as the digital input is de-activated.
If d u rin g th e in te rv a l tim e set by did parameter, th e p re s s u re s w itc h h a s re a c h e d
th e n u m b e r o f a c tiv a tio n o f th e nPS param eter, the CA pressure alarm
message will be displayed. The com pressor and the regulation are stopped. When
th e d ig ita l in p u t is O N th e com pressor is alw ays O F F .
If the nPS activation in the did time is reached, switch off and on the
instrument to restart normal regulation.
It s ta rts a d e fro s t if th e re a re th e rig h t c o n d itio n s . After the defrost is finished, the
normal re g u la tio n w ill re s ta rt o n ly if th e d ig ita l in p u t is d is a b le d o th e rw is e th e
in s tru m e n t w ill w a it u n til th e M d F s a fe ty tim e is e x p ire d .
This function allows to invert the regulation of the controller: from cooling to
heating and viceversa.
The Energy Saving function allows to change the set point value as the result of
th e S E T + H E S (p a ra m e te r) s u m . T h is fu n c tio n is e n a b le d u n til th e d ig ita l in p u t is
The digital input polarity depends on the i1P param eter.
i1P=CL: th e in p u t is a c tiv a te d b y c lo s in g th e c o n ta c t.
i1P=OP: th e in p u t is activated by opening the contact
The TTL serial line, available through the HO T KEY connector, allows by m eans of
th e e x te rn a l T T L /R S 4 8 5 c o n v e rte r, XJ485-CX, to c o n n e c t th e in s tru m e n t to a
monitoring system ModBUS-RTU compatib le s u c h a s th e X-WEB500/3000/300.
As optional, an X-REP can be connected to the instrum ent, trough the H O T KEY
connector. The X-REP output EXCLUDES th e s e ria l connection.
To connect the X-REP to
the in s tr u m e n t th e fo llo w in g
connectors m ust be used
CAB-51F(1m ) CAB-
52F(2m), CAB- 55F(5m)
In s tru m e n t XR30CH shall be mounted on
vertical panel, in a 29x71 m m hole, and fixed
using the special bracket supplied. The
te m p e ra tu re ra n g e a llo w e d for correct
operation is 0÷60 C. Avoid places subject to
strong vibrations, corrosive gases, excessive
dirt or hum idity. The sam e recom m endations
apply to probes. Let air circulate by the
cooling holes.
The instrument is provided with screw terminal block to connect cables with a
cross section up to 2,5 mm². Before connecting cables make sure the
power supply complies with the in s tr u m e n t`s re q u ir e m e n ts . S e p a ra te th e
probe cables from the pow er supply cables, from the outputs and the pow er
connections. Do not e x c e e d th e m a x im u m c u rre n t a llo w e d o n e a c h re la y , in
case of heavier loads use a suitable external relay.
8.1 DOOR SWITCH INPUT (i1F = dor)
8.5 START DEFROST (i1F = dFr)