7.2.1 Connecting the Dial and Button Box to the
IRIS ......................................... 7-5
7.2.2 Configuring Software for the Dial and Button
Box Connection ............................... 7-6
7.3 Modem (IRIS Workstation Only) ...................... 7-7
7.3.1 Connecting a Modem to the
Workstation .................................. 7-7
7.3.2 Configuring Software for a Modem
Connection .................................. 7-7
7.4 Serial Printer ...................................... 7-10
7.4.1 Connecting a Printer to the IRIS ................. 7-10
7.4.2 Configuring the Software for a Printer
Connection .................................. 7-10
7.5 Color Graphics Printer .............................. 7-13
7.5.1 Connecting the Color Graphics Printer to the
IRIS ......................................... 7-13
7.5.2 Using the Color Graphics Printer ................ 7-13
7.6 Digitizer Tablet .................................... 7-14
7.6.1 Connecting the Digitizer Tablet to the
IRIS ......................................... 7-15
7.6.2 Configuring Software for a Digitizer
Tablet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-16
7.6.3 Using a Digitizer Tablet ........................ 7-17
7.7 Tape Drives (IRIS Workstation Only) ................... 7-17
7.7.1 Half-inch Tape Drive .......................... 7-17
7.7.2 Quarter-inch Cartridge Tape Drive ............... 7-18
7.8 Floppy Disk Drive .................................. 7-18
7.9 Stereo Optic Viewer ................................. 7-19
7.9.1 Connecting the Stereo Optic Viewer to the
IRIS ......................................... 7-19
7.10 Serial Port Cabling .................................. 7-19
8. Video Options ........................................... 8-1
8.1 Supported Options ................................. 8-2
8.1.1 60 Hz Non-interlaced Monitor ................... 8-2
8.1.2 33 Hz Interlaced Monitor ....................... 8-2
8.1.3 RS-170A ..................................... 8-2
8.1.4 European Video Standard ...................... 8-2
8.1.5 Genlockable RS-170A or European Video
Standard .................................... 8-3
8.2 Booting with the Secondary Video Driver ............... 8-4
8.3 Using the Graphics Library with the Video Options ....... 8-4
9. Demonstration Programs and Gifts ......................... 9-1
9.1 Demonstration Programs ............................ 9-1
9.1.1 Running Demonstration Programs ............... 9-1
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