Local city, county or other ordinances may govern the use of this equipment. If you
have any questions about local requirements, please contact the appropriate local
agency. Installation may be performed by the end user.
Under normal circumstances this unit is intended for use indoors, at room temperatures
between 5° and 40°C, at no greater than 80% Relative Humidity (at 25°C) and with a
supply voltage that does not vary by more than 10%. Customer service should be
contacted for operating conditions outside of these limits.
3.1 Power Source: The electrical supply circuit to the incubator must conform to all
national and local electrical codes. Consult the incubatorÕs serial data plate for
the voltage and ampere requirements before making connection. VOLTAGE
This unit is intended for 50/60 Hz application. A separate circuit is recommended
to prevent possible loss of product due to overloading or failure of other
equipment on the same circuit. For installation of the units, the cord must be
plugged directly into a grounded outlet, without the use of an extension cord.
3. 2Lo ca tio n: In sele cting a locat ion , con sid er all cond it ion s which mig ht ef fect
pe rf orm ance, su ch as he at fr om rad ia tor s, ovens, a ut oclave s, et c. Avoid d ir ect su n,
fa st mo vin g air cu rr ent s, he ating/ co oling du cts an d hig h-t ra ffic are as. Allow a
minimum of 5cm bet we en the unit an d walls or pa rtitions wh ich migh t obstru ct fr ee
air flo w.
3.3 L if ti ng / Ha n dl in g: T he se un it s are hea vy an d car e sho uld be ta ken to use
a pp ro pr iat e lif ting de vices tha t are su ff icien tly rat ed fo r t he se lo ad s. Units sh ou ld
o nly be lift e d fr om th eir bot to m sur f aces. Do or s, ha nd les an d kn ob s are no t
a de qu at e for lift in g or sta bilizat io n . Th e unit sho uld be co m plet ely rest ra in ed fr om
t ip ping du rin g lift ing or tra nsp or t. All mo ving pa rt s, su ch as she lve s and tra ys
sho uld be re m oved an d do o rs nee d to be po sit ively locke d in the clo sed po sition
d ur in g tra nsf er t o pre ve n t sh if t in g and d am a ge .
3 .4 L ev el in g : T he unit must sit le ve l and solidly. Leveling fe et are su pp lie d an d must
b e in st a lled in the fo ur ho le s in th e bot to m cor n er s of th e unit. Wit h the fee t
insta lle d an d the un it st an ding up rig ht , ea ch fo o t ca n be ra ise d by tu rn ing it in a
cou nt er clo ckwise dir ectio n. Ad just the foo t at each co r ne r unt il th e un it st an d s
level an d so lid wit h ou t rocking . If th e un it mu st be mo ve d, tu rn th e le velin g fee t all
t he way clockwise t o p re ven t da m ag e while m o ving .