Sony KDF-E55A20, KDF-E60A20 Owner's manual

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2-593-962-11 (3)
LCD Projection TV
Operating instructions
© 2005 Sony Corporation
! _ i i ¸ i i
The model and serial numbers are located at the rear of
the TV, below the Sony logo, on the sticker, and also on
the TV box (white label). Record these numbers in the
spaces provided below. Refer to them whenever you call
upon your Sony dealer regarding this product.
Model No.
Serial No.
If, after reading the following instructions, you have
additional questions related to the use of your Sony _")TV,
please call one of the following numbers.
Customers in the continental United States contact the
Direct Response Center at:
1-800-222-SONY (7669)
or visit
Customers in Canada contact the Customer Relations
Center at:
1-877-899-SONY (7669)
k,,_r visit
To reduce the risk of fire or electric
shock, do not expose this appratus to
rain or moisture.
Tht', ',.'. llll',ol L_ Llltellded tt_ ,tlet't the tL',et tt> tile
_, ple_,elke t>f umn,,ul,tted "'tl,tllget,_tt _, _,,dt,t_ze'"
' _ , ',_.ithtn tile pmdut't", ellt. h_xtlle that ma.k be of
",tl[-fLclent llld_L1 ltllde t, _C,Hl',tlttlte d Ii',k, _[-
elet'ttlC ',hock to pet``on',
TILL', ``3ml',,d l-, ltltellded tt_ ,tlefft the to tile
i ple_,eLlt'e t>f llllp,_Lt,tllt t_peL,ttlllff ,triLl
nldlLltelldnee i ,,el\ ICIII_2 } ln,,tlUCtltln,, ILl tile
htet,ttlue dCt't_lllpdL13 ILl_ tile al'_phdnt'e
The apput,ttu-, ql,l[[ not be exptr, ed to dnppul_z ot
",p[d',hlLl_-_ and Lltl oblect', filled x_Ith hquld',. ",uch ,r, x ,t',e',.
-,h,tll be placed on the upp,u,ttu``
Thi`` eqinpnlent [l,t,, been tea, ted ,tlld [-Otilld tt_ t.,nnplx x_ ith
the hnnt-, fi_l ,t C[,e, _, B di,_;itul dex lt.e. pui-,uant tl> Pdlt 15
_f the FCC Rtlle_ The_e lunlt`` ,lie de_l_ned to piox ide
ted',Oll,tble pt,lteutlt_ll ,tg,Llll,,t hdllll[-ll[ tlltetfetellCe Ill ,l
iestdelltla[ tn',talhttlt>n Till,, equlpnlellt _2eneiate',. ip, e,,
illltl CiLII tudL,tte t,tdLt_ fleqllenc.,, enetff3 ,tllt.l. It" Llt_t
lIlstalled dlld tl,,ed i11 dt.t.tllt-Llllt.e to the ILI',tLtlCtLoLI_,, Illd_
Cdll_e hal lllfll[ lllteL fel eLlt.e h t Ldab t C_ IllllllllL1 It. utl_ ILl``
Ho_AeXel, tllele l', llO ffUdhtLltee thdt illtel[-elellde ',_.lll Rot
t>t.CUl tll d p,[dl ttl``t,t[[utIon If tilL', eqlttpnletlt doe,,
Cdtl``e hdtLnful llltelfelellt.e to htt-ho t_l telex lMt_n
teCel-_ttotl. ,,_.lilt. 11,2dn I'.e detel milled b.,,tul lllng the
equlplllent off dnd till. tile tl``et i`` ellCOtlhtffed tt> tlX tt_
cottet't tile interference b} t)ne Ol lllt)le ,if the f, dlox_ LLlg
ille,l_,ille _,
RetlLlellt ill lelOc,tte tile Lecelx II1_ dlltelllld``
ILlt.led``e tile ``epdldtlt_L1 I-,etx,.een tile eqtllplllent ,tllt-I
Iedel\ el
('Olltlect tile eqUll-_lllent into ,Ill outlet oil ,t CllClllt
different fltllll tll,tt tt> ",_.tllctl tile _et.e_xet i``
t. _ inllet, ted
('otl``ll[t tile dedlel ot all expetLent.ed tadlt_/TV
tet.hnlc_,ul fi_t help
Yoll ,tle t.dUtLtlned th,tt ,ILl} t.ll,tLl_es tll
Ilh_dlflCdttOll`` llt_t e\ple,,,,l 3 apptoxed Ill
till`` Illdlllld[ Ctltlld \tlld \Olll _Adlldllt\
To plexent electric ``hock. do riot ti``e till`` polauzed _("
phl_z 'd.lth ,Ill ektenMoL1 t.Old, let.eptdt.le Ol tlthel o[itlet
unle',', tile blude', can be full_ ]tl``eited to ptexent I',l,tde
When IIMllg TV _2,tllle',. ct>Lnpute_``. ,uld MIIlIIdL plodikt _,
_. Ith xOl.lI pltqet'tlOll T\: keep tile bll2htne,,,, dllt-[ Colltlu``t
[-Ullt'tlon-, ,tt lm_ ``etttll_2`` [f ,t [l\ed Illt_n-lllt_x tllff} pattern
L``left on the ``t'leell fOl h_ll'2 peLLod`` of tLllle ,It ,Lhl'2h
I'q lglltlle_, _,tll ,2tlntld``t ``ettlll_2. the inld_2e t.dll I_e
pelllldllent[} llllpllnted t_lltt_ tile ``Cleell Colltlllllt_tl``l}
_.dtt.lllLl_2 tile ",dllle plO_Zldlll ,2,111C,IIl``e tile llllpllLlt t_f
``tdtltln Itl_Ztl`` ,lllt, I the TV ``t.leell The',e t'. pc', tit- llllpllnt``
,lle llt_t t.OXeled b_ XO/lI XAdlldntx I',et.,tu,,e the\ ,tie tile
te',ult of llll-,[i-,e
Till`` telex IMOLIiet.ei\ el plOXLde', dL``pld} t_t-telex LMOL1
clo``ed t.,_pt_.nlll_ m,ulce x__tll _ 15 1 19 of tile FCC
Tile TV ``llt_tild I',e in``t,tlled nedl ,in edM[X act.e_,``lble
pm_.el outlet
OpeLute tile TV ,,nh ,,n ]21} V X("
Tile pluff L``de,,igned, fi>l ``ufet 3 pin pa,,e,,, t. fit illttl
tile _,LII t_utlet onlx t_ne 'Au', If xolt ate tln,Lble tt_
ul``ert tile plltg fldh into tile outlet, contdt.t xt_ltl
If un 3 liquid ,It ``olld oblect ``tlotlld [-d[[ tll``lde tile
t.,Ll',met. ULlphLgtile TV nnnledLttel 3 dnd h,t\e Lt
t.hecked b 3 quahfied ``etx ice pel``t+llllel I',et-,_le
,_peLutlnff LtftLltheL
If 3 tltl "_.LIIn, It I',e tN ll_ztile TV fi_L``exel ul ddX``.
dl``ct>nllet.t the po_el by pullln_Z tile plug _t``elt-
Nexet pull t_ll tile cold
For det,ul`` t.,_tlt.elnlllff ``,fret.,, plec,ltltltln``. ``ee
'IlllpOltdtlt Sdfet\ Ill``ttllt.tlt_ll``'" t_ll pu_e 3
Tile TV qlotLM I',e ILl``t,tlled Lledl ,LLIedM[X dCt.eS_,lble
pm_.el outlet
T,, pLexent mteLnul he,tt buildup, do llOt blot.k tile
_,entllutl, _tl, _penLll_Z_,
D_ not m,t,dl tile TV m a h_,t ,,_ hlllllld pl,lue. Ill Ill ,1
plaue ,ublect h> exue_me dll,t ill llleu h,llllu,d
' lt4l ,ltll Ill
Axold ,_peldtlng the TV at tempehtttue beloxx 41 F
_5 CI
If the TV 1, thul,p,,rted dueutl.', fi_>nl ,t uold h> a
XXdllll [oudthlll. Ill If tile lllOlll tenlpelatllle Chdll_2e,
",[lllllell[,,. tile plCtUle Ina', be Muned ol _,ll,_x p,_ol
¢1_[Ol Ill till, Cd'e. plea,e xx,ut a i_exxholll, to let the
lllOl,tllle e,,,q_Oldte befole tllllllll_2 Oil tile TV
Tl_ obtdul tile be_.t pluttlle, dl_ lll_t ekp_,e tile ,Cleell
t_ dnect illllmllldtlon i_l dnect ,lln[l_Z[lt It 1,
IeuOllllllelluled to ii,e ,p_t ll_zhtlll_ dlleuted dmx II
flOlll tile ¢elllll_Z Ol hi ¢mel tile xx lllkhlxx, tll<lt [-due
the ,uleen tx lt[l _p,Nue dlapeLx It ], de,nable to
ul,tMl tile IV m a llIOlll XXhell tile fl_Ol and tx all,
die ,lit Ilfd iefleutlXe nldtelld[
See pdge 12 & 13 fol mole infi_nn,m,_n on the
Till, dlgltdl tell,, l,l_>n 1,edp,tl_le of lecelx lnEzall,tl_g
I",d,lC. dl_ltd[ b,t',lu ,lIlul dlgltdl piemltlm cdl",le telex ],l_ll
pltl_l,llllllllll_ b_ dlleut cllnlleutllln hi d udble ,_ ,telll
plllX Idlll_2 ,uch plO_-_ldlllllllll_-_ \ _,eculltX Cdld pro,, lded
1",,, x t)ui cable t)pehth)l L, ieqlllled tl) x leXX ell¢l_ pted
thgltal l'tlO_Zldlllllllllg Celtdlll ddxdllCed dllul intehtutlxe
ull_21tdl u,tble ,el,, lue _, *,tlt_'ll d _, x ldetl-Oll-dellldlld, d u,tble
_pel,th _i", enhanced plt _iZl,till guide dllk[ d,tta-enhanu eul
telex l,l_ll ,el,, lue`` llldX leuluue tile tr,e ,_t-a ,et-top t',_\
Fol lllOle Ill[-Olllld[IOll udll ,,Olll Ioedl cdble opehtt_l
Till', tell,, l,htll d[,o inchtulex d QAM ulemtldllldtol XX[lluh
,h,)uhl alh)xx ,,_)tI t,) leCel,,e un,cidnlbled dl_zital cable
telex Non plO_-_Idlllllllll_ X hi ,llb,ulll'_tlon ,el, lee hi ,t
c,tb[e ',el, lue plm lulel kXdl[dblht.', of digit,t[ cdble
telex I,l_n plO_-_ldlllllllll_ Ill _ OIIl dled depellul, oil tile t} pe
tlf plO_hmllllln,_ _ dnul "l'2ndl plOX ]tied b,, ,,_tu cable
,el,, lue plox ldel
BBE and BBE S,, lnb,_l ,ue t_adenlalk, _f BBE S,_und.
Ill,.: ,tnul ,lle hcen,ed b,, BBE Sound. Ilk undei U S
Pdtent N_ 4.63S.258 dlld 4.482.8t_6
D_@ Tht, TV t, m,mt,f, tuttued tuMet
llcetl',e fBIlll [)_l[b,, Ld',,qdtOlle',
o i G i T A k D, db,, and tile d,_ul',le-D ,}lllb, tl ,tIe
thldellldlk', ot'D_lb,, Ldbohtt_llle _,
Till, TV tncotp,,t,tte'. H@l-
[)e[lllltl_lll I\[llltlllleuhd [lltel[-due
_HDMI t techn,d,_g 5 HDMI. tile HDMI h_go dlld Hk_-'h-
[)efmlthm Multmleuha [ntel[-dCe ,t_e thtdenldik', _I
leg_,teled thtdenlaik, _f HDMI L]_.ell,nlg LLC
WEG k. Gland WE(i k. WEG k G kTE. Stead), S,,untl.
[)]glt,tl Re,tilt.', Cle,tt],_n. ('meMiit]lln. Pl,tx StatlOll. dlld
BN Sllloot[lel ,Ill thtdemalk, of S_ll) C_llp, lhtthtll
[ke the f,,ll,_xx]ng S_ll 5 apphanuel,l onl.,, xxlth tile
f, dl,_xxmg TV STkND U,e xxith _tllei TV STAND ma,,
cau,e in,t,tl_]ht,, dlld _e'.ult m p,_,.,.d',le inllll}
See page 4 undel -Sel,, lee'"
See page 76 fi_l lepl,tuement ldnlp
. . , ,i,
t, ,Ill ENERG5 ST\R P,utnei. S_>n5
el II pI IIdth I11 hd" cletel lllllled t[ldt thl, pl __dllc t
meet, the ENERGY ST\R' guldehne, fol
ene_g.x e ffiu lenu.',
ENER(;'_ ST\R' ], ,t U S leg],teled mdlk
('al'qe(" kRD 'r_ ], ,t ,ff ('able Tele,, ],ion
Lab,_i ah_Ile``. hlc
TltlSllllOtllld XT. SRS dlld tile i _1: ,.,, nll'.id die
tiadenl,nk _,ofSRS k,tb,, lnc TiuSuu_und XT
teu[llhtlog} I`` lllCtllpOldted iinulel lluenxe [llllll SRS Lab',.
l) Read these instructions.
2) Keep these instructions.
3) Heed all warnings.
4) Follow all instructions.
5) Do not use this apparatus near water.
12) Use only with the cart, stand, tripod,
bracket, or table specified by the
manufacturer, or sold with the
apparatus. When a cart is used, use
caution when moving the cart/
apparatus combination to avoid injury
from tip-over.
6) Clean only with dry cloth.
7) Do not block any ventilation
openings. Install in accordance with
the manufacturer's instructions.
8) Do not install near any heat sources
such as radiators, heat registers,
stoves, or other apparatus (including
amplifiers) that produce heat.
9) Do not defeat the safety purpose of
the polarized or grounding-type plug.
A polarized plug has two blades with
one wider than the other. A
grounding type plug has two blades
and a third grounding prong. The
wide blade or the third prong are
provided for your safety. If the
provided plug does not fit into your
outlet, consult an electrician for
replacement of the obsolete outlet.
10) Protect the power cord from being
walked on or pinched particularly at
plugs, convenience receptacles, and
the point where they exit from the
Unplug this apparatus during
lightning storms or when unused for
long periods of time.
Refer all servicing to qualifed
service personnel. Servicing is
required when the apparatus has
been damaged in any way, such as
power-supply cord or plug is
damaged, liquid has been spilled or
objects have fallen into the
apparatus, the apparatus has been
exposed to rain or moisture, does
not operate normally, or has been
Be sure to observe the TV's "For Safety"
section on page 5.
11) Only use attachments/accessories
specified by the manufacturer.
If an outdoor antenna is installed, follow the precautions
below. An outdoor antenna system should not be located
in the vicinity of overhead power lines or other electric
light or power circuits, or where it can come in contact
with such power lines or circuits.
Be sure the antenna system is grounded so as to provide
some protection against voltage surges and built-up static
Section 810 of the National Electrical Code (NEC) in
USA and Section 54 of the Canadian Electrical Code in
Canada provides information with respect to proper
grounding of the mast and supporting structure,
grounding of the lead-in wire to an antenna discharge
unit, size of grounding conductors, location of antenna
discharge unit, connection to grounding electrodes, and
requirements for the grounding electrode.
Refer to section 54-300 of Canadian Electrical Code for
Antenna Grounding.
Antenna lead-in wire
Ground cla_5_
_-_ _ __ "*) Antenna lead-in wire
] Electrica_ -- _ / (NEC Section 810-20)
service / ,
] eaupment _, /_ Grounding conductors
....... ._[]_j/_ (NEC section 810-21)
_ Ground clamps
-"_ _I - Power service grounding
electrodesystem (NECArt
250 Part H)
NEC: National
Electrical Code
Clean the rear cover area of the TV reguhMy. Dust
in the rear cover area may cause a problem with the
cooling system of the TV set.
Clean the cabinet of the TV with a
dry screen,S°ftcloth. To remove dust from /_,_ /,_2
tile wipe it gently with a soft _?_ _'_r_/)
cloth. Stubborn stains may be _/
removed with a cloth slightly
dampened with solution of mild soap and warm
water. Never use strong solvents such as thinner or
benzine for cleaning. If the picture becomes dark
alter using the TV for a long period of time, it may
be necessary to clean the inside of the TV. Consult
qualified service personnel.
Unplug the AC power cord when cleaning this unit.
Cleaning this unit with a plugged AC power cord
may result in electric shock.
The screen surfuce has a special coating to reduce
reflections. To prevent screen damage, clean the screen as
Clean the screen with a soft cloth.
To remove hard contamination, use a cloth
moistened with a solution of mild detergent and
water. Do not spray cleaning solution directly onto
the TV. It should only be sprayed to moisten the
cleaning cloth.
Do not use any type of abrasive pad, alkaline
cleaner, acid cleaner, scouring powder, chemical
cloth, or solvent such as alcohol, benzene or thinner.
as these may scratch the screen's coating.
ii! !i i
Do not attempt to service the set by yourself
since opening the cabinet may expose you to
dangerous voltage or other hazards.
Unplug the set from the wall outlet and refer
servicing to qualified service personnel.
When replacement parts are required, be sure the service
technician certifies in writing that he has used
replacement parts specified by the manufacturer that have
the same characteristics as the original parts.
Unauthorized substitutions may result in fire, electric
shock or other hazards.
See "Replacing the Lamp" on page 76.
For Safety
When you place the TV in position,
be carefld not to drop it on your tUot
or fingers.
Watch your footing while installing
the TV.
i ! i i i i i i i
i i i i i ¸ _i
If you carry the TV ill a manner other than
the specified manner and without the
specified number of persons, it may drop
and a serious injury may be caused. Be
sure to follow the instructions mentioned below.
Carry the TV with the specified number of persons
(see page 12).
Do not carry the TV holding the speaker grill.
Hold the TV tightly when carrying it.
Before carrying the TV. disconnect any accessories
or cables.
About the LCD projection TV
Although the LCD projection TV is made with high-
precision technology, black dots may appear or bright
points of light (red, blue, or green) may appear constantly
on the LCD screen. This is a structural property of the
LCD panel and is not a defect.
!!i i
If direct sunlight or other strong illumination shines
on the screen, part of the screen may appear white
due to reflections from behind the screen. This is a
structural property of the LCD proiection TV.
Do not expose the screen to direct illumination or
direct sunlight.
The picture quality may be affected by your viewing
position. For the best picture qnality, install your TV
according to "Recommended Viewing Area" on
page 13.
When installing your TV against a wall, keep it at
least 4 inches (10 cm) from the wall.
Your TV uses a proiection lamp as its light source. It
is time to replace the lamp with a new one (not
supplied) when:
the lamp replacement indicator on the front panel
blinks in red,
screen images become clark,
no image appears on the display aller prolonged
In rare instances, the bulb may pop inside the lamp
unit, but the lamp unit is designed to contain all of
broken glass pieces inside the lamp nnit. (see
"Replacing the Lamp" on page 76)
When the lamp eventually burns out, you may hear
a noticeable pop sound. This is normal and is
inherent in this type of lamp.
This TV uses a cooling fan. You may hear the noise
of fan running, depending on the placement of your
TV. The noise may be more noticeable during the
night or when the background noise level is low.
Presenting the Sony TV ........................................... 8
Package Contents ............................................. 8
Features ............................................................ 8
Enjoying Your TV ................................................. 10
Notes on the TV ............................................. 10
Screen ............................................................. 10
Indicators ....................................................... 11
Proiection Lamp ............................................. 11
Installing the TV .................................................... 12
Carrying Your TV .......................................... 12
Take Precaution during Installation ............... 13
To Prevent the TV from Falling .................... 13
When Installing Your TV Against a Wall ..... 13
Recommended Viewing Area ........................ 13
TV Front Panel and Connectors ............................. 14
Front Panel ..................................................... 14
Front and Rear Panel Connectors .................. 15
Overview ................................................................ 17
Making Video and Audio Connections ......... 17
Abom Using S VIDEO .................................. 18
About Using HDMI to DVI Adapter ............. 18
Basic Connections .................................................. 19
Cable System or VHF/UHF ........................... 20
Cable Box and Antenna ................................. 21
Cable Box ...................................................... 22
Satellite Receiver ........................................... 23
Digital Cable Box
Or Digital Satellite Receiver .......................... 24
Using CableCARD TM Device ................................ 25
About Using CableCARD TM Device ............. 25
Activating CableCARD Service .................... 25
Removing the CableCARD TM Device ........... 26
Equipment with HDMI Connection ............... 27
Equipment with DVI Connection .................. 28
Equipment with Digital Audio (Optical) ....... 29
Setting Up the TV Channel List ............................ 30
Using Initial Setup ......................................... 30
Connecting Optional Equipment ........................... 31
VCR and Cable .............................................. 32
VCR and Cable Box ...................................... 33
Two VCRs for Tape Editing .......................... 35
DVD Player with Component
Video Connectors .......................................... 36
DVD Player with
S VIDEO and Audio Connectors ................... 37
Camcorder or PlayStation .............................. 38
Audio Receiver .............................................. 39
Overview ................................................................ 41
Inserting Batteries into the Remote Control .......... 41
Button Descriptions ............................................... 42
Programming the Remote Control ......................... 44
Manufacturer's Codes ............................................ 45
Using Other Equipment with Your Remote
Control ........................................................... 46
Special Buttons on the Remote Control ................. 48
Using the GUIDE Button ............................... 48
Using the WIDE Button ................................. 50
Using the FREEZE Button ............................ 51
Using the JUMP Button ................................. 51
: :i_%: _ _i¸¸ _ii i _i if!
Overview of WEGA GATE ................................... 52
Using Favorites in WEGA GATE ......................... 54
Using Cable in WEGA GATE ............................... 54
Using Antenna in WEGA GATE .......................... 55
Using External Inputs in WEGA GATE ............... 55
Using Settings in WEGA GATE ........................... 55
Overview ................................................................ 56
Accessing the Video Settings ................................ 58
Selecting Video Options ................................ 58
Accessing the Audio Settings ................................ 60
Selecting Audio Options ................................ 60
Accessing the Screen Settings ............................... 62
Selecting Screen Options ............................... 62
Accessing the Channel Settings ............................. 64
Selecting Channel Options ............................ 64
Accessing the Parental Lock Settings .................... 66
Selecting Parental Lock Options ................... 66
Viewing Blocked Programs ........................... 67
Selecting Custom Rating Options .................. 68
CableCARDTM Device .................................. 80
Video .............................................................. 81
Audio ............................................................. 82
Channels ......................................................... 82
General ........................................................... 83
Specifications ......................................................... 84
Optional Accessories ............................................. 85
Index ...................................................................... 87
-!! i!!¸ i
Thank you for purchasing this Sony's HD LCD Projection TV.
This manual is for models KDF-E55A20 and KDF-E60A20.
Instructions in this manual are written for the remote control. Similar
controls are also found on the TV console.
Package Contents
Along with your new TV, the packing box contains a remote control and two
AA (R6) batteries. These items are all you need to set up and use the TV.
Also included in the box are this operating manual and a Quick Setup Guide
Some of the features that you will enjoy with your new TV include:
WEGA GATE_X_: WEGA GATE is a new feature that allows you to
easily navigate to the most convenient TV functions: favorite channels,
cable channels, antenna channels, external input list or settings.
WEGA Engine: Delivers superb picture quality from any video source
by minimizing the signal deterioration caused by digital-to-analog
conversion and stabilizing the signal processing. This engine features
unique Sony technology, including:
The first step in the digital processing system, Composite
Component Processor (CCP-X), which enhances input signal-to-
noise ratio by chroma decoder digital processing.
DRC ® (Digital Reality Creation)-MF Vl: Unlike conventional
line doublers, the DRC Multifunction feature replaces the signal's
NTSC waveform with the near-HD equivalent by digital mapping
processing. The DRC Palette option lets you customize the level of
detail (Reality) and smoothness (Clarity) to create up to three
custom palettes.
Integrated HDTV: You can watch digital television programs and
enjoy the improved audio/video quality offered by these programs.
CableCARD TMslot: Provides cable subscribers with access to digitally
encrypted cable channels -- without the need for a set-top box -- that
will enable you to receive not only standard definition but also high
definition television. The CableCARD device, which is provided by
your cable TV company, is inserted into the TV's rear panel
CableCARD slot. After the service is actiw_ted with your cable TV
company, the card replaces the need for a separate set-top box. (Check
with your cable TV company about CableCARD service details,
limitations, pricing, and availability. For more information about
CableCARD device in this manual, see page 25.)
HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface): Provides an
uncompressed, all-digital audio/video interface between this TV and
any HDMl-equipped audio/video component, such as a set-top box,
DVD player, and A/V receiver. HDMI supports enhanced, or high-
definition video, plus multi-channel digital audio.
Component Video Inputs: Offer the best video quality for DVD (480p,
480i) and digital set-top box (1080i, 720p, 480p, 480i) connections.
S VIDEO Inputs: Provide a high-quality image from connected
CineMotion®: Using the reverse 3-2 pull down technology, the
CineMotion feature provides smoother picture movement when playing
back movies or other video sources on film.
Steady Sound°: Equalizes volume levels so there is consistent output
between programs and commercials.
Wide Screen Mode: Allows you to watch 4:3 normal broadcasts in
wide screen mode (16:9 aspect ratio).
Favorite Channels: Allows you to navigate a list of up to sixteen
favorite channels without leaving the current channel.
Parental Control: V-Chip technology allows parents to block
unsuitable programming fiom younger viewers.
To enjoy your TV for years to come and maintain its original picture quality,
you should perform periodic maintenance.
Notes on the TV
Prevent sunlight or other light sources fiom shining directly on to the
Tile screen surface is easily scratched. Do not rub, touch, or tap it with
sharp or abrasive objects (see "Cleaning" on page 4).
i ! i ii i ¸¸¸¸ i i i i ii
Unplug tile AC power cord fi'om tile outlet if you anticipate not using
the TV for more than a week.
The cooling fan will continue to operate for about two minutes. Allow
several minutes before unplugging from the outlet or switching the
breaker off.
If your TV is moved directly from a cold to a warm location or is placed
in a humid room, or if the room temperature changes suddenly, the
picture may blur or show poor color. This is caused by moisture
condensation on the lenses inside. Wait a few hours to let the moisture
evaporate before turning on the TV. When the condensation has
evaporated, the picture will return to normal.
To minimize reflection, tile screen surface has a special coating.
Inappropriate cleaning methods could damage the screen surface. Special
care is required.
Dust and dirt on the screen can affect the picture quality. To dust off the
screen use a soft cloth. Be sure to follow the cleaning instruction on page 4
for stubborn stains and dirt.
Projection lamp Indicators
Tile indicators show tile current status of your TV. If there is a change in tile
condition or a problem with the TV, the indicators will flash or light up in
the manner described below to let you know that it requires your attention.
The lalnp for the light source is preparing to turn on. When
it is ready, it turns on.
.......................................................................The lamp cover is not securely attached. The red indicator
: will continue to flash in intervals of 3 blinks at a tilne until
the lalnp cover is placed correctly. When the lalnp cover is
securely attached the TV will turn on with green indicator.
When one of the timer is set, the indicator will remain lit
(will not flash) even when the TV is turned off.
The proiection lalnp has burned out. Replace it with a new
one (see page 14).
Projection Lamp
Your TV uses a projection lamp as its light source. As with any lamp, it has
lifespan and needs to be replaced when the Lamp indicator flashes or the
screen becomes darker. The projection lamp is located under the Control
Panel cover as shown in the diagram above. Note the following:
After turning on your TV, it may take a while (1 minute or less) before
the picture appears.
When the projection lamp wears out, the screen goes dark. Replace the
lamp with a new Sony XL-2200 replacement lamp (not supplied).
/,_ Thelight emittedfrom the lamp is quitebright whenyour TVis in use.To
avoideyediscomfort or injury, do not look into the light housing when
the power is on.
Carrying Your TV
Carrying tile TV requires at least two people. Do not hold by tile pedestal or
the front panel of the TV. Doing so may cause these parts to break off.
Do not grasp the pedestal
or the front panel of the
When moving tile TV, place one hand in tile hole on tile lower portion of tile
TV while grasping the top with the other hand, as shown in the illustration
If you have connected cables and cords, be sure to unplug theln before
moving the TV.
Take Precaution
during Installation
To Prevent the TV
from Falling
When usingthe SU-GW12
stand for your TV,you
mustusethe support belt.
To ensure tile safety of children and tile TV, keep children away flom tile TV
during installation. Climbing on or pushing the TV or its stand may cause it
to fall and damage the TV.
As a protective measure, secure the TV as follows.
Sony strongly recommends using the TV stand SU-GWI 2 with a
support belt designed for your TV.
When Installing Your
TV Against a Wall
Keep your TV at least 4 inches (10 cm) away from tile wall to provide proper
Viewing Area
Your viewing position may affect tile picture quality.
For the best picture quality, install your TV within the areas shown below.
Model Viewing distance
KDF-E55A20 rain. 6.8 ft. (approx. 2.1 m)
KDF-E60A20 min. 7 ft. (approx. 2.2 m)
Front Panel
button has a tactile dot.
Use the dot as a
reference when
operating the TV.
Press to turn on/off the TV.
Lights np in green when the TV set is turned on. The LED
light does not light up when the main power is turned off.
If the LED blinks continuously, this may indicate the
display unit needs servicing (see "Contacting Sony" on
page 75).
.... ..................... ) ...................
When lit, indicates one of the timers is set. When the
timer is set, this LED will remain lit even if the TV set is
turned off. For details, see page 73.
Lights up in red when the lamp for the light source has burned
out. For details, see "Replacing the Lamp" on page 76.
Receives IR signals from the remote control. Do not put
anything near the sensor, as its function may be affected.
Press to scan through channels. To scan quickly through
channels, press and hold either CHANNEL.
.....................................................................................................Press to adjust the volume.
: Press to select among the TV's tuner and other video
equipment inputs.
Front and Rear
Panel Connectors
S .......................
ii ii
Connects to the S VIDEO OUT jack of your VCR or other
S VIDEO-equipped video component. Provides better
picture quality than the Video IN jack.
Connects to the audio and video OUT jacks on your VCR
or other video component. A fourth video inpnt (VIDEO 2)
is located on the front panel of the TV.
Connects to your DVD player's or digital set-top box's
component video (YPbPr) and audio (L/R) jacks.
Connects to the left and right audio inputs of your audio or
video component.
/'_ AUDIOOUTjacksare operableonlywhen theTV's
Speakeris set to Off.
......................... i,iii_!i_i,,
1 ........... isl
_ c_t,l,,c^_D ¸
AUD 0 ] ....i DIGITAL HI::=;I I ! j AUDIO
,I @i
CableCARD device provides cable subscribers with access
to secure, digitally encrypted cable channels - without the
need for a set-top box - that will enable you to receive not
only standard definition but also high definition television.
For more information, see page 25.
Connects to the optical audio input of a digital audio
component that is PCM/Dolby Digital compatible.
C0nnects to your VHF/UHF al_tennal
Connects to your cable signal. This CABLE input jack, in
cor_iunction with the VHF/UHF input jack, lets you set up
your TV to switch between scrambled channels (coming
throngh a cable box) and unscrambled cable channels.
...................... HDMI iHigh-Definition IVlultin_edia Interface) prok_ides ;m
uncompressed, all-digital audio/video interface between
this TV and any HDMI-equipped audio/video component,
such as a set-top box, DVD player, and A/V receiver.
HDMI supports enhanced, or high-definition video, plus
two-channel digital audio.
* Manufactured under license t}om Dolby Laboratories.
"Dolby" and the double-D symbol are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories.
Your new LCD Projection TV can receive both analog and digital
broadcasting signals from antenna, satellite and cable TV.
To display clear crisp pictures, you must connect your TV correctly and
choose the correct display format (see Wide button on page 50). [t is strongly
recommended to connect the antenna using a 75-ohm coaxial cable to
receive optimum picture quality signal. A 300-ohm twin lead cable can be
easily affected by radio noise and the like, resulting in signal deterioration.
If you use a 300-ohm twin lead cable, keep it as far away as possible from
the TV.
Making Video and
Audio Connections
The signals that enter your TV and connected devices will need to output in
the correct format using the suitable connections. Below are different types
of video connectors available these days. Your TV comes with all types of
connectors with the exception of the DVI connector but your cable box or
satellite receiver may be equipped with this type. When connecting your TV,
use the inputs that are available on your devices that provide the best video
performance, as described below.
Connector Type
HDM[ (High-Definition No
Multimedia Interface)
DVI (Digital Visual
:Interface) *
0 sV DEO
@ Composite
Separate Audio
(not supplied)
_'_An adapter is necessary when connecting DVI equipped device to this TV,
see page 18.
About Using
If the optional equipment you are connecting has an S VIDEO jack
(shown at left), you can use an S VIDEO cable for improved picture
quality (compared to an A/V cable). Because S VIDEO canies only
the video signal, you also need to connect audio cables for sound, as
shown below.
i / i ¸ < i
Audio cable
Cables are often
color-codedto connectors.
Connect red to red,
white to white, etc.
About Using HDMI
to DVI Adapter
If you are connecting equipment with DVI connector with this TV. you will
need to use an adaptel: You can use an HDMI to DVI cable or an HDMI
adapter (not supplied). Both are available at your local electronics store.
When you use the adaptel, you will also need to use separate audio cables for
sound as DVI connector is for video signals only.
HDMI to DVI Cable
HDMI adapter Audio cable