Do not insert anything in the ventilation holes It
_netal or something flanlnl_hle el_ters, lr may rcsllIt in
fire or electric shock¸
Clean the c_thinet of the TV with a dry soft cloth Tc
remove dust flora tile screen, wipe iT gently with a soi_
".loth Stubborn _ams real be removed with a cloth
dightly dampened with a solution of todd soap antl
warm w_ter. Never use stroll° _olventg such _s thinllel
or benzine for cle_nnjg
If the picture becomes dark after using the TV for ,_ long period of time. it
may be nece_ary to clean _e inside of/be TV. Consult qualified servlcl
Do not use attachments not recommended by the
manutacmrer, as they mnj* cause hazards.
Do nol place tile set on an unstable cart, st_md, table o _.
sbel£Thesetmayfalt, causingserlousinjurytoachild ._/ "]
or an adult and ser,ous damage to tile set. Use only a _/j_
cm_ or seand recommended by Sony for the specific ____, _v
model of TV, No part of the TV set should overhang
any edge of the TV cart or stand: any overhanging edge
isa safety hazmd. An apphance and cart combination _i_.
should be moved with care Quick stops, excesswe
iorce _nd uneven surlkces may cause the apphance and
call co_nDlnallon To over[urn
Do not teTthis unit get wet Never spdI liqmd of any kind on the unit.
If any liquid or solid oNect does lkll lhrough, do not operate the unit
It may result in electric shock or &*mare to the unit H_we it checked
lmmealawly by qualified pe_onne
TI prevent tlre, keef inflammable oblect_ or naked lights (e.g.
candles) away flora the set.
ro preserve our environment, dispose the used batteries according TOyour
local laws or regulations
When ths,alling the display ung on the wall, De sure m _
have assemblers insmtl and keep away fi'om the unit
lfa person other than the assemblers install the dlspb_y
mit on the wall using a wall mount unit. the unit may
P_IIand cause serious injt_ry when an eaithquake
occm-s or when the unit is not installed securely.
Observe the followthg when installing the display unit
_slng a stand or wall mount unit [fnot, the ung may fhll
1no cause sel"l ous injury
Be sure to follow the operam_g ms[rucnons
supplied with your stand when installing the unit.
Be sure m atmbb the brackets sllpplied with youl
Carrying the _et reqmres two or more people
it yol_ carry the set in a mamler other than that
_pecified, it may drop and a serious injury may be
zaused. Be sure two or more people carry the ,set
When transporting, do not subil _ the set to shocks ol
vibration exces_iw force. The set may Pall and damage me set. causing
eerious InJury
Do not install the display unit in protl uding locauons If3 _u install the unit
in tile following locations, injury ma3 result
Do not install the unit in a locmion where the unil protl udes. such as
Do not install the unit in a location that ma, cause Ncial injury
Do not install this unjt in restaurants where oity vapom'_ occur. Dust
_bsorbing oil may enter njm the unit _md damage the uthl
Idbblug the AC power cord when moving the set
Do not move the set with the AC power cord plugged in b may damage
the A( power cord and result in fire or electric shock.
If you use this unit near the seashore, salt ma! corrode metal parts of the
unit and cause internal damage or fir_
I_may also shorten the life of the uthl
Do nol place this uni_ in a place where medical
eqlllpment is in us{
tt may cause mMtuncnot_ ot medlcM mstrumems
Do not use power-line operated sets neal
water mr example, near a bathtub, washbowl
kitchen sink. or laundr 3 tub. in a wet basement, ol
near a swnllllllng pool, etc. It may result in fire or
.'teem c shock
Secure the displnj unit from _gllin_ down
If the disph*y amr Is not securea properly, it mnj *klt and cause injury Take
measures against it using a stand or other apperatus on the floor or wall kl
the specified manner, relblrmg to the operating lnsrrucrlons supplied with
your stand