iMag/iMag Pro II SDK User Manual
Copyright © 2010-2020, International Technologies & Systems Corp. All rights reserved.
4.2.2. SendCMD
Description: Sends any command data to the reader and retrieves the response.
-(NSData*) SendCMD: (NSData*) writeBuf; Parameter: writeBuf
Sends bytes array data to the reader.
Returns: Byte array data.
Example: To get the firmware version, send command <0x52 0x22> to the reader. For more
command descriptions, see the iMag/iMag Pro user manual.
4.2.3. SendCMDGetVersion
Description: Sends the Get Firmware Version command data to reader and retrieves the firmware
version description.
-(NSData*) SendCMDGetVersion; Parameter: nil.
Returns: Byte array data for the firmware version.
4.2.4. SendCMDGetSerialNumber
Description: Sends the Get Serial Number command data to the reader and retrieves the serial
-(NSData*) SendCMDGetSerialNumber; Parameter: nil.
Return: Byte array data for serial number.
4.2.5. enableLogging
Description: Enables the console log function for debugging.
-(void) enableLogging:(BOOL)enable;
Parameter: enable. YES enables writing to the console log; NO disables it.
Returns: No return.