Tab le of con tents
1. Sa fe ty in struc tions ............................................6
1.1. War nings and sym bols ..................................7
1.2. Ex pla na tions and in for ma ti on .............................8
1.3. For your sa fe ty ........................................9
1.4. For the ope ra ting sa fe ty of the equip ment..................13
2. In stal la ti on in struc tions.......................................15
2.1. In stal la ti on ...........................................17
2.2. Elec tri cal con nec ti on...................................18
2.2.1. Con nec ti on to a sing le con vey or unit
SSE 2&5 ....................................18
2.2.2. Con nec ti on to a vac uum receiver unit
SSK 05, 1, 3, 5 & 30 ...........................19
2.2.3. Con nec ti on to a con vey ing sys tem control .........19
2.3. Com pres sed air supp ly .................................20
3. Functio nal des crip ti on ........................................21
3.1. Ge ne ral in for ma ti on ...................................22
3.2. Con trol ..............................................23
3.2.1. SKW Ver si on 1 ...............................23 Con vey ing ra tio .......................24 Swit ching cy cles ......................25
3.2.2. SKW Ver si on 2 ...............................26
4. Start-up.....................................................27
4.1. Ad ju sting the con vey ing ra tio ............................28
4.2. De ter mi ning the swit ching cy cle du ra ti on ..................29
4.3. Set ting the swit ching cy cles .............................32
Table of contents 4