3.8 Website
freewatt control module web site address is assigned
to system at time of installation allowing homeowner
and service provider to monitor or control system’s
3.9 External Condensate Pump
Float activated condensate pump with integral • sump is required for installation where there is no
fl oor drain or other appropriate drainage receptacle
available to receive condensate from system (boiler
and MCHP unit).
Condensate pump can be piped to remote point to • sanitary sewer system (Please follow all state or local
regulations regarding disposal of condensate). Install
system so proper pitch can be placed on piping to
deliver condensate safely to external condensate sump.
3.10 Exhaust Gas Leak Sensor
Exhaust Gas Leak Sensor (EGLS) monitors integrity of • Honda MCHP unit combustion system and shuts down
MCHP unit if certain potentially unsafe conditions are
Monitors carbon monoxide level in air space near MCHP • unit.
Exhaust Gas Leak Sensor is independent and separate • from audible CO alarming system installed with
freewatt PLUS
System in compliance with best
practices for all fuel-fi red central heating equipment.
Proper installation of the EGLS is required to • commission Hydronic
freewatt PLUS
3.11 Concentric Vent/Air Intake Termination
Optional concentric vent/air intake termination utilizes • single opening for boiler through wall or roof of
MCHP unit requires use of exhaust vent.•
3.12 Heat Rejection System
Heat rejection kit (sold separately) is required for backup
mode operation during times when no space heating or
water heating is required.
A water cooled heat rejection system is available • for installations where there is uninterrupted supply
of water during power outage (city water). Kit ties
into main water supply line and discharges water to
appropriate drain. Drain must be suitable for 0.35 GPM
at 180° F. Kit contains ball valve, pressure reducer,
electronic ball valve, and fl ow reducer. Installer must
supply piping to tie into main water line, and deliver
water to appropriate drain.
Installations without uninterrupted supply of water • during power outage (most houses with well pumps)
air cooled heat rejection system is available.
Contains vertically arranged side discharge fan-coil
unit installed outside, and is connected to HI Module
through closed coolant loop. Dimensions of unit are
24” Length, 15” Width, and 36” Height.
Air cooled heat rejection system installer must • supply secure mounting pad or foundation, power
wiring, low voltage wiring (18 AWG minimum),
and closed Propylene Glycol coolant loop from
HI Module to unit (3/4” piping, circulator, air
separator, pressure relief valve, expansion tank,
fl ow check, and purge valve). See FWHRJ Air
cooled heat rejection system Installation, Operation,
Maintenance manual for specifi c installation
3.13 Display/User Interface
Homeowner can scroll through control settings and
change operating settings to customize freewatt PLUS
System operation using PC.
Internet Connection & Commissioning
System control module connects to
customer’s home network in same way any
computer or other network appliance does
connecting via Ethernet connection available on
most routers. freewatt PLUS connection uses
10/100 Mbit/s wired Ethernet connection, wireless
bridges may be used when wired connection isn’t
control module is assigned static address
outside of DHCP range available from router.
IP address, netmask, gateway and DNS addresses • are programmed into control module using
freewatt PLUS service tool. Common confi guration
(with router at address would have
freewatt address set to, netmask
set to, gateway set to
and DNS entries set to and (addresses for Open DNS).
Router confi gured to allow incoming traffi c for • diagnostics and (if requested by customer) access
to user web page. Routers refer to these settings as
‘port forwarding’, ‘applications’’, or ‘virtual servers’.
Refer to router manufacturer’s documentation.
Remote diagnostics require port 4500 be directed • to freewatt control module. Port for customer web
pages is confi gurable - usually set to 8082 because
many ISPs (Internet Service Provider) block use of
standard port 80.
Number of wireless bridge or gaming bridges • have been tested to work with control module if
wireless confi guration is required. Confi gure using
manufacturer’s instructions.