Haier ACD125E Owner's manual

Owner's manual

This manual is also suitable for

What The World Comes Home To"
Roo_ Air (an@i_ner
CkrnaK'isationde Pi@e
® @ @
(ESA3105/ESA3125 Only)
Read ;rnh_n_ before ins_ail;ng.
Cull 1-877-337-36JP for qucsKar_sonprJrt_and s_r_¢¢s
tire los lndruch'a.Jr rrvanf de prac_der _ I'in_tlaffon_
POU_routesqucstlo_s¢on_er_ I¢_ple_c_¢_['cntrctic_,_ompoeezIc 1-877-337-3639,
tea lasInsfrucclanes anfcs de lnslalar el aparaka
U6ra_tm__ 1-877-337-3639 _i _l"etlepreguntasPabre repua_ro_o _rvido_
ThankYouForbuyinga dependable,energysavingand easyto oparate
HALERroomair condltloner.Thismanualcontainsusek_linbrmatlon br
youto maintain,operate,installandsaJ:elyuseyour roamair conditionen
Your air conditioner d_ans, _ls and dehumidi|ies the air in your room to
provideyouwith theultimateleveld comfort.
Pleaseread instnuctianscarefullybeforeusingtheproduct.Also,do not
Forgettofill outund malltheProduct Registration Curd.
Record Your Model and Serial Number.
Forall your servicecallsduring thewarrantyperiod_e bllowing
information will be n_led_ Attach _e sales receipt to this _;uideand keep
Forbtu_ r_,Cer_lce.1hisirlbrma}ion c_.ln I_eobt@ld Fr_n÷h_s_rkll plat_
which iso, yourair conditioner.Thisiseitheron thecabinet(sideor back)
or you mayhaveto removethefrontgrille to locateiL
Dateof Purchrsse:.........................................................
RATED VOLTS 12_l _J_ l_l;J ll_et
FU$t _ 15 _ 15 2D _
(¢J_ d_dl" t_k_rl PIut Plu_ Flug
WARNING: Following these basic pre¢outlons will reduce the
risk of fire. electrical shock, injury or death
when using your air conditioner.
_:_ l ) Air cor_di_'_onermust be connected fo proper electricaloutlet wil_the
correcteleci'rical supply. (seetable)
_, 2) Proper grounding mustbe ensuredi'o reducethe risk of shockand Fire,
not have a three-prong eleclric receptacleoullel ir, the wall, have a certified
electrician ir_stollthe proper receptacle.The wall receptacleMUST be
properly groundecl.
_,_ 3) Do not useiFpower cord is{rayed or otherwise danlag_d. Also _old
using it i| there are cracks or abrasion damage along the length, plug or
5) Whe_ installing your air' oo_dltioner in o wi_clow, make sure thewlndaw
is strong erlough to hold the wei_ghtof the air cancl_tbner.Youalso want to
secureand correctly insiall your air conditioner properly to prevent it From
Falling.Extra brackeis and er s_pport may be required depending
on your window_
6) Do nor Block airJJowinside or outside the air conditioner wilh I_linds,
drapes, protectlve covers, shnubsar bushes.
7) Becareful of sharp edges on the front and rear fins o| the unit thai could
cut and cause serio_s injury.
8) Becareful when lifting the air cor_clilionerta install or removelhc ur_il.
Always usetwo or more people for this.
9) Always unplug the air conditioner beJareservicing it or moving it.
A Word From Haler 1
Product Reglslralion ............................................................... 1
Safety Precautions .................................................................. 2
Warnings 4
Electrical Safely Zl
Tips ......................................................................................... 5
Energy Saving Guide ............................................................. 5
Features ............................................................................... 6-7
OperaHng Guide ............................................................. 8-12
Normal Operating Sounds .............................................................. 8
Operatil_g Instruction_............................................................. 8-12
Installallons .................................................................... 13-18
Part_........................................................................................ 14
Tools....................................................................................... 14
InstallingUnit intoA Window................................................ 15-18
Clean and Care Guide ..................................................... 19-20
Troubles hoofing 20-21
Warranty Information
Following the sarah,tues.*agesisvery _mporh3nt,
Thesemessag_ can saveyou FromBeing injured or killed.
Warning szn_bolsalert you to be careful and means Danger. Always
Followinstructionsi-obe saFeand reduce chancesof injury or death.
Warning and Danger signs will precede safety messages.
Grounding: Thisroorr,air conditioner mustbe cjrounded.
Grounding reducesthe risk of electricshockby
providing an escapewire for the electriccurrenL
the pow_er cord has a grou_dlng w_re Wi_ a
grou,_dMgplug. Plugit intoat, outletthat _s
properly installedand grounded.
Adapter Plug:
Improperuseof the grour,ct;ng
plug car, resultin a risk ot:electricshock.
Call a qualified elec_ician iFyou don't ur,derstand
1hegrounding instructionsor if you are not
sure iFthe air conditioner is properly grounded.
If thewall outlet is notgrounded, pleasecontactan
eledrician to have it replacedwith a properly
Do not, under any circumstancesv cut or nemove the
third (ground) prong from the power cord.
We strongly adviseagaMst usi,lg an c,dapter plug.
Test power pluc before aa_:h ,;se:
I. Press "resa- "bJtton.
2. Prest; "test "buPc, n, unit sho_, d trip.
:_. P,ass "resr;t" outran again for usr;.
LIo _ot use if above t_,st fail.
In the ev::q" this dev:ce t'ips , "ha caJse of the; maFunrtion is "o
br: correctee be.fore furtner use o: the devi:r_ .
Air Conditiorlers are designed Foruse in a double hung window or
throu_jh the wall installation only. (As al_lkable in your rnoctel)
While installing unit Besur_ tu tilt air conditioner .5_.gree. outwr_rdto
havethe water drip outside thehouse,
__ Installthe unit on the north side as normally that iSthe shaded side, This
v_ll enhance _le operol_on uf your unit.
t Window has to be stroHgForir_stallation,Extra brackets and or support
may be requirecl depending an your window,
Measure the window before installing, if the window is too big Forthe
unit you may require prolessional installation.
-_, * Usecorrect electric voltage and proper amper_ Forti_eunit to rail
,_. ° Only let a certifiecl electrician do any modit:icationsto your electrical
When in,tailing your air conditioner make sure to seal all areas where
there i._a possibility of air leakage,
Airltow should eat Be Blocked;nsida either by curtrJ;n._,elrapas or
brnilure or oulskle by shrubs or bushes.
Do not needle_sly usean elec_kal light or other appliances that
produce heat,
Keep th_ blinds and the drrJp_.sdrawn on all the oth_.rwindows.
While cookln9 useen exhausl_un in Ihe kilchen Io ren_oveIhe excess
Always usefne correct BTUsize air conditioner to cool the room to
attain optir'nurne(ficie_n¢y,
_Jog vghl
touch pea
1, l"he_t_sl_
This dl_w._ y.u to _dlJs"-be t_rn}_r:.cdL.eo_}h_ _ir
II-_Iowcr 1t-_seling 11",_r.oc|er 1he_ir rern0_rature
Will Ibis y_,u can _ he _np_ ,_ ur_ I_,),oui
.'l:_slr{_ic_ilfad owl Y=ucon _c.Ithe It_l_._r_rture
W_tt Ibis you can c.,lhd Ih_ l'ar sF_,_l os w_,ll,_
Ynuhave. 3 levels _ Afc _ _o- 7oa fa s_l ot
your _sir_ level I0 will circu ore air ct he
Iowestvdoclty. MED ol m,_diumvdoclty c_d It1_ I
dr:dole ¢_1the ,_n_u,_
_..-.u_ave L_cvol_ o; ko_ _,ocod "o a, ?ojr
des_r_ ,:cm{,:¢ I÷w. HIOH, IV'if+"_Oftd OW,
3, Fun_'lo_,
I I_'e tt'e elf co_dilloner willoo_mte-_eoon-p_es_r
ur'ct I,_eoes -_d ion _pe_d sel la giv_ yo_ d'ill_t
-cod oTrl_r yoar ¢,o_forr
b! D_q_,rnid
Tl_is e',able<_y,:u_ air coroillc_.r le 'ap_'cle clsu
moisture _rorn"beair to I_o_py¢,_.""oor_ at a
alone in ca_ yog do rot oe_i'_ to _se thg ei
c) F:mOn)"
4, lnerc_ _ver
W_c_ _r._ _N '__ 'a_ _ill _h_ _ .__u_
o_ the ccmpres_ ¢yce 0F. Ihis will n0t only
_,v_ yev el_cr, lc_l _,_a _e_gy costsbut else sh_rs
cleflh_ u_,n_ess_iry _=is_ a{ lh_ _c_ n_olar rus*ni'_(.]
It, If,e "OF:" _._it'o_ lh_ Fa_will _ot sl-ut _ff _h_ _
the c0r_pre_4" ,:yc_s otl_ Ike fan_11 ke_ rurgiqg
ot th_ s_ l_v_l
_. Tii_ef
Y<_.urair .:_i_ili_li_€" Con t_ se_In _qootl or o_ a"
your de_ire lhb ,._:_be d_n_ uo "o 2] _*_ur$i
6, 4 Way A_r FI.w
dir0_:i0n of tl_o air;lo_ ii" year mquirc.d dircc;+io._.
Ik elir}ow <¢n b_ dir_t0d
uo - oow_ - r_t _*cb- I_- side
7. Vent
S. SII_leOu_ ¢ha*si_
v,au,Air Co_idit_,,m_b_ocqe_ e_mr_v_ulil_will-
. wlrll:law _c "q_wcl.
9. WlnCtOw Inst_ll
dc,d_le hung w:l_dc.w P'.drabrack_ c_"s,_porr
may be reed_ s,defending on yo_r wiraow,
10, Rern_l_ Co_+r_l
I.is tul f,nciiod wir_c_ rr._ot_ allows you le
ops-_r_ yobr oir ¢Or_ liorer from a di_iorc'e "_o_.
_r-_¢l_o_I'ove rog_t u_ re d'_lge tha se_ings, rag
_ lotions or "e rum "_e urii ¢,_ oco:F
11, t_l) Displ=y el_¢tr,_i¢ C_mt_,l P_nel
lke 4 E'_ction ..EPdispc_ys Room"iemp_rolure0
"T_',ap_rol_Jr_Selt:,g, -:_er S_ir;g ond li_
R,_rr_irqrs i'o Sop I S'c_,'lll_e Jni[ EIr_trc_ic
Consul PorM I_t_y_, s_ he re.perjure *_>the
12. I_ledroCgrlic Filler (_o" o _odo $}
cl,_cPo_ot c oc'_vo co't_o_ r,c" ond oihr;, r%-criok
st'ong allow
Nor aJ ©pera in 9
Th_ following sounds arg normally heard during _heoperation af an air cor|ditioner.
Cool a[r_low movement asdictated by the set}an speed.
° Water sounck, This is normal as your air conditiorker actsas a
d_humidiFier also. Thu._you will hear wol_r sounds Fromwo_ereJrq_s
fall;n9 on the condcnscn
° As Ihe refrigerant flow_ through the inner s_led _.,bing a rushing noise
m_y be heard,
Rattling or vibrating noises may be h_ard due to poor wall
or window _n_llation.
° High pitch compressor sound may be heard.
Operating instructions
Following arc the operating instructions o[-your _c-ctro_ic a_rconditioner.
Remote control and control panel operations
After in_allin 9 your air cor_ditioner pluE1it in to the proper el_trical outlet
in ¢hcwall. Keepthe vent in the closed posillon. Now setthe air
conditioner at your combrl level. This bll br|ctional wireles._remote allows
you to operate you, air conditioner without having to get up arid go t'a t]_e
unit. Thr_bll _unc_iaof_alur_ allows you to chong_ th_ s_ltings and turn the
unit on or off Fromthe remote itself. This control pad works 1hesome as
the can_ol pad on the air conditioner.
(SeeFig, # 1)
Fig.# 1
Remote Control
Fig.# 2
After you plug in the unititwill performa selftest,All thedisplaylights
will turnon for 3 seconds.ThelEDdisplay will read "88". IJ:anydisplay
lightJailstoturnon you mayneedserviceon theunit. A_r the3 seconds
self_Bst_hr_ur_itv,,illautor_aticallyga ta theslanrlby motif. Nr_wall liNht,s
will beoff and youwill have1oturn "ON" by pressingIhe On,OfFkey.
After pressing"On/OfF", theunit startsto work and entersfne statusoF
"Fan" with low setting.
Youwill haveto pressthe(A)or (T)keyan theTemp/Timeto sol"the
_'_rnperafuro at yourdeslrm'tco_for¢'.Youcanchoose between61°F
and 86°F.Oncethetemperabre issetyoucanrais_or loweritby pressing
the(A) or (T)keys.(Onlywhen theunitis cooling, energy saver or
deh_rnidif),ing,can _.letemperaturesettingBeadjusted.)(SeeFig. # 2)
Hav_n¢lse._"he.ten'p_,r;tll.'eV_';:l_vill:_e."tl'e f._r,cJicna}the dirc.and'ticqer.
E',e.ry÷imeyoJ press [be.MODE b_ttaq, 't ,u:l _l_a_,y_lsetwe_.n --AN, COOL, EN=RGv
,_ ERord DE_U\L (.',ee :i_,]. _' 3)
dn,_ h_ hmcion ma_,_ L_derided vo_. wl Few a ;;e I'_ {_q _pee_.(_ee, [ig_ #4}
EveE_ ime you pre_ h_ S-'[[ ", buIle, n, fop _.p_ect will €.q_mge be >_e_q _QV_,
I I1_11,ME ).
I) Ir vat, r:l,._o_e. Ine CO(')_ n*oo_ yet. _'a_" cJg I,e" _'_ in one o r I'_ 3 spe.e_Js IGI I,
M-.ZI), L(bW.
2) F,nr co,; days you may _va-,- to g.n fqe 'F/*_N funcfor'. T'_e :on ,ton r,e se- _ n.:g of
3 speeds H GP fa',, ME--)kip, LOW {an)as eesi,ee By you.
3} I[you cqoos_" o u:;o lhe De'_u'nid "undiov. Ihs wll _"-'ovo :,xo.,ss "ois u_'
Hen; I_c, eli, on :_×c_.'_s i qumK[ cloys.
': I?nlr._oiDlolo il'$i_.[(." {'ct ioo "_.
S: I_1["SOl ,L'",FOH:'tIU'O.
1 !whon h'f s 3 '_l'- Iqc" co_p,c'ss.o , wil _d_' ,::cqlil'uo _sl',,'Pie _n ,'d Iho
sc c,doo sped.
2_/hcq Is " ':-_ It(Is 3 °k he _OllrlJ)Ie_v;Of wil CVC_-""C,I* O'MnJos OIl
end6 _i_u ¢_of'.
3)whoq Ir-.Is I °F lrlL"(L(.,t/lrg,[.tssoiwI shJIc,fl'.
n_-' d_mumidi[cu log placcss Iqke's alacc belweon I'o se lOlllOoioldle "
c_nd3 '1-aeovoIhc.;_1 Ioml3OlrJU,_'
4):he-g/S_t_ve, : -qe unit ruq_ tge sa,_e os (_(-:,OL _-,ertin_ n tqe rlxER_qY SAVER
moeJe. P,_.tthe "a_' wl be of 3 rn:l*utes a;et-l'e _.orna,e.sso, cyte..off.
Fg. # 4
Control Panel.
I,/_ i',r I 14_ II/i
l-,i,,,l i1611 _ ,3_
. ., _ I_O_,VL.I__':_Y-',f °_"_*
lirn_l c_,,,or l mc_ _.,'f{,_oar__is usod c, ,,,,,,2r_-slal,al_h.slo_ y,0Jr alql if*
-advaq,.;u. _'ob c;clqprogram I-is ol:._1o2 z- hoJIs iP adva'lcu. _'o_.,can _.s_
P_r..:rqc_ iq 4 "bq,.:liol':: i.e. CC'OI I-,ctlgy ;.:ave_,Ddl,,m d c" I-on .
_, limcr,:.,m.(S_.,oki_. _" 5_
Ul'il [TIbsl Oo O11 O SC lh_ F[TIC" Uqi wil ,_ht, l dowi _ aJlamcilicc,llyc,fc, i
a,.%cols I[1o sc_ll rlgs in 5 seconds. J,_c_ lh.._ mode o l:.m'>sel l-e 'sorl Frno of
I;:C" b111 _._ hoJIS ir advaqcu.
.a}_'oss IIMFROI4, t-D d:splat ,_:11show 'XX' (i",e sel asl p- r.,!_,l'en ar._wc',
is come,,, ud "i,,_lirrt<,, FD aisplay w:ll sho_','0%
b} $_.,Idcsi'ea nalnaC, d hc_.1say _'ossiq_ Inc (i', pad o: Iho h..--plli-'a
bJIIc_"S, ol'e'_or eacl" hobi; fyo'_ passed I,,r_,dus r_'d i'_'r-' osr.,h'-' {_) c,od
<eyIc, Iowc- Iqc sdoc ioq.
c) Alia,- se _,1t-_: ON, I-D dspoy _il sh,:_wIh¢ Imc. Ihs lin'c oisalay_a:
u"i wil sorts ofc_X I_ou,s.
* limer o_ (Sac Fig. _ 5_
Uril [nbsl go [un"i'_ Io se;I I'o linl_'r _:_i USe I,is c, ptesol t,c liltlC'fob
weald il<c t'o _nl o s'_u o'_.
a} "_,essIIMFR aPE IF['} ois_lav wil sl,ow '_' {l:rn6 sol Iosl Fmc) wqe" power
is c,.,_mccr.'d:i'sl imc_ FD rsisplayw:ll sho_','0 _'.
b} Sc,l dosi,r_o nomac, byprcssi_'_]I-'c'_A) r_aac_:Iq_.,Iomp/l:mc hollo ,s.
On£t for eacl" hob,r: f _,:,_passed I-e cia's:ted i_o, .su lie (_ri ooo <o_ o
c) s,flo- s_."_tFR O-h FD ois£1avw:l show I'e _o" lemlar-'rahie ab<._u5 soconds la __,,:
Wl_er usrng ha Iraor Iho u,i wil as_:/revc'r o lnc csl COOl ard fur
.;till rigs t'_l'Ol" a_ ivr.;Icd, lhc Fmol llljsl bc IOSOI C_'Cly l:IllC fou £qoOsr." C,
USe il,
Cantl_l Panel,
Vent Control Operations
-"or maxi_',,.m cc__c4iqgc4fi<aq,:V,
C_OSE h,= va,_l. This will alow
rlcnal _ir <'l%d01i,_q.
OPEl_,lqc vcrl Io _J:scqargc sdc ai_
Adjusting the Air Flow Direction _:_:_u-_'_
A r:lc,w oaq ae ad usted av ,.:t'ar_i%_ 4"e dire<÷ion of the a'r c_ndffioner's oJ_e's
Tt'is car" also ncreose fqe coohg effi,t eq<v o; "l-e air coroi':ore,.
Adjusting Horlzontul Air Flow
Ad _sti_g -l-e verical oJ_e,s ef a'_
r_ghfwil chaqge l_orizcq_al airflow
Adiu#ing Verllcul AI_ Flow Direction
%:1u#ir0 fl'e -o4:orfa _ore u_ a_d dowr wall
chagge vert;cal airflow The vaqe car be adjus÷ed
_,.cging me Back o, '-t:' at0 clow_ of the _ore.
Adjusting Horizontal Air Fl_w Adju_tin_ Vertical Air Flow
AciJ:;t oJ¢e,_ "o [ace upv,a,c_ _en c.oollq(_"o ,'na_i{,'ize cool'_'_ e[[:cleecv.
Ber'oreyou install yo_r ah" concJitioner check the following:
1)The unit is free oFall obstructions inside and outside the raom e.g dr_pes,
curtains, furniture, plants, shrubs, bushes, trees,other structureslike building,
garage etc. Air conditioner musthave clear unobstructed airflow "ll'_roughthe
condenser to remove the Ileat.
2) Thewindow isstrangenough to holdthewBicjhtof theair conditioner.
Extrabracketsor supportsmay beneededdependingon yourwindows.
3) ThewiJndowsilland trackare strongenoughta holdtl_eweightof the
air condlt[ane_:
4) Thewall isstrong enoch to hold the unit. Extra brackets ar supports may b_
n_ded depending on the wall.
,_5) There is adequate,and proper power supply rlear the air conditioner.
_.6) DO NOT useadapter plugs_
,_ 7) DO NOT useextension cords.
-_P,) DO NOT cutor remove.Ihe.ground prong.
_. 9) DO NOT modib, the plug or the eleclrical wall outlet in any way.
Ifplug does not tit the eleclrical outlet hove a certified electrician do the
n_essary change.
,_10) DO NOT connect electricalpower to the unit k_fore installation.
__ 11) DO NOT useiFpower cord isworn out, frayed or otherwise damaged.
Avoid using iFthere are cracks or al_rasion damage along t]_elenqth,
plu9 _-_rconnection.
__: 2'_[Jecaleful of e,_pos_dsh0r0 e,_L_e_of Ihe cabinel an,_sh,:'p coil_ (f:n_)o,"
lie back ,:_fhe unil hal coud cul arv: cry'useselious:q;u%
Youwill need to hc_veIhe following tools to help you in the [nslallation oF
your air conditioner.
-Phillips Screwdriver
Standard Screwdriver
Drill and Drill Bits
Installing Unit into A Window
Window Opening Requirements
The oir concil'ior_r _sc.asig_eo to f't i_to de,.b e or si_ge nu'_ scsh-yoe w nclows. Ea<t" o'}t_e
bclwoon he sloeso 1heunit ano I>,_winoow Ira .'¢. -I_o ,:ho, bc.'low.el ;,cls h_, ,Hi'-_o.<ons o
tile Jri[s wi,t', one, €4+oJt iflsla la;'ior k#s, Mao_re you, winoow open:nt_ wid,h anc compare
il :_ lil_ ::ii:]" !:el{:w o eq_ule lit] il m_e _ he mi,4mu,_ ant ,, <jxi _Jm w,_:icw w:dh ,_q,lt_me, l_
L_{ir c@_ Yin _6
_._scW clh
Models HWRIOXCS. I'IWR12XCS. HWR! 4XC5, ESA3105, ESA,?,125
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Haier ACD125E Owner's manual

Owner's manual
This manual is also suitable for

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