Agria 3456 Owner's manual

Owner's manual

This manual is also suitable for

998 347-A Type agria 3456 612, 5956 622 Agria-Werke GmbH • D-74215 Möckmühl • Tel. +0049(0)6298/39-0 • Fax +49(0)6298/39111 • e-mail: [email protected] • Internet: 5
1. Safety Instructions 2. Specifications
Article no.:........................................... 3456 612................................. 5956 622
Working width: .............................................80 cm.....................................100 cm
Cutting height: ............................... 30 - 100 mm............................ 30 - 100 mm
Flail knives ....................................... 36 piece................................ 48 piece
Speed of the driving motor .........max. 825 min
......................... max. 825 min
Noise level ............................................................................................................
(at operator’s ear) L
: ............................. ..86,6 dB(A)............................... 86,6 dB(A)
Acoustic power level L
: ................. 106,6 db(A)............................. 106,6 dB(A)
Weight:................................................. ca. 142 kg............................... ca. 157 kg
Transmission oil: SAE 855 W-90............. 0.5 Ltr...................................... 0.5 Ltr.
Dimensions: (mm)
b ............................................................ 820 mm................................. 1020 mm
B............................................................ 980 mm................................. 1180 mm
h ............................................................ 600 mm................................... 600 mm
L ............................................................ 960 mm................................... 960 mm
Before starting the engine, read the
operating instructions and note:
This symbol marks all paragraphs in
these operating instructions which con-
cern your safety. Pass all safety instruc-
tions to other users and operators.
Also read and observe the safety re-
gulations in the operating instruc-
tions for the engine.
Due Use
The flail mower has been designed for
mowing use in farming and forestry (due
Any other type of operation is conside-
red undue. The manufacturer is not lia-
ble for any damage resulting from un-
due use, for which the risk lies with the
user alone.
Due use includes compliance with ma-
nufacturer’s instructions on operation,
maintenance and repair.
Any unauthorized changes to the flail
mower render manufacturer liability null
and void.
General Instructions on
Safety and Accident
Basic Rule:
The standard accident prevention regu-
lations must be adhered to, as well as
all other generally accepted rules go-
verning operational safety, occupatio-
nal health and road traffic regulations.
For drives on public roads, the latest
traffic code applies.
Accordingly, check the flail mower for
road and operational safety each time
you take up operation.
Only persons familiar with the flail mo-
wer and instructed on the hazards of
operation are allowed to use, maintain
and repair the flail mower.
Young persons of 16 years or younger
are not permitted to operate the flail
Only work in good light and visibility.
Operator’s clothes should fit tightly.
Avoid wearing loosely fitting clothes.
Wear solid shoes.
Note the warning and instruction signs
on the flail mower for safe operation.
Compliance is for your own safety.
When transporting the flail mower on
vehicles or trailers outside the area to
be cultivated, ensure that the engine is
shut off.
Careful with rotating tools – keep at a
safe distance!
Due to its centrifgual mass, the mowing
knife can follow up. During that time, do
not stay too close to the mower hou-
sing. Only when the mowing knife is
completely standing still and the spark
plug connector or ignition key has been
withdrawn, works on the mower are
Foreign powered parts shear and
Riding on the machine during operation
is not permitted.
Implements and weights influence the
driving, steering, braking, and tip-over
characteristics of the flail mower. The-
refore, ensure steering and braking
functions are sufficient. Match opera-
ting speed to conditions.
Do not change settings of governor.
High engine speed increases risk of
Working Area and Danger
The user is liable to third parties wor-
king within the flail mower’s working ran-
Staying in the danger zone is not per-
If the operator should notice that a per-
son or animal is staying within this area,
the machine must be shut down without
delay and must not be operated again
before the area is free again.
Check the immediate surroundings of
the machine before you start it. Watch
out for children and animals.
Before you start work, clear the area
from any foreign object. During opera-
tion, always watch out for further ob-
jects and remove them in time.
For operation in enclosed areas, ensu-
re that a safety distance is kept to en-
closures to prevent damage to tools.
Be careful when mowing; ensure that
the mowing knives does not seize
obstacles such as border stones, en-
closures, roots etc.
Operation and
Safety Devices
Before You Start the Engine
Become familiar with the devices and
operating elements and their functions.
Above all, learn how to shut off the en-
gine quickly and safely in an emergen-
cy situation.
Ensure that all protective devices are
mounted and positioned to provide pro-
Starting the engine
Be careful upon starting and during
mowing; do not come directly close to
the cutting section with your hands or
When starting, it is not permitted to
bring the flail mower into an upright po-
sition or to tilt it.
For starting the engine, do not step in
front of the flail mower.
Only start the engine from the opera-
tor's position. The engine may not be
started by short-circuiting the electri-
cal connections in the starter, as the
machine could otherwise immediately
be set in motion.
Never leave the operator’s position at
the steering handle while flail mower is
at work.
Never adjust the operating handles du-
ring work – danger!
For all works with the flail mower, in
particular for turning, the machine ope-
rator must keep the distance to the
machine given by the steering handles.
Riding on the implement during opera-
tion or in transport is not permitted.
If clogging occurs in the implement or
in the mower, shut off the engine, with-
draw the spark plug connector or igni-
tion key and clean the implement or the
mower with an appropriate tool.
In case of damage to the flail mower,
immediately shut off the engine and
have it repaired.
If steering causes problems, immedia-
tely bring the flail mower to a halt and
shut it off. Have the malfunction elimi-
nated without delay.
Driving speed must always be adjusted
to suit the surrounding conditions. When
driving uphill or downhill and driving
across a slope avoid sudden turns.
When driving in curves switch off the
differential lock. Never disengage the
clutch and change gear on an incline.
If possible, always work across the slo-
End of Operation
Never leave the flail mower unattended
with the engine running.
Before you leave the flail mower, shut
off the engine, close the fuel cocks and
secure against rolling away.
Secure flail mower against unauthori-
zed use. When using an ignition key
take this out, otherwise pull the spark
plug connector.
Mowing Equipment
In cases of improper operation the
sharp blades in the mowing cutters pose
a considerable danger of injury. Wear
protective gloves when working on the
mowing knives.
When changing the mowing knives en-
sure that the screwing movement leads
away from the blade edges.
Protective glasses and protective glo-
ves must be worn when sharpening the
mowing knives.
Cleaning and Maintenance
Never carry out any maintenance or
cleaning with the engine running.
After switching off the drive, the mower
may continue to coast due to its centri-
fugal mass. Do not go too near to the
mower during this time. Only when it has
come to a complete standstill can it be
worked upon.
Check regularly and, if necessary, re-
place all protecting devices and tools
subject to wear and tear.
Replace damaged cutter sections.
Observe maintenance intervals of the
Operating Instructions No. 998 347-A 09.12
Before commissioning the machine, read operating
instructions and observe warnings and safety instructions.
Warning – danger
Important information
Engine Start
Engine speed
Cutter coasting time
Adjust cutting height
Visual inspection
Explanation of Warning Signs
Before any cleaning, maintenance,
and repair work shut off the engine
and pull spark plug connector.
With engine running, keep at a safe
distance from mowing knives.
Do not touch moving machinery
parts. Wait until they have come to
a complete stop.
With engine running, keep at a safe
Do not open safety guard.
Secure from rolling away with a
chock before leaving the machine.
Marking of the position of
the parts is necessary be
fore dismantling. Pay atten
tion to the marking when
Transmission oil
Transmission oil level
Lubricate with grease gun
Lubricating with brush
è See operating instructions ...
-Serviceç = please con-
tact your specialised agria workshop
When working with the ma-
chine, wear individual protec-
tive ear plugs.
3456 612 80 cm > 34860295
5956 622 100 cm > 59860170
Wear protective gloves.
flail knives.
Always wear safety gloves and use pro-
per tools when exchanging the cutter
Repair work, such as welding, grinding,
drilling etc., is not allowed to be carried
out on load-bearing, safety-critical
Check nuts and bolts regularly for tight fit
and re-tighten, if necessary.
Ensure that you re-install all safety and pro-
tective devices and bring them into their pro-
tective position after maintenance and
Only use original Agria spare parts (espe-
cially mowing knives). All other commercial
spare parts must correspond to quality and
technical requirements specified by Agria.
Pay attention to the prescribed oil qua-
lity. Only store it in approved types of
Dispose of oils, fuel, grease and filters
separately and according to regulations.
Flail Mower
3456 612 and 5956 622
Operating Instructions
Translation of the original operating instructions
The technical information, illustrations and measures given in these instructions are not
binding. Claims of any kind cannot be derived from them.
We reserve the right to make improvements without changing these instructions.
998 347-A Type agria 3456 612, 5956 622 Agria-Werke GmbH • D-74215 Möckmühl • Tel. +0049(0)6298/39-0 • Fax +49(0)6298/39111 • e-mail: [email protected] • Internet: 6
ΠSupport Foot
Support Position
for easier attachment to and
removal from the base ma-
Working Position
Cutting height
Adjustment of the crank,
beforehand remove locking
Ž Attachment
Adjustable according to
Fixed Position:
Headless screw to be scre-
wed down until just touching
the nut, locknut fixed
Movable Position:
Release the nut a little from
the bottom, screw the head-
less screw out to about the
height of the nut and re-lock
the nut.
Mounting to
the base machine
base machine
Clevis Type
for loading with a crane
for holding on a slope
with a rope or bar
Wheels, optional
Height adjustment by inser-
ting the relvant spacer rings
6. Troubleshooting and Remedies
Observe safety instructions! Have all serious malfunctions on the machine or
engine repaired by your agria workshop. They have the proper tools. Improper
repairs can only add to the damage.
3. Devices and Operating Elements 4. Operation 5. Maintenance 5. Maintenance 6. Troubleshooting
Before Mowing
Check knives
Ensure that all protective equipment is fitted, is not defective and is in the protective
Before you start work, clear the area from any foreign object. During operation,
always watch out for further objects and remove them in time.
ΠWear individual protective ear plugs
Support foot in working position
Ž Adjust cutting height
Starting the engine è base machine
PTO to position "I"
Depending on the application, select respective gear
(1. or 2.)
Slowly engage clutch and increase engine speed
Shutting down the flail mower
In reverse order
For removal mount the support foot in the support position
- Turn off the mower drive before moving across areas other than grass.
- If a foreign object is hit, look for damage to the machine and carry out any
necessary repairs before continuing to work with the machine
- If the machine begins to vibrate unusually strongly an immediate check is neces-
Before any cleaning turn off the engine and pull spark plug con-
nector or ignition key for safety reasons!
Danger Zone
Staying in the danger zone of the machine during
starting and operation is not permitted.
If the operator should notice that a person or animal
is staying within this area, the machine must be shut
down without delay and must not be operated again
before the area is free again.
The user is liable to third parties working within the
flail mower’s working range.
Working on Slopes
only drive if the ground conditions allow - on damp grass there is insufficient adhesion
for the wheels
maintain a low driving speed on slopes and in sharp curves
pay attention to mounds and dips and other dangers which may not be obvious
do not drive on slopes greater than 25 °
base machine
If possible, always work cross to the slope!
If on slopes there is the risk of slipping, the ma-
chine must be kept in position with a rod or a rope
by a second person. The accompanying person must
stay above the vehicle at a suitable distance to the
danger zone.
Starting the Engine on the Slope
base machine
è I
è I
Protective Cloths
Always inspect the protective cloths in front of and
behind the cutting tools for damage and wear be-
fore starting the machine and when carrying out
service work and replace them where necessary.
Do not operate either with damaged
protective cloths or without them fit-
Cutter Brake
The brake which is integrated into the cutting tools
ensures that, after switching off the engine (at max.
engine speed) or when leaving the operating posi-
tion (safety switch), the cutting tools will come to a
complete stop at the latest after 7 seconds.
After every 200 hours check that the cutter
coasting time < 7 seconds, where necessary.
- Serviceç
Flail Knives
Wear protective gloves.
Attention: Never work with flail knives
and screws which are below the dimen-
sions shown in the diagram or which are da-
After every 50 working hours, at every chage of
knives and when there is an increase in vibration,
check the flail knives, screws and the fixing lug on
the rotor shaft for wear and damage.
ΠReplace all parts which do not meet the mini-
mum dimensions.
Should increased vibrations in the ma-
chine continue to occur
- Serviceç
Only use a hexagon heasd screw (1) with
a property class of at least 10.9.
The flail knives are easily exchanged, are suspen-
ded loosely swinging and must remain freely sus-
Only use original Agria spare parts!
1 Hexagon screw 777 79 min. 10.9
2 Washer 557 09
3 Locking nut 281 10
4 Flail knives 776 06
Ž Tightening torque of the counternut:25 Nm.
Always exchange the counternut for a new one
when changing the knives.
Oil the flail knife screws a little in cases of ex-
termely hard use, so that wear is reduced.
Angular Gear
Change transmission oil after the first 20 ope-
rating hours and then once a year.
The oil level must be up as far as the inspec-
tion opening.
Pay attention to any areas where oil leaks,
repair where necessary and top up gear oil.
Knife shaft bearing
Lubricate with grease on both sides at least
once a day (at least 8 operating hours) and after
cleaning with a high-pressure cleaner.
Self-Aligning Bearing,
Clutch Sleeve, V-Belt
ΠLubricate once a year and after
cleaning with a high-pressure cleaner
Lubricate after each cleaning
Ž Check V-belt after every 50 operating
hours, change if necessary - V-belt set (2
pieces) = Agria-Nr. 776 25
Changing V-Belt
Remove the V-belt protector on the
cutting tools
Mark the fitting position for the brake
ƒ Measure the setting of the pressure
spring and note the dimension "A"
Dismantle parts (1 - 4)
Dismantle parts (5 - 7)
Reduce V-belt tension and take off the
Insert new V-belt and re-assemble the
parts in reverse order -
- Ensure that the brake plate (7) is fitted
according to the marked position
Pay attention to the fitting position of the
sperical disc (6)
- Change the counternuts (5 + 1) at the la-
test after the fifth time of unscrewing.
- Unscrew the counternuts (1) up to the
established setting dimension ƒ"A".
Re-mount the the V-belt protector.
Do not operate the machine
without the protection device in
6 50 h
6 J, B
20 m
25 °
Before all adjustment work the engine must
be shut off and the spark plug connector or
the ignition key withdrawn for safety reasons.
20 ... 120 mm
2. 1.
After every mowing application, im-
mediately and thoroughly clean the
cutting section
with water. All slid-
ing parts must then be greased with
Bio lube oil or Bio grease.
After cleaning with a high-pressure
cleaner, immediately lubricate the
lubricating points at the machine and
shortly operate the flail mower so
that the entered water is pressed out.
At the bearing points, a grease col-
lar shall have emerged protecting the
bearing point against entering of dirt,
plant sap and water.
For longer periods of no operation prepare
machine for storage. Proceed as follows:
a) Clean thoroughly
Repair paint coat
b) Storing the machine
To avoid severe corrosion:
- Preserve the machine from atmospheric
Do not park the machine in:
- humid rooms
- in rooms where fertilizer is stored
- in stables or adjacent rooms.
5 6 7
3 4
max. 7 sec
6 20 h, J
6 200 h
6 50 h
at least
6 mm
at least
5,5 mm
25 Nm
6 8 h, B
Excessive vibration
Mowing output sud-
denly declines
Cutter block does
not rotate
Check screws,
if necessary re-tighten,
expecially knife attachment
Change knives
Reduce working width
Re-sharpen knives or
change them
Remove blockage
Change V-belt
Possible Cause
Loosened attachment
Cutter block imbalance
Too much material to be cut
Dull knives
Blokage through too much
cut material
V-belt out of order
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Agria 3456 Owner's manual

Owner's manual
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