Thank you for purchasing a MAKITA product!
Congratulations on choosing a MAKITA Power Cut cutoff saw!
We are condent that you will be satised with this modern
piece of equipment. Like our chain saws, the MAKITA Power
Cuts feature specially designed high-performance engines
with outstanding power-to-weight ratios, for heavy-duty yet
lightweight tools.
Other advantages of the MAKITA Power Cuts:
• Sturdy construction and high reliability.
• Maintenance-free electronic ignition, hermetically sealed to
protect against dust and moisture.
• Vibration damping with the MAKITA 2-mass system (D2M) for
tireless working even when guiding the Power Cut by hand.
• Five-stage air-lter system for reliable working even under
very dusty conditions.
• Two options for mounting the cutter attachment: Either cen-
trally, for good balance when guiding the unit manually, or on
the side, for ush cuts along walls or curbsides or horizontally
directly above the ground.
• Extensive range of resin-bonded and diamond grit cutting
discs, trolley with dust catcher, and systems for supplying
water to the disc.
The following industrial property rights apply: US 08510690,
SE 95027298, SE 95027306, IT 95000653, IT 95000654, GBM
9412558, GBM 9412559.
We want you to be satised with your MAKITA product.
In order to guarantee the optimal function and performance of
your Power Cut and to ensure your personal safety we would
request you to perform the following:
Read this instruction manual carefully before putting the
Power Cut into operation for the first time, and strictly
observe the safety regulations! Failure to observe these
precautions can lead to severe injury or death!
EU Conformity Declaration
The undersigned, Tomoyasu Kato, as authorized by MAKITA
Corporation, declare that the MAKITA machines,
Type: (395)
Power Cut EK7300, EK7301
manufactured by MAKITA Corporation, 3-11-8 Sumiyoshi-Cho,
Anjo, Aichi, 446-8502 Japan, conforms to the basic safety and
health requirements of the applicable EU Directives:
EU Machinery Directive 2006/42/EG, EU EMC Directive
2004/108/ EG, Outdoor Noise Directive 2000/14/EG.
The most important standards applied to properly meet the re-
quirements of the above EU Directive were: EN 19432, CISPR
12, EN ISO 14982, DIN EN 61000-4. The conformity assess-
ment procedure 2000/14/EG was performed per Annex V. The
measured noise level (L
) is 114 dB(A). The guaranteed noise
level (L
) is 115 dB(A).
The technical documentation is on le at MAKITA International
Europe Ltd., Michigan Drive, Tongwell, Milton Keynes, Bucks,
MK15 8JD, England.
Anjo, 4.12.2011 for MAKITA Corporation
Tomoyasu Kato
Managing Director
Table of contents Page
Packing ................................................................................ 2
Delivery inventory .............................................................. 3
Symbols ............................................................................... 3
Intended use ................................................................... 4
General precautions ....................................................... 4
Protective equipment ...................................................4-5
Fuels / Refuelling ............................................................ 5
Putting into operation ...................................................... 5
Cutting discs ................................................................... 6
Kickback and lock-in ....................................................... 7
Working behavior / Method of working ............................7
Always observe the following when using
synthetic resin cutting discs ............................................. 8
Cutting metal ................................................................... 8
Cutting masonry and concrete ..................................... 8-9
Transport and storage ..................................................... 9
Maintenance .................................................................10
First aid ......................................................................... 10
Disposal and environmental protection ......................... 10
Technical data ................................................................... 11
Denomination of components ......................................... 12
Mounting the cutting disc ............................................... 13
Tightening the V-belt / Checking V-belt tension ............ 14
Fuels / Refuelling .....................................................14-15
Starting the engine ........................................................ 16
Cold-starting ................................................................. 17
Warm-starting ...............................................................17
Stop engine ................................................................... 17
Adjusting the carburetor .................................................. 18
Changing the V-belt ...................................................... 19
Cleaning the protection hood ........................................ 20
Cleaning / changing the air lter ..............................20-21
Replacing the spark plug ..............................................22
Replacing the suction head ..........................................22
Replacing the starter cable ........................................... 23
Replacing the return spring ........................................... 24
Replacing / cleaning the spark arrester screen ............. 26
Instructions for periodic maintenance ........................... 28
Cutting attachment in central / side position ................. 25
Repositioning the cutting attachment .......................25-26
Diamond cutting discs, trolley, water tank
and pressure water system............................................ 27
Service, spare parts and guarantee ................................ 28
Troubleshooting ............................................................... 29
Extract from spare parts list .......................................30-31
Accessories .................................................................. 31
Your MAKITA Power Cut is packed in a cardboard box to pr e-
vent shipping damage.
Cardboard is a basic raw material and is consequently reuseable
or suitable for recycling (waste paper recycling).
Zahvaljujemo vam se na kupovini MAKITINOG
Čestitаmo vam na izboru MAKITA Power Cut testere za otsecanje!
Uvereni smo da ćete da budete zadovoljni sa ovom modernom
napravom. Kao naše lančane testere, MAKITA Power Cut se odlikuju
sa posebno konstruisanim pogonom sa visokim performansama, sa
odličnim stepenom u odnosu snaga - težina, za teške i lagane alate.
Останати предности на МАКИТА Power Cuts:
• Prilagodljiva konstrukcija i visoka pouzdanost.
• Elektronsko paljenje bez potrebe za održavanje, hermetički
zatvoren uređaj čime je zaštićen od prašine i vlage.
• Prigušene vibracije sa MAKITA - sistemom sa 2 mase (D2M) za rad
bez umora kada se Power Cut vodi sa rukom.
• Petostepeni sistem za prečišćavanje vazduha za pouzdan rad u
uslovima velike prašine.
• Dve mogućnosti za montiranje brusog kamena: u srednji položaj, za
dobar balans kod ručnog ili bočnog sečenja, za bočna sečenja po
dužini zidova ili ivičnjaka ili kod direktnog sečenja u pod.
• Velika paleta sintetičkih i dijamantskih brusnih diskova, kolica za
sakupljanje prašine i sistem za snabdevanje diska vodom.
Zastupljena su sledeća industrijska prava: US 08510690, SE
95027298, SE 95027306, IT 95000653, IT 95000654, GBM 9412558,
GBM 9412559.
Mi želimo da budete zadovoljni sa vašim MAKITA proizvodom. U
cilju garantovanja optimalnih funkcija i performansi Power Cut-a i
obezbeđivanju lične bezbednosti od Vas tražimo da se pridržavate
Pročitajte pažljivo ovo uputstvo pre nego što prvi put pustite
Power Cut u rad i pažljivo sledite propise za bezbednost!
Pogrešno razumevanje ovih propisa može da dovede do
ozbiljnih povreda i smrti!
EU Deklaracija za saobraznost
Potpis Tomoyasu Kato, kao ovlašćenog od MAKITA Corporation,
potvrđuje da MAKITA mašina,
Tip: (395)
Power Cut EK7300, EK7301
proizvedena u MAKITA Corporation, 3-11-8 Sumiyoshi-Cho, Anjo,
Aichi, 446-8502 Japan, je saobrazna sa osnovnim bezbednosnim i
zdravstvenim potrebama prema navodima u Propisima EU:
EU Mašinski Propisi 2006/42/EG, EU EMC Propisi 2004/108/ EG,
Propisi za spoljnu buku 2000/14/EG.
Najvažniji standardi se primenjuju na način da zadovoljavaju
potrebe prema sledećim propisima EU:
EN 19432, CISPR 12, EN ISO 14982, DIN EN 61000-4. Procedura
za procenu saobraznosti 2000/14/EG je izvedena prema Aneksu V.
Izmereno nivo buke (Lwa) is 114 dB(A).
Garantovano nivo buke (Ld) is 115 dB(A).
Tehnička dokumentacija se nalazi u arhivi u MAKITA International
Europe Ltd., Michigan Drive, Tongwell, Milton Keynes, Bucks, MK15
8JD, England.
Anjo, 4.12.2011 for MAKITA Corporation
Sadržaj Stranica
Pakovanje........................................................................................ 2
Sadržina isporuke........................................................................... 3
Simboli ............................................................................................ 3
Namena ......................................................................................... 4
Opšta upozorenja.............................................................................. 4
Zaština oprema ............................................................................4-5
Goriva/punjenje................................................................................. 5
Puštаnje u rаd ................................................................................. 5
Diskovi zа sečenje............................................................................. 6
Povratni udarac i trzanje..................................................................... 7
Ponašanje u poslu /Metod rada ........................................................7
Uvek da se pridržavate sledećem kada koristite diskove za
otsecanje od sintetičkih smola....................................................8
Sečenje metala............................................................................... 8
Sečenje maltera i betona ........................................................8-9
Transport i skladišćenje................................................................... 9
Prva pomoć.....................................................................................10
Briga i zaštita životne sredine .................................................... 10
Tehnički podaci.............................................................................. 11
Opis sastavnih delova ..................................................................12
Montiranje diska za sečenje.............................................................13
Zatezanje klinastog kajša/ Provera zategnutosti kajša....................14
Goriva/punjenje ..........................................................................14-15
Startovanje motora..........................................................................16
Hladno startovanje...........................................................................17
Toplo startovanje.............................................................................17
Zaustavljanje motora........................................................................17
Podešavanje kаrburаtora.............................................................18
Izmena klinastog kajša....................................................................19
Čišćenje zaštitnog poklopca............................................................20
Čišćenje / izmena ltera za vazduh..............................................20-21
Izmena svećice ...............................................................................22
Izmena usisne glave .....................................................................22
Izmena užeta za startovanje........................................................23
Zamena povratne opruge................................................................24
Zamena/ čišćenje sita za zadržavanje varnice........................... 26
Uputstva za periodično održavanje.................................................28
Pribor za sečenje u centralni/bočni položaj................................ 25
Premeštanje pribora za sečenje.............................................25-26
Dijamantski diskovi za sečenje, kolica za vođenje, rezervoar
za vodu i vodeni sistem pod pritiskom..............................................27
Servis, rezervni delovi i garancija................................................28
Dijagnoza kvarova.........................................................................29
Izvod iz liste rezervnih delova.........................................30-31
Vaš MAKITA Power Cut je upakovan u kartonsku kutiju
čime je zaštićen od oštećenja prilikom transporta. Karton
je osnovna sirovina i prema tome može ponovo da se
upotrebi ili da se reciklira (recikliranje stare hartije).