Step 2. Install fence face squaring set screws and adjust fence faces
Apply one drop of thread locker (g) onto the threads of each fence squaring
set screw (d) and install into the threaded holes in the fence brackets, 8
screws total. Install the two mounting knobs (D) through the holes in the
fence base and install the fence onto your router table. Check that the fence
faces are square to your table. If adjustment is needed, loosen the retaining
screws between the set screws and use the set screws to adjust the face
square to the table. Make small adjustments and tighten the retaining screws
before conrming squareness.
Step 3. Adjust fence face alignment
First, loosen the two bracket retaining screws for the infeed fence assembly and ensure that the infeed fence is
seated fully against the fence base, then tighten screws. Second, loosen the two bar knobs on the outfeed fence
assembly and ensure that the outfeed fence is seated fully against the fence base, then tighten knobs. Check
that the infeed and outfeed fences are in alignment with an accurate straight edge. If not perfectly aligned rst
recheck fence to table squareness and adjust as needed. If adjustment is still needed it is preferred to adjust the
infeed fence rst. e router bit opening will need to be adjusted depending on the diameter and height of the
specic bit. e fence faces are shipped in the fully closed position and will need to be adjusted before use. is
adjustment may require all three pieces of each fence face assembly to be adjusted independently depending on
your specic application and desired conguration.
Step 4. Install Rules and Bit Guard
Ensure that the tops of the fence rails are clean and free of dirt and oil. Apply the rules so that the graduations
start at the center of the fence and read outward, one rule reads le to right and the other right to le. Each rule
has an alignment diamond and a small amount of extra length at each end to allow trimming. Use the diamond
to conrm the rules are installed properly. e split infeed and outfeed fence design allows the top rails to be
adjusted independently so the rules will reed accurately for your specic application. Install the bit guard (D)
using the included T-bolts and knobs to secure the guard to the fence at your desired location and height.
Using Your Fence For Jointing
Your fence includes a pair of T-shaped oset bars (F).
ese bars are used to create an accurate 1/16” or 1/8”
oset between the infeed and outfeed fence. When not in
use these bars can be conveniently stored in the rear-facing
T-track in the fence base. To install your desired oset bar,
loosen the two bar knobs on the outfeed fence and slide forward.
Slide your desired oset bar into the forward-facing T-track in the
fence base. Slide the outfeed fence assembly back against the oset bar
and tighten the bar knobs. You can now install your desired router bit and
use your router table as an edge jointer.
Fence Base
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