
OXFORD LAB Benchmate Operating instructions

  • I have reviewed the product detail for the Oxford Benchmate Pipette Tips. This document details the features of the tips such as their diamond finish molds for precise dispensing, wide seal for compatibility, and low sample retention properties. I am ready to answer any questions you have about these pipette tips.
  • What materials are the Oxford Benchmate Tips free from?
    What type of seal does the tip have for better grip?
    What is special about the molds used in manufacturing?
    What is the tip's orifice designed for?
For more details, visit us at
With a superior manufacturing facility and strict guidelines, Oxford Benchmate Tips are of the highest quality.
Ring seal provides
Very low sample
Wide seal for wide
Nuclease, endotoxin &
pyrogen free
Smooth internal
Superior Pipette Tips
Oxford Benchmate Tips