START: Secure band around both
legs just above knees. Stand with feet
hip-width apart and arms straight
at sides.
FINISH: Slowly raise arms while
bending knees, lower hips and
buttocks until arms are straight out
in front and knees are directly above
toes. Hold 1-2 seconds and return
to start position.
START: Secure band around both
legs just above knees. Stand with feet
hip-width apart and hands on hips.
FINISH: Keeping body straight and
head up, slowly lift exercising leg up
and back with toes pointed toward
floor. Hold 1-2 seconds and return to
start position.
START: Secure band around both
legs just above knees. Stand with feet
hip-width apart and hands on hips.
FINISH: Keeping body straight
and head up, slowly lift exercising
leg straight out to the side. Hold 1-2
seconds and return to start position.
START: Secure band around both
legs just above knees. Stand with feet
hip-width apart and hands on hips..
FINISH: Slowly bend knees,
lowering hips and buttocks until
thigh of front leg and shin of back
leg are almost parallel to the floor. Lift
back heel off floor, keeping front knee
directly over foot, head and shoulders
directly above hips, and back straight.
Hold 1-2 seconds and return to start.
All exercise programs come with inherent risks. Consult your health care professional before beginning this or any exercise program. PRODUCT MAY DIFFER SLIGHTLY THAN ONE SHOWN.
© 2021 ECHELON FITNESS MULTIMEDIA, LLC. All specifications are subject to change without notice. All rights reserved. Manufactured and distributed under license by Fit for Life LLC,
833 W South Boulder Rd. Suite G, Louisville, CO 80027-2452. Fit for Life is an authorized licensee of Echelon Fitness Multimedia, LLC. SKU 15-64682GUIDE